2 Female Chinchillas In The Same Cage

Can a male and female chinchilla be in the same cage together?

You definitely do not want to put a male and a female together, nor do you want to consider having your female spayed. Many, many females die as a result of spaying. Chinchillas do not handle anesthesia or surgery well at all, especially that type of invasive surgery. If you HAD to neuter one of them, I would castrate the male as it is a much less dangerous procedure. It does, however, come with risks. Again, anesthesia is a biggie. Some chins do great with it, others have a horrible time recovering. They can go off their feed, get infected, become depressed. It can be done, but not a lot of people recommend it. Also, you would need to have a very experienced vet who has done many of these procedures so that they know what they are doing with a chinchilla. Too many vets say "It's no different than a kitten." Yes, it is and if that is their outlook, I would pass them by.

The easiest solution would be to get a second cage or get a large cage, like a Ferret Nation 142, and put one on the top, one on the bottom. Something to remember though, NO interaction at all, no playtime, no peeking through the bars, etc. can occur. Someon stated that it can take seconds for a chin to become pregnant and they are correct. There is just a whole host of reasons why breeding shouldn't be undertaken lightly, which I won't go into here. Suffice it to say, a same sex pair or a separate cage is the way to go.

I would definitely ask the person what sex the chin is, but I wouldn't just take their word. I would check for myself. Too many times people are incorrect at sexing chins and it just causes huge, huge problems down the road. Here is the link to a picture where you can clearly see the difference in the genitalia so you can make sure what sex chin you are getting: The first picture is a female, second is a male, third is a female.

If you have more chin questions you'd like to ask of an experienced chinchilla community of pet owners and breederse, please visit You need to be 14 to join, but you can read the entire forum whether you join or not.

Good luck!

Can you keep a female and male chinchilla in the same cage?

Yes, if one is fixed or you want babies.

2 male chinchillas together ?

Yes, it is possible to keep two chins of the same sex together. I have done it many times. However, that is not a guarantee that ALL male chins will get along with ALL other male chins, right out of the box.... you will still need to start with two cages....

It is always best to have a second cage around after the two are living together, incase a fight breaks out.

Can two female chinchillas be in a cage together?

Yes but you should probably just get a separate cage and put it directly next to the others cage so they can get used to each other. Let the two have play time together not for pong but gradually add more time for them to be playing together. Chinchillas are VERY defensive when it comes to there territory.

Can I put two female Chinchillas together?

I am saving up plenty of money to, get two chinchillas
and thought maybe two girls would be best because of males being aggressive,
also i don't want any babies,
and i read the anesthesia is very dangerous for
their tiny body's when you get them fixed

can they live together, or will they fight a lot?

Can 2 chinchillas live in the same cage together?

Hi, they are indeed capable of living in the same cage , but are you ready for this commitment i will go through the basic's and everything and include a cage that would be suitable,

Are 2 chinchillas capable of living in the same cage? (same genders) yes, but i recommend getting two females who have already met and are friends so you don't have to go through the process of letting them meet, separating them for a few week's and etc.

For how long? Will they fight? they will most likley beable to stay in a cage toghter for their life span ( 15-22 years), and their is a possiblitie but most likley no (to fighting).

1. vet care - chinchilla's teeth grow very quickly, you need some chew blocks in the cage to wear down their teeth you will need to bring them to the vet for their teeth cut twice a year, and a checkup 1-2 times a year also, vet care is expensive for one chinchilla but will be more for two can you afford it?
2. cage - chinchilla's are fairly active during the night, but during the day they sleep so you need a space were they can run and jump but also sleep , they cage can be wired on the outside , but must not have wire flooring (it causes bumble foot) this is the cage i have :

and would recommend this cage and nothing else, this is a good size but nothing smaller.


what not to use
non kiln dried pine
and other citrus bedding
Why? it causes respiratory problems
what to use :
kiln dried pine cheap and great with odor.
aspen - cheap, and great with odor
carefresh - only as a base it's also expensive and not good with odor if not used as a base.

Food&treats: a chinchilla should always have pellet's, and fresh alfalfa hay available this helps their digestive system, buy a food with no treats what so ever these treats constipate chinchillas often, never feed more than 4 treats in a month ( no more than once a week) their digestive system is very sensitive.

dust bath: never give a chinchilla a regular bath , they sell a dust bath house with dust/sand to go along with it , this takes the oils out of the chins fur, never give your chinchilla it more than once a week this can cause missing fur and dry skin, and never let him/her use the dust bath more than 10 minutes .

anymore questions?

email me -

Can I keep a male and a female Chinchilla in the same cage together?

I would like to breed them just once. Can the male stay in with the female after she has had babies? How can I introduce them together? I have not gotten them female yet, but I want to know this stuff before I do. I was wanting to know how do I take him out of he cage? He has half way climbed on to my arm, but never all the way on my arm. I do not want to hurt him or make feel scared/ uncomfortable. Also if anyone has anything else on Chinchillas I would greatly appreciate it. I am a first time owner and I want to know everything about them. I have had my male for about 4 months and he seems to be doing fine, but I want to make sure. My male is really tame and will eat food from your hand. Also I was wondering about how often to give him dust bath? I give it to him about once a week, but is that enough, or does he want/ need it more. Thanks to all that help!!

Can you put two male chinchillas together?

When you get a new chinchilla it is best to introduce them slowly over time. Placing a new chin in the cage with your original one right away will usually cause a fight.. In fact, chinchillas can fight to the death. Some matches take a bit longer than others but with a bit of patience and a few techniques pairing them up is possible. These techniques should be used for same sex pairs as well as for male/female pairs. Many pairs will go together easily, others may take a few attempts to make friends.

1. Place their cages side by side for a week so they can meet through the cage bars. Leave a small space between the cages so they won't be able to bite the other's nose. Once they seem OK with one another and are no longer 'fence fighting' it is time for step two.

2. Before you put your chinchillas together, place them in each other's cages for about an hour. Make sure you leave the original bedding and houses, ect. This way they can get used to each other's scent.

3. Now place fresh bedding in the male's cage and put the female into the cage with the male.

If you are introducing a same sex pair place the most aggressive, outgoing chinchilla into the cage with the other one. **Make sure you do this on a day when you can be there for a long while to watch for fighting. If they fight you will have to separate them and try again. You can expect the chinchillas to sniff each other, play chase, bark or squeek. If you have a female she may stand up and shoot urine at the male. If they begin jumping on each other and/or biting, separate them and try again in a few days. If your chinchillas don't seem to go together using the above method try placing them in a brand new cage with fresh bedding that doesn't have the smell of either animal. Neither one will have the "home turf" advantage.

Can I put my chinchilla in a cage and go outside with it?

A proper chinchilla cage is sizeable, and two-storey: Blue Cross states that the minimum cage size for a pair is about 1m x 1.5m floor space, by 1.3m tall. So it will not be easy to manouvre the cage outside. If you can move it, only take it outdoors if the weather is moderate (too cold is not good, but too hot is much worse, as chinchillas are dressed in heavy plush chinchilla coats and are therefore very susceptible to heat stroke.) And don’t take them outdoors if it is raining, because their thick fur can be extremely slow to dry, putting them in danger of getting a serious chill. As chinchillas are nocturnal animals, there is no point taking them out except in the late evening, or at night, or in the very early morning…but then, what’s the use of that?Anyway, at least once a year you will have to take your chinchilla out, because he needs to visit the veterinarian to have his teeth checked and to be weighed.So the answer is: of course you can do it—if the conditions are right and the cage is portable enough. But why would you?