3log3 3 - Log3 4 Cannot Contain A Logarithm

Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms. Can someone help! Will give 5 stars!?

Logarithms are always confusing at first. Learning them is a matter of practice. Understanding will come.

Let’s walk slowly through these problems.

I am going to use “log” to mean “logarithm to the base b.”


2^x = 30
Whenever the variable you want to isolate is in an exponent, it is necessary to take a log.

log(2^x) = log(30)

Remember now that a logarithm is an exponent. If b and q are positive numbers, then b^[something] = q. By definition, [something] is log q.

Remember also that b^(a^c) = (b^a)^c = b^(ac). Since a logarithm is an exponent, log(q^a) = a * log(q).

Knowing this, we can modify log(2^x) = log(30) to make it

x * log(2) = log(30)

Then we just do some ordinary algebra.

x = log(30) / log(2) ≈ 4.91


5^(x - 1) = 3^x

Take logs.

log[5^(x – 1)] = log(3^x)

(x – 1) log(5) = x * log(3)

x * log(5) – log(5) = x * log(3)

x * log(5) – x * log(3) = log(5)

x[log(5) – log(3)] = log(5)

x = log(5) / [log(5) – log(3)]

We may decide to consider ourselves done at this point. Alternatively, we can remember that subtracting logarithms is equivalent to dividing. Therefore we may, if we wish, finish with

x = log(5) / [log(5/3)]

Either way, we can get out our calculator and compute

x ≈ 3.15


3.53^(x + 1) = 65.4

Take logs, and make the exponent into a multiplier.

(x + 1) log(3.53) = log(65.4)

x * log(3.53) = log(65.4) - log(3.53) = log(65.4 / 3.53) = log(18.5269121813031)

In this case, the base of the logarithm matters. I will not finish the calculation. I leave it to you, if you wish, to pick a base you like and finish the calculation.


16^(x - 4) = 33 - x

I know of no way to solve for x when it appears as both an exponent and a term.


7^(x - 2) = 5^x

(x - 2) log(7) = x * log(5)

x * log(7) - x * log(5) = 2 log(7)

x [log(7) - log(5)] = 2 log(7)

x [log(7) - log(5)] = 2 log(7)

x = 2 log(7) / [log(7) - log(5)] = log(49) / log(7/5) ≈ 11.57

Help with logarithms ?

To convert logarithms to have common base, consider the following:
log [base x] (y) = log [base z] (y) / log [base z] (x)
so for example: log[2](4) = log4 / log2 = 2

Also remember: 2 * logx = log(x²)

log(base 3) x = 9 log(base x) 3
logx / log3 = 9 (log3 / logx)
logx * logx = (3 * 3) * log3 * log3
(logx)² = (3log3)²
(logx)² = (log(3³))²
logx = log(3³)
x = 3³ = 27

log(base 2) x = log(base 4) (x+6)
logx / log2 = log(x+6) / log4
logx * log4 / log 2 = log(x+6)
logx * 2 = log(x+6)
log(x²) = log(x+6)
x² = x + 6
x² - x - 6 = 0
(x - 3)(x + 2) = 0
x = 3 or -2
remember there was log[2](x), and you can't log a negative number, so x cannot equal -2
thus: x = 3

3^(x+1) * 2^(x-2) = 21
log [ 3^(x+1) * 2^(x-2) ] = log21
log[3^(x+1)] + log[2^(x-2)] = log21
(x+1)log[3] + (x-2)log[2] = log21
xlog3 + log3 + xlog2 - log2 = log21
x(log3 + log2) = log21 - log3 + log2
x = (log21 - log3 + log2) / (log3 + log2)
x = log(21*2/3) / log(3*2)
x = log(14) / log(6)
... feel free to calculate that if you want

4) 4(3^2x) = e^x
ln[4(3^2x)] = ln[e^x] << note I'm taking the natural logarithm this time
ln[4] + ln[(3^2x)] = x log[e]
ln[4] + 2x ln[3] = x
ln[4] = x - 2x ln[3]
ln4 = x(1 - 2ln3)
x = ln4 / (1 - 2ln3)
... feel free to calculate that if you want

For 5&6, bear in mind that: e^2x = e^(x+x) = e^x * e^x = (e^x)²

2e^2x - 3e^x = 2
2y² - 3y = 2
2y² - 3y - 2 = 0
(2y + 1)(y - 2) = 0
y = 2 or -½
y = e^x
e^x = 2 or -½
ln[e^x] = ln2 or ln(-½)
x = ln2 or ln(-½)
can't take a logarithm of a negative number thus
x = ln2

e^3x + 2e^x = 3e^2x
y³ + 2y = 3y²
y³ - 3y² + 2y = 0
y(y² - 3y + 2) = 0
y(y-2)(y-1) = 0
y = 0 or 1 or 2
y = e^x
e^x = 0 or 1 or 2
x = ln0 or ln1 or ln2
ln0 doesn't exist, and ln1 = 0, thus:
x = 0 or ln2

Im having some trouble with math 12 logarithm unit?

log[2](15/2) =>
log[2](3 * 5 / 2) =>
log[2](3) + log[2](5) - log[2](2) =>
y + x - 1

9 * log[27](x) - 4 * log[9](x) =>
9 * log(x) / log(27) - 4 * log(x) / log(9) =>
9 * log(x) / (3 * log(3)) - 4 * log(x) / (2 * log(3)) =>
3 * log(x) / log(3) - 2 * log(x) / log(3) =>
log(x) / log(3) =>

Logarithm and exponent questions? 10 points WILL be rewarded :)?

log(base3) (x+3)^2 - log(base3)(x+1)= log (base 3) 2^3
log(base3) (x+3)^2/(x+1)= log (base 3) 2^3
x=1 double root

3^(2x) 5 ^x= 7^(3x+1)
x=(log(base10) 7)/(log(base 10) (45/343))

substitute 3^x=y
but y is not zero ( because 3^x do not be 0)
then y=5 or y=-8/5 is not accepted
only y=5 is good
then 3^x=5
then x=log5/log 3

I want the answer to this log question, with working please?

