Always Tired And Annoyed

Why am I always sad, angry, tired, and unmotivated?

You are listing symptoms of clinical depression - if symptoms have continued for more than two can be caused by physical or emotional problems.

An estimated 19 million adults are suffering from depression in America. It affects men, women and children. It is a very real mental illness, and it can hit you whether you want it to or not.

There are many different types of depression; major depression, dysthymia (chronic milder depression, must last at least 2 years); atypical depression, bipolar depression, seasonal depression (SAD), psychotic depression.

If left untreated, clinical or major depression may worsen and last for years; it causes untold sufferong and can lead to suicide. More than one in ten suffering from depression commit suicide.

Symptoms of depression can include:

Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, making decisions
fatigue and decreased energy
feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
feelings of hopelessness and pessimism
insomnia, early-morning wakefulness or excessive sleeping
irritability, restlessness
loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
overeating or loss of appetite
persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems
persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

Depression can be caused by certain viruses and illness, hypothyroidism, vitamin B-6, B-12 or D deficiency, anemia, etc, so you need a doctor to take blood tests, if nothing shows up, you must consider psychological depression. Treatment includes antidepressants and therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy - it has an 80-90% full recovery rate with depression and anxiety disorders..

My friend is depressed and it's annoying?

He's drained you dry, and I think the time has come when you have to let him know that. There is being a good friend, and you've been that, but he isn't being one and needs pulling up sharp to realize that you have your needs too. Tell him he needs professional help. That you've helped all you can but you can see that it is not helping him and he needs someone who can go further than you are able to. Be quite blunt and say that you can't hear any more of his troubles because it is now affecting your own health. Then you'll see how much of a friend he really is. If he stops, gets help and takes notice of your needs, then he is your friend. If he doesn't, your friendship has been very one sided and you should let him move on to the next one to dump his troubles on.

Why is my friend always sad?

I have a friend who is always sad and tired for almost no reason whatsoever. I get really annoyed because comparing both of our lives, she has it MUCH easier. Her immediate family has no problems, no financial problems, and awesome boyfriend. I don't have the best family life, struggling financially, and have a whole history with self-esteem. All of her friends including I love her very much. I am a very understanding person and put aside my annoyance for her benefit. But now I am thinking there is a possibility that she may be depressed- for all I know, there could be people with happy surroundings and still be depressed.
I honestly believe that this is self-inflicted sadness, you know, getting so habituated with feeling sad that you just do it all the time and could sometimes be for attention. But I could be wrong.
What do you think?

I'm really annoyed..My friend thinks basketball is harder than crew?

I rowed and trained for Crew in college. I was already an excellent sprinter, and had good half mile speed. Playing intramural basketball, I could play the entire game and never come out. Now I have severe heart disease, and train more on a rowing machine than a treadmill. I can still go out and play basketball with guys less than half my age, and not get very tired. Not bad for 57 with heart disease, and I rarely run.

Most fun play I ever was involved in was a three on one fast break. I was out front, and they passed left, right then back to the free throw line. From stair running, I had good ability to stop and change direction. I faked each one, jump back, blocked the shot and took the ball away. Different game, I shut down another guy with a 20 point average, chasing him all over the court. He could not wear me out, made no baskets.

So go play some basketball with your bud. You may not win, but you'll probably exhaust her and gain a lot of respect.

I was a skinny guy on Crew at my college, but I remarkably had the respect of just about every jock on campus who ever watched us training and sprinting on the stadium stairs. That was cool.

My boyfriend gets upset when I'm tired?

My boyfriend doesn't get home from work until 9:30 or 10:30 then he comes home and takes a shower. By the time he's ready to settle down I'm so tired. He gets irritated with me because I want to go to bed and sleep. I get very frustrated when I'm tired so I think I'm snippy at him. Last night at about 11:00 I just wanted to go to sleep. He stayed on the couch and ended up sleeping there. Then when I get up this morning he's all pissed off because I went to bed without him. Then he went out to clear snow and when he came in he was upset that I didn't have breakfast made for him. I can't seem to make him happy. I don't know what to do. He's a wonderful man. I love him to death I just don't know how to get in his head to know what he's thinking. He left for work this morning without giving me a hug/kiss and saying "I love you"......

How to tell if a horse is happy, sad, angry, tired...?

You can always tell how a horse is feeling by their body language and facial expressions.

* Ears back can mean a variety of things, depending on how dramatically they are held back. Ears that are "pinned" back, or back so far they are touching or nearly touching the neck, indicate anger or annoyance. When indicating anger, the horse will also have his eyes wide open, nostrils flaring, and may be swishing his tale. Ears that are just pointed back, or one ear pointed back and the other in another direction, usually show a horse that is alert to what is going on behind him.

* A horse with his is ears "pricked" forward is alert and aware of what is going on around him. His eyes are most likely open and bright.

* Ears that are relaxed in most any direction indicate a horse that isn't too preoccupied with anything at the moment

* Bright, open eyes indicate an alert horse. His ears will probably be pricked forward.

* Dull and/or partially closed eyes may indicate a horse that is depressed, in pain, or simply tired. Read these eyes in the context of the rest of his body language to determine which.

* In most horses, showing the whites of the eyes indicates either anger or fear. It is important to note, however, that some horses - such as appaloosas and paints - will always have visible sclera. Be careful not to misinterpret that, and look to other body language to determine the moods of those horses.

* Relaxed nostrils indicate nothing in particular, and you should look at the rest of the horse's body to read his mood.

* Flared nostrils indicate either anger or fright. A horse that has his nostrils flared and snorts has likely just been spooked by something scary. Flared nostrils are usually paired with wide-open eyes, which may or may not be showing their whites.

* A swishing tail can indicate anger or annoyance, but it could also just mean your horse has a fly on him, especially in the summer.

* A lifted tail when when in motion indicates a horse in high spirits. This is a trait that is particularly visible in Arabians, but is displayed by other breeds, as well. A horse lifting it's tail at the stand-still is either alert, or about to poop.