Any Easy But Good Elementary-level Mandarin/chinese Conversation Dialogue

What is the best way to learn Chinese online?

The best way to learn chinese language is learning from online resources… i can also suggest you the Best Chinese Online Courses. It is important to choose to study a language that will remain relevant and useful in the coming years. Mandarin Chinese is one such language. In the last decade, China's economy has surged forth, causing it to become one of the leading world powers. Below are the Best Chinese Online Courses:Chinese for Beginners: Mastering Mandarin Basics in 4 hoursBeginner Mandarin Chinese (HSK 1) Course AChoose the first course..From this course you may learn about:The course helps you start communicating in Chinese as soon as possible. Start your life in China easy without fear of being unable to talk to the taxi driver.This course uses games (Minecraft) to make learning more interesting and engaging.After the course, you will be able toGreet in Chinese (lesson 1)Pronounce Chinese characters according to Pinyin (Pinyin is the Chinese characters written in Roman letters and the representation of Chinese pronunciation system) (lesson 2)Introduce yourself in Chinese (lesson 3)Count numbers in Chinese up to millions (lesson 4)Tell the taxi driver where you want to go and where to stop (lesson 5)Order food in a Chinese restaurant and ask for the bill (lesson 6)Ask for prices and negotiate prices with Chinese sellers (lesson 7)Ask for direction if you are lost in China (lesson 8)Tell people where you are from (lesson 9)Learn the Chinese vocabulary of coloursLearn to teach yourself Chinese online and with mobile phone apps.ALL THE BEST...

How many languages do you think one should strive to learn?

i love learning foreign languages. i know a little bit of at least 15 different languages- the basic stuff. i think thats all you need.

im going to assume youre american- sorry if im wrong. being american, our culture doesnt really demand that you know more than just english (and in some areas at least a good spanish foundation) whereas in other countries, people grow up with 2-3 languages and conditions might force them to learn more. you will benefit more from knowing two languages completely than from knowing a little bit of every languages (think in terms of job opportunities, travel options, and potential friendships)

if you plan to travel, think about where you wanna go. french is pretty exclusive to france and parts of canada, and i gave up on learning french because they tend to be very critical of american accents or poor attempts, where as hispanics that ive encountered really seem grateful that i make an attempt to speak spanish with them and really understand me. i think of spanish and french, spanish will open a lot more opportunities for you (even though it might be a bit more boring cause so many poeople speak it) but also easier to learn because thereare so many more resources!!

also, languages are classified by "types" sort of. there are latin languages, including french and spanish, that are very similar to english in vocabulkary, and germanic languages that are similar in strutcture, but mandarin chinese would be very difficult and although its the most spoken language in the world, you have to consider that the reason is because china is a very large country and that mandarin will only get you places if your getting into big buisness.

buena suerte amiga!

How long will it take to be fluent in Chinese?

Hello everybody . . . I am an Egyptian student who lives in America and has been taking a Mandarin Chinese class (level 1) for about 7 months in high school until now and I really enjoy everything about it (memorizing characters, the culture, and the people), I also think that it is very easy and fun to learn. I will also be in Chinese level 2 next year beside that I am learning vocabulary and dialogues on my own and will be studying Chinese on my own over summer. I am really dedicated to be fluent in Chinese since I wanna go live in China and have a family and all that soon in my life. So my question is how long will it take me to be sort of fluent (not 100%) in Chinese?? I also noticed that Chinese has the same difficulty as my home language (Egyptian Arabic) so that might help since I already speak a fairly hard language for lots of people to learn. Also, if you are mainland Chinese or have ever been to China, I wanted to know how China (mainland) is like and how people would feel about me as an Egyptian? From what I have seen in U.S mainland Chinese people are very nice and kind and they also have the same morals, ethics and even political views as the ones we had in my home country. Also I wanted to say that I am not one of those radical islamists or westerners who hate communism and the government of China. I am actullay a christian (doesn't really practice) who really respect the Chinese government, its great leaders like Chairman Mao Zedong, and its achievements. Thanks in advance and I really appreciate your answers.