Should I be worried about grades in college

Is it true that I should stop worrying about my grades if I want to get into the field of computer science?

Short Answer: Getting the grade should be a validation of your ability, not your ultimate goal. CompSci (IN COLLEGE) offers a pretty strong correlation between competence and score. So unlike many other courses, grade-getting and learning are not separate processes.

More general answer: Worry about your grades. It's the easiest way for someone to assess your competency. From personal experience (a drop in the ocean of experiences), once you're already studying CompSci in college, you can worry less about your grades because:

1) The grade just comes. If you know what you're doing, it shows on your transcript.

2) Your GPA is inconsequential to displaying your competency. You've already done stuff - you don't need the grades to prove anything.

3) You will know whether you know your s**t. Unless you're greatly in denial, in which case your grades are pretty far down on your list of concerns.

But all that DOESN'T REALLY APPLY IF YOU ARE NOT YET IN THE FIELD. In that case, the same piece of advice applies no matter what you want to do. Don't limit your options if you can't help it. Good grades will always open up more options than bad grades.

In college, should I focus on getting good grades, or trying to learn as much as possible while not worrying too much about grades?

Of course, you should concentrate upon learning. That's what we all need in life. But the statements like "grades fu*king don't matter" are just false. You should not take such advices from friends seriously.

The fact is that you should first find out exactly in which field you are having much interest. If it is what you are studying at college, and is able to fulfill your needs in life, then congrats!! You have nothing to worry about grades. Just follow  your dream. Try to give your best at it. Try to be a professional. Go beyond the syllabi, explore things. Grades will be poured in automatically.

But the actual problem arises when you are not interested in the field you are studying, but something else. In this case you have to find out:-
1. whether your field of interest can give you means of living in life,
2. if you are able to make a career switching.

If the answer to both the questions above is yes, then don't think. Wait for the opportunity, and do it.

But if it is not possible for you practically, then you have to be more serious and more responsible, because you have to work in a field where you do not have any interest. And GRADES MATTER in this case. Due to lack of interest it becomes hard to maintain grades. But think of your own life. You have to get a job, but you can master on any subject. So however-maintaining good grades is the only option for you. Try to motivate yourself to concentrate on studies, study regularly, however less  the amount may be. Thus you can get a good job, otherwise you will be frustrated and demotivated. Once you get a good job and get settled, then you may do whatever you are interested in.Education, Career Advice, Engineering, Life Advice

I am constantly worried about my college grades?

It a difficult question to answer because only as you get older will you realise its not worth worrying your self sick about your grades, at each stage in my education alot of pressure was piled on to achieve and at each stage I felt like this was the most important thing in my life and if I didn't achieve a good grade it would be the end of my ambitions, but the truth is that you shouldn't worry excessivly about it. Yes a little worry is a good thing it keeps you sharp and not lazy about study but its a double edged blade because if its starting to inpact on your sleep your going to get tired and find it hard to concintrate thus your not doing your self any favours.

All I can say is that in a few years time you will realise that those are not to big things in your life and you worrying about it didnt really help.

On another point you could try yoga or relaxsation exercises to help you manage your stress and worry. Hope it helps.

Worried about Grades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help?

Those aren't bad grades at all. Trust me, there are very successfull people in all fields who have done much worse. You just need to think about what you want to do and create a path to get there. If your path includes college, figure out what grades and test scores you will need to achieve.

Good luck to you!

I currently have a 2.8 GPA in my first semester of college. Should I be worried?

I’d say you should be really worried if you’ll buy into the myth that your grades, GPA, your overall performance in college will make or break your life.

You’ll be doomed for life if you will allow the society to brainwash you into believing that what you do in this short time window (your late teenage years and your early 20s) will matter most in your life.

“Swot for exams or waste your life in a dead-end job.”

I often hear parents use this kind of argument.

It sends young people a very erroneous signal.

It tells them that school years / college degree is everything and that their fate will be decided during that short time window. That they’re screwed if something goes wrong during this short period of time.

Sure school matters. Sure college can add value (and for some professions is even inevitable). But neither is everything. Neither is a guarantee that you won’t end up in a dead-end job. Neither will make or break your life.

