A Certain Weak Base Has A Kb Of 8.20 X 10^-7. What Concentration Of This Base Will Produce A Ph Of

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.50 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.05?

pH = 10.05

pOH = 3.95

[OH-] = 10^-pOH = 10^-3.95 = 0.00011220 M

B + H2O <==> HB+ + OH-

Kb = ([HB+] [OH-]) / [B]

8.50 x 10^-7 = [(1.122 x 10^-4) (1.122 x 10^-4)] / x

x = 0.0148 M

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.70 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.25?

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.70 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.25?

I tried to solve this but I was incorrect. Can you explain to me how to solve this problem? I want to know what I'm doing wrong. Best explanation gets 10 points. Thank you!

My calculations:
B + H2O----> BH + OH-

Since pH=10.25, Total p=14 so 14-10.25=3.75 is pOH

Concentration of pH= 10^ -10.25= 5.62X10^ -11
Concentration of pOH= 10^ -3.75= 1.78X 10^ -4

Kb=(BH)(OH)/(B)-----> 8.70X10^ -7= (5.62X10^ -11)(1.78X 10^ -4)/X----> X= (5.62X10^ -11)(1.78X 10^ -4)/8.70X10^ -7-----> X=1.15X10^ -8

A certain weak base has a Kb of 7.50 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.39?

Method 1 :

Denote the concentration of the base as B.

pH at eqm = 10.39
pOH at eqm = pKw - pH = 14.00 - 10.39 = 3.61
[OH⁻] at eqm = 10⁻³˙⁶¹ M

_____________ B(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ BH⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq) …. Kb = 7.50 × 10⁻⁷
Initial ________ y M __________ 0 M ____ 0 M
Change ______ +10⁻³˙⁶¹ M __ -10⁻³˙⁶¹ M _ -10⁻³˙⁶¹ M
At eqm ____ (y+10⁻³˙⁶¹) M __ 10⁻³˙⁶¹ M _ 10⁻³˙⁶¹ M

Since Kb is very small, we can assume that 10⁻³˙⁶¹ ≪ y, i.e.
[B] at eqm = (y+10⁻³˙⁶¹) M ≈ y M

Kb = [BH⁺] [OH⁻] / [B]
(10⁻³˙⁶¹)² / [B] = 7.50 × 10⁻⁷
[B] = (10⁻³˙⁶¹)² / (7.50 × 10⁻⁷) M = 0.0803 M

Method 2 :

Denote the concentration of the base as B.

pH at eqm = 10.39
pOH at eqm = pKw - pH = 14.00 - 10.39 = 3.61
[OH⁻] at eqm = 10⁻³˙⁶¹ M

pOH = 0.5 * {pKb - log[B]}
0.5 * {-log(7.50 × 10⁻⁷) - log[B]} = 3.61
log(7.50 × 10⁻⁷) + log[B] = -7.22
log[B] = -7.22 - log(7.50 × 10⁻⁷)
[B] = 10^{-7.22 - log(7.50 × 10⁻⁷)} M = 0.0803 M

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.3 X 10^-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.33?

A- + H2O <=> HA + OH-

Kb = [HA].[OH-] / [A-]
Assuming [HA] = [OH-]

Kb = [OH-]² / [A-]

[OH-]² = Kw² / [H3O+]²
where [H3O+] = 10^-10.33 and Kw = 1 x10^-14

8.3 x10^-7[H3O+]² / Kw² = 1 / [A-]

[A-] = 5.51 x10^-2 mol/L

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.90 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.17? help?

pH = 10.17

pOH = 3.83

[OH-] = 10^-pOH = 10^-3.83 = 1.4791 x 10^-4 M

B + H2O <==> HB+ + OH-

Kb = ([HB+] [OH-]) / [B]

8.90 x 10^-7 = (1.4791 x 10^-4) (1.4791 x 10^-4) / x

x = 0.0246 M

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.20 x 10^-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.25?

10^(-10.25) = 5.6*10^-11= [H+]

(5.6*10^-11)(oh-) = 1.0*10^-14

OH- = 1.79*10^-4

A certain weak base has a Kb of 7.40 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.39?

Kb = 7.4x10^-7
pH = 10.39
? [base]
B^- + H2O ---> HB + OH^-
Kb = [HB][OH]/[B-]
For pH of 10.39 the pOH will be 3.61 and thus the [OH] = 2.45x10^-4
Then, 7.4x10^-7 = (2.45x10^-4)^2/[B-]
[B-] = 6x10^-8 / 7.4x10^-7
[B] = 0.081 M

A certain weak base has a Kb of 8.60 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.34?

The equilibrium reaction is below
B + H2O <=> CA + HO-
Equilibrium equation:
Kb= [HO-][CA]/[B]
[B]= concentration of base [CA]= concentration of conjugate acid
Also [HO-]= [CA] = x

14 - pH = pOH............................14-10.34 = 3.66
-log[HO-] = pOH................................... -log[HO-]= 3.66
[HO-] = 10^ (-pOH) .............................. [HO-] = 10^-3.66 = 4.786 x 10^-8

Since [HO-]= [CA] = x and we now know that x is 4.786 x 10^-8

So using the equilibrium equation and replacing x for [HO-] and [CA] we get:

Kb = x^2/[B]

Solve for [B]

[B] = x^2/Kb

[B] = (4.786 x 10^-8)^2 / (8.60 × 10-7)

[B]= 0.0557

Hope it helps!

A certain weak base has a Kb of 9.00 × 10-7. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.28?

pOH = 14 - pH

pOH = - log [OH^-]

14 - pH = - ½ log (Kb M)

14 - 10.28 = - ½ log (9.00 * 10^-7 * M)

M = 0.040342 Molar