Any Chinese Speakers I Need Help.

Chinese speakers help me!?

你是笨蛋 ni shi ben dan (you are stupid)
我讨厌你 wo tao yan ni (I hate you)
你有没有钱?ni you mei you qian (Do you have any money)
你好靓仔 ni hao liang zai (hello handsome boy)
一个小时两百块 yi ge xiao shi liang bai kuai (200 an hour)
他把我的钱包偷走了 (ta ba wo de qian bao tou zou le) he stole my wallet
北京的空气脏极了 Beijing de kongqi zang ji le (Beijing's air is extremely dirty)
挂羊头卖狗肉 gua yangtou mai gou rou (lit. Hang a sheep head but sell dog meat. Refers to someone engaged in deceit)

Chinese speakers help please?

I know that "piao liang" means beautiful or pretty , but can you explain why it is different here? its just kind of confusing me and i'm wondering why it's different:

Jīntiān wǒ zài jiēshang kànjiàn le yígè měinǚ.
今天 我 在 街上 看见 了 一个 美女.
Today I saw a beautiful woman on the street.

why is "piao liang" not used here?

thank you !!

Chinese speakers help?

Give a friend a phone call. (Call a friend.)

Listen to music.

Chinese speakers, please help!!!?

It is in mandarin:
the lines above Chinese characters are the pronunciations.

wǒ mén de gù shì zhēn nán wàng
我 们 的 故 事 真 难 忘.
Our story is really memorable.

tài duō de huí yì hé xī wàng
太 多 的 回 忆 和 希 望.
It has too many memories and hopes.

bù guǎn tā yǒu duō fēng kuáng
不 管 它 有 多 疯 狂.
No matter how crazy it was.

wǒ yuàn yì yī shēng shōu cáng 
我 愿 意 一 生 收 藏
I would like to collect it for my whole life

wǒ mén de gù shì bù néng wàng
我 们 的 故 事 不 能 忘
Our story should not be forget ted 

tài duō de qíng jié yào fā zhǎn
太 多 的 情 节 要 发 展
There are a lot of plot to be developed.

bú yào fàng qì
不 要 放 弃
Don't give up! 

yīn wéi yǒu yī tiān yuán fèn huì jì xù
因 为 有 一 天 缘 份 会 继 续
Because one day, Our fate of being together will continue!

I wish it helps
Lovely song :)

Could any native Mandarin Chinese speaker help me please? Pls write these sentences in characters & explain?

Ni ke yi wan yi dian zai da gei wo ma?
Could you call me back later?

Ni ke yi wan yi dian zai da guo lai ma?
Could you call back here again later?

晚一點 in both cases means "at a later time". 打 here means "to call", as in 打電話 (make a phone call). The difference between the two sentences is that 打給我 means "call me", and in the second sentence 打過來 means "call here".

Can any native Chinese speakers help me translate this Chinese sentence please? 许多事情,看得开是好;看不开,终归也要熬过去。别以为看不开就...

I am a Chinese student and as far as I am concerned, 看得开 means "letting go" and 看不开 means "clinging on". Another hard point in this sentence is the structure "... 是好 ...也...". The original structure should be "...也好...也罢" which can be construed as "either... or..." or "for better for worse". Here 好 does not mean good. It just mean "if it is so". So the first sentence means that "either you let it go, or cling on it, you will get through". So what the sentence actually means is this:
许多事情,看得开是好;看不开,终归也要熬过去。别以为看不开就不会过去 A lot of things in this world will of course fade away if you let it go; yet even if you simply cling on it, you will still get through. Don't you ever think that it will never end as long as you cling on.

This sentence have a really Taoist tone that for better for worse, things will run on it's own course. It doesn't matter how you think of it. The only difference is that if you cling on it, you need to endure more (熬).
Send me an email at if you have further problems.

Any Mandarin Chinese speakers?

Hi, I am Helen Zhang, a professional Mandarin Chinese teacher from China.
We usually say “我能给你看。(Wǒ néng gěi nǐ kàn.).”
“Can” can be translated into “会(huì)” or “能(néng)” in Mandarin Chinese
The differences between “能” and “会”:
1) If expressing certain kinds of objective condition are possessed, we often use “能.”
For example:
Shí jiān hái zǎo, wǒ mēn néng zhǔnshì dàodá.
There is time. We can arrive on time.
2) If sth. is allowed, we often use “能.” Just like “能” in the sentence you mentioned. In this case, “能” can be substituted by “可以(kěyǐ).” If the sentence is an interrogative, the affirmative answer usually is “可以.”
For example:
Nǐ néng gěi wǒ kànkàn mā?
Can you come early?
Kě yǐ
3) “会” indicates that certain kinds of abilities are acquired though learning.
For example:
Nǐ huì shuō Zhōng wén mā?
Can you speak Chinese?
4) “会” can also be used to indicate the future tense. In the sentence you mentioned, if we use “会,” the sentence should be “我会给你看。(Wǒ huì gěi nǐ kàn.),” which means I will show you.
For example:
Wǒ huì hǎohǎo xuéxí de.
I will study hard.

If you have more questions about learning Mandarin Chinese, please email me at, I am very happy to hear from you.
If you are interested in Mandarin Chinese, you can have free trial lessons first at

Native English speaker, come in please. need help!!!?

Hi, I'm a chinese, and now need some help from u. Recently i signed up an mail account and my username involves "hinge", in order to emphasize the meaning of pivot. But when i refer to, to my surprise, its meaning is homosexual, biosexual, etc.( I'm an undergraduate and I sign up this account mainly for career. Another question is, username is usually compose of last name@***.com. So, is it formal for me to use "hinge" in a username?? ? Thanks so much. If any one wanna communicate with chinese, i can be countered on and am ready to help all of u.