The most important things for a fulfilling career, and a successful life (the life that you want), aren’t the early childhood opportunities (although they might matter in some cases), the quality of formal education (assuming that you'll be able to master the basics), the decision you make in your late teens or early 20s (or lack thereof), the college or the major you pick for yourself, but the self-awareness, growth-mindset and the belief that you can still be anything you want (as long as you don’t choose to be a pro soccer player at the age of 50, for example).

Success in life is not about having a good score on ACT, SAT, or impressive GPA, or even getting this damn college degree. It just isn’t.

You’re doomed for life if you allow your score, grades, and all this bullcrap cripple you.

You’re doomed if you, like so many people in this world, will end up using it as your best excuse, rather than do something about your life.

You are in control of your life throughout your life, not just in your 20s.

If you're in 9th grade should you worry about your scheduled classes if you plan on going to college?

i don't know what its like where you go, but here, in Ontario, you have a set number of required courses to take and then you get like 12 elective courses. For us, grade nine is pretty set out, and we only get two choices, and we usually use that to fulfill compulsory credits. Universities and colleges really only look at your gr 12 marks, and possibly your gr 11 marks, depending on when you are applying and the university/college's policy. But you do need to think about what kind of program you want to go into in college and what courses you need to get into your program. then you need to figure out if those gr 12courses have prerequisites, so you can be sure that you take those courses to get into the gr 12 courses. its kind of screwed up because you have to figure out what you want to do in around gr 10/11 because of prerequisites lol. So feel free to take what you want in gr 9, and even gr 10, but start worrying about course selections for gr 11 and gr 12.

Should I be worried about grades in college?

Both. It's not unusual for your first term freshman year grades to be lower than your normal grades. It's a big adjustment, going to college. I believe, based on your current and past averages, that you have the potential for higher grades, without making too many major changes. For example, it's not necessary to cut out your entire social life. But next term, try to make some improvements in your grades. Look at what's happened this term, and see what you can change - maybe you add one more night of studying, or you focus in on the subjects you're not doing as well in, or etc. Put a real plan in place to improve your grades, and see what happens.

It would be great for you to improve your grades, because it will give you more of a chance at things like DNP or other grad programs in the future, should you someday decide to go that route. In addition, it's just a point of personal pride for you - and there's nothing wrong with that.

I got 2 C's in my first college semester, should I be worried?

Don't be worried. Usually, people tend to do worse their first few semesters of college. This because college works differently than high school and classes move faster and it can be harder.

If you think the classes are moving too fast, look into supplemental stuff, like a study group or go to the teachers office hours.

If you missed classes and stuff, start attending classes! It's one of the most important thing you can do to get good grades.

Don't be discouraged - I was a straight A student in high school and now I have a low GPA in college. It happens, but its because college is HARDER!! Just keep trying and you'll get the hang of it soon.

Good luck and don't worry!

Worried about college :[?

First of all, calm down. You are only in 7th grade- you have plenty of time. In most school districts, 8th graders who get A's in math, science and english can take geometry and biology freshman year. This gives you a good advantage if you can start highschool this way. If you want to be a plastic surgeon, your focus should be science and math, so definately stay on top of those grades and try to reach you highest level. If your highschool offers AP math and science classes, these would be good classes to take to get into a good med school. Just know that being a plastic surgeon takes a minimum of 8 years of college- undergraduate and then grad school. Besides taking challenging classes, volunteer or get an internship at your local hospital or clinic. Colleges like to see extracurriculars, so this would be good to do. Good luck!

Also: (If you are good at a sport, you may want to work hard at it, because if you are good enough, you can get a scholarship or get accepted to a good school based on your athletic ability.)

FIrst college midterm.. what is my grade? Worried about failing the course..?

Instead of worrying about failing the class and that you should have done better. Use that grade as a learning experience.

1. was the test like you expected?
2. did you truly put enough study time before the test?

No matter what your final grade might be, keep at it, do not drop the class, If you fail it you can always retake it.

Take it from me.. I use to get down on myself for a bad grade my previous 2 semesters. So bad that I would jsut not go to class anymore. Its not worth it.

Take any bad grade as a sign that you need to change something about your studying. Take a good grade as a sign you must have done something right. and learn from them both.

in all of my bad grades I can honestly say that I slacked off on studying.
