Answer Am I Depressed

I'm so depressed, what can I do?

I want to die. Nothing about my life is worth any value to keep living. I am 16 and a senior in high school. I have literally like 2 friends. One of which is my brothers girlfriend now so we don't talk that much, I have like acquaintances but just the 2 that I feel comfortable really talking to. I don't even feel really comfortable talking to them. I feel like I am always just trapped in my house. I am home schooled, I don't have a job, and I share a car with my mom. I feel like maybe if I did stuff I would probably be less depressed but when I try to think of people to hang out with I realize I don't have any. I hang out with my one other friend (who is not dating my brother) and that's about it. I don't do anything. I try to go to church but even that depresses me now. I feel so out of place there, I have been to therapy and I am on medication but it just seems as if that isn't working anymore. I just feel so sad. I want to cry all the time. And for once in my life there is a boy who is not a stalker or a freak who is interested in talking to me and asked me out kind of. My dad said I couldn't go but we could hang out in groups of friends. I don't have a group of friends. I'm a friendly person, I try my hardest to be nice to people. But they always end up treating me like **** or bullying me. I have gained so much weight, I have no energy to even do physical activity. I feel like I can't be myself at home. I just feel so trapped. And like a complete waste of space. I just don't understand why God made me. I am worthless. I try so hard to do something with myself and my life and it just falls to pieces every time. I don't know what to do. We live out in the middle of nowhere basically anyway so even when I do have the car there isn't anyplace to go, and the places where something fun might actually be able to happen, my dad doesn't like me driving to because the traffic is bad. This is understandable. I am just so miserable though. I sound like such a pathetic person like I am just whining but I am so depressed, I don't know what to do. I just wish I had something that made me feel like I was doing something besides sitting on my miserable *** all the time. I don't know what to do. I just keep crying. I want out of this house, I want to meet people who treat me like I am something other than scum, and I want to be able to be myself with out restrictions. I just want to escape from my life. And I can't because its impossible.

Am I depressed, or just lazy?

Sometimes I just sit around the house and do nothing. Sometimes I go to school and just stare at the wall all day. I haven't talked to some of my friends at all for days, and when I do, it's only for a short time. Then I go back to staring at the walls. I rarely do my homework, and lately I find that music isn't even satisfying anymore.
For a while I have suspected myself having OCD, though my family can't afford a psychiatrist or doctor or anything, so I wouldn't know for sure. But looking it up on the internet, I seem to have all the symptoms. But what I DON'T know is if it's related or not to thinking about what it would be like if I died.
Yes, a few times I have thought about that. I don't know why, sometimes I just do. Then I feel guilty and I kind of just stop. And sometimes the subject keeps coming back.
I want to get up and do something, do some chores, get in shape, get my grades back up. But I'm completely lacking in motivation and there's just always those days where I just don't feel like doing anything at all.
What's going on? Am I just a lazy person with OCD or am I depressed? I just would like to know! I'm always beating myself up over these things and hating myself for it and I just want it to stop!

Am I Depressed?

I'm 18, I'm in college, i have a few friends & im single. I know usually people who suffer from depression have loss of appetit, always crying, barely has friends, etc. But for me, that's not the case. I eat, & im not always crying and yes i do have a couple friends. But when I get alone, even if it's just for a minute i become sad. I have no idea why im sad. i get sad at night also when I'm alone. I push my friends away when because i want to be alone but at the same time i feel lonely. at night when i think about how im lonely, i start to cry sometimes. I don't necessarily have a reason to be sad, but chest feels heavy and i feel like i have no one. im close with my family so i am definitely loved. but for some reason they're not enough. i get sad when im alone. & ny chest feels heavy throughout the day sometimes. I don't know where this sadness is coming from, nor do i know if im depressed. what do you think it is?

Why am i so depressed for no reason?

You don't need a reason to be depressed. It could be caused by a physical problem or a chemical inbalance in the brain.

First talk to your parents, school counselor or trusted adult about this.
I know doing anything now is very hard, but make the effort to get other people to help you. Then fight with them to get yourself better.

Next you need to get a physical exam with good blood work. My sister experienced what you described when her Thyroid decided to stop working.

Then, you need to be tested for depression. This is usually a series of questions that your doctor asks (which you can also find online). Your doctor will probably want to wait for the physical exam results first.

No. 2
If you are depressed and/or stressed. The doctor may refer you to someone who can teach you 'stress reduction' methods. He may also improve your diet and exercise. He may prescibe pills only if your depression is strong enough to warrent it.