I've used square brackets to indicate the
base and I've used the following rules :

log[A]B = log[C]B/log[C]A, where C is any base.
log[C](A^N) = Nlog[C]A, where C is any base.
A^(log[A]B) = B
(A^B)^N = A^(BN)

It also seems apparent that if everything is put
to the base 5, then the third rule will "rule OK".

Now I'll take each part in turn, one step at a time.
Take it slowly so you understand the rules used.

(1) 2/log[3](25) = 2/log[3](5^2) = 2/(2log[3]5) = 1/log[3]5
= 1/(log5/log3) = log3/log5 = log[5]3

Now, 625^(log[5]3) = (5^4)^(log[5]3) = 5^(4log[5]3)
= 5^{log[5](3^4)} = 3^4 = 81.

(2) log[125](27) = log(27)/log(125) = log(3^3)/log(5^3)
= 3log3/(3log5) = log3/log5 = log[5]3

Now, 25^(log[5]3) = (5^2)^(log[5]3) = 5^(2log[5]3)
= 5^{log[5](3^2)} = 3^2 = 9.

(3) Because of the integers we already have, I can't help
but feel that this last one is incorrectly given. My intuition
says that it should be 5^(3/(log base 6) 125), where a 3
should be where the second 5 is. Is that correct?
If not, then the rest of this is wasted.

3/log[6](125) = 3/{log(125)/log6} = 3/{log(5^3)/log6}
= 3/(3log5/log6) = log6/log5 = log[5]6

Now, 5^(log[5]6) = 6.

Thus, P = 81 + 9 + 6 = 96.

Which one is bigger? 3^pi or pi^3? How can I do mental math with this?

You have two numbers [math]x[/math] and [math]y[/math] with [math]x>y[/math] and the question is, which is larger [math]x^y[/math] or [math]y^x[/math]. To answer this, consider instead the function [math]f(x) = x^{\frac{1}{x}}[/math] for [math]x > 0[/math]. The derivative of this function is [math]f'(x) = x^{\frac{1}{x} - 2 } \left( 1 - \log x \right)[/math]This is positive for [math]\log x < 1 \implies x < e[/math] and negative for [math]\log x > 1 \implies x > e[/math]. This implies that this function has a maximum at [math]x = e[/math]. Further, we note that for very large [math]x[/math], the function limits to [math]1[/math]. Then, this function is less than one, only if [math]x < 1[/math]. Great! We have all the information we need to answer your question, and much much more. Let us take cases. Let [math]x > y > e[/math]. Then, by the properties of the function, [math]f(y)>f(x)[/math]. This implies [math]x^{\frac{1}{x}} < y^{\frac{1}{y}} \implies x^y < y^x[/math]. This is true for any two numbers greater than [math]e[/math]. In particular, the two numbers you have at hand are [math]\pi[/math] and [math]3[/math] both of which are greater than [math]e \approx 2.71[/math]. Further, [math]\pi > 3[/math]. Hence, [math]\pi^3 < 3^\pi[/math]. Let [math]e>x>y[/math]. Then, by the properties of the function, [math]f(x)>f(y)\implies x^y > y^x[/math]. For instance,  since [math]e>0.75>0.5[/math], we must have [math]0.75^{0.5} > 0.5^{0.75}[/math] which is true (as you can check).When [math]x>e>y[/math], then the question is trickier and we cannot answer which is larger in general. However, at least in one case, we can answer this. If we have [math]x>e>1>y[/math], then we have [math]f(y) < f(x)\implies y^{1/y} >x^{1/x}\implies x^y > y^x[/math].

How to solve these log functions?

log(x) + log(x - 15) = 2
log(x * (x - 15)) = 2
x * (x - 15) = 10^2
x^2 - 15x = 100
x^2 - 15x - 100 = 0
x = (15 +/- sqrt(225 + 400)) / 2
x = (15 +/- sqrt(625)) / 2
x = (15 +/- 25) / 2
x = 40/2 , -10/2
x = 20 , -5

x = 20 is the only solution that works in the original equation

log[5](m) = 1 + log[5](m + 2)
log[5](m) - log[5](m + 2) = 1
log[5](m / (m + 2)) = 1
m / (m + 2) = 5^1
m / (m + 2) = 5
m = 5m + 10
-10 = 5m - m
-10 = 4m
m = -5/2

log(x + 9) = log(4x)
x + 9 = 4x
9 = 3x
3 = x

-3 * log[3](-9x) = -3
log[3](-9x) = 1
-9x = 3^1
-9x = 3
x = -3/9
x = -1/3