There is mild, medium and major depression. There is situational (temporary) and chronic depression. For most people the depression is mild/medium and situational/temporary. Mild or medium would fit what you describe. With major you are pretty much incapacitated.

No. 3
I started out with major depression. I got 'stress reduction' methods, talking with psychiatrist and pills. Once that stuff had improved me enough, we worked on improving my diet and getting me to exercise; and fineally getting off the pills (hooray).

Now, if I eat reasonably well and keep up with my exercise I function normally (and happily) without pills, etc. However, major stressors, like a death, will put be back to where I need pills again. Warning: Work with the doctors to go on and to go off the pills. (I stopped the pills once by myself and acquired an imaginary cat. Easy to take care of cat, but unhealthy me).

Depression is in many members of my family, so we are probably prone to the chemical imbalance thing.

Good luck.

I am so depressed Im a hairy girl?

Oh sista girl, I completely feel your pain. I'm 26 and I have hair on my face (in an extreme way) that I wax and I cannot believe I'm going to admit this but, I've been known to shave it it's so bad. I even have thick dark hair on my forearms so I completely identify with you. I have a lot of Native American blood in me so it surprised my mom that I do have this problem.

First thing is first, I think you should take yourself to the doctor and get a complete work up. Have them check your thyroid, have them check you for PCOS. Don't have any surgeries until you do this when later you could find out that you simply had a hormonal imbalance that could have been corrected with drug (or homeopathic) therapy and saved you alllll that money. So get yourself to the doctor and have them check your thyroid, check you for PCOS, hormonal imbalances and the like. If you check out fine, move to the next steps.

Wax! But if you're like me and you have hair on the sides of your face, don't wax it unless you go to a salon where they know exactly what they're doing. Ask them for tips and stuff to help minimize the pain and irritation.

Or you can try electrolysis - it's a little more expensive but way LESS expensive than any more surgeries or laser hair removals which won't always work.

As for your family, honey, you need to step up and tell them that what they're doing DOES hurt your feelings. My brother and my dad used to do the same to me when I was a teenager and I would "bleach" the hair. (Bad move, I don't recommend it) If they don't listen to you, then find something about them that embarrasses them and fight back!

I hope you're not joining the military just for the money for this problem, I hate to say it but that is a very bad decision. With the way the war and the situation is right now it's an extremely bad idea to join the military for reasons OTHER THAN fighting for your country - if the only reason is the money, is it worth risking your life for? You see what I'm saying?

By the way, you would be SURPRISED at how many girls and women shave, wax, pluck, electrolysis, thread, and have laser hair removal on their faces. You'd be absolutely stunned at how many celebrity women would have mustaches and beards if they didn't keep it under control, there's nothing to be depressed about - it's something we all have and it's something we have to figure out how to get rid of.
Good luck, hon.

I think I'm depressed, but I?

Depression is a widespread condition, affecting millions of people, Those suffering from depression can experience intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, and a variety of other symptoms. They may begin to feel useless and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that they once enjoyed. Depression is often triggered by life circumstances, such as a loss of job, death of a loved one, divorce, or psychological problems such as abuse or low self-esteem.

God apparently intends for us all to live joyful lives. This is not easy for someone suffering from situational depression, but it can be remedied through God's gifts of prayer, Bible study and fellowship among believers. We must make the conscious effort to help them and take them through these. Feelings of depression can often be solved when those suffering with depression move the focus from themselves to Christ and others.

Clinical depression is a physical condition that must be diagnosed by a physician. It may not be caused by unfortunate life circumstances .Depression can sometimes be caused by a physical disorder that needs to be treated with medication and counselling. We should go for a medical check up.

We should consider letting God truly be God in our life, He will prove how big He really is, “for nothing is impossible with God” (Bible). Perhaps scars from past hurts have resulted in a sense of rejection or abandonment. That may lead to self-pity, anger, bitterness, vengeful thoughts, or unhealthy fears that have caused problems in some of our most important relationships and can lead to suicide.

No matter how bad things are in our life, there is a God of love who is waiting for them. Jesus endured all this so that they might have all sins forgiven. Whatever weight of guilt we carry, if we receive Him as our Saviour, He will forgive. God stands ready to repair what is “broken,” namely, the life we have now, the life we want to end by suicide. Jesus is calling us, “Come Unto me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will you rest” Visit:

Visit: for a detailed information about depression.