Any One Else Have This Feeling

Does anyone else get a choking feeling?

I don't know what it is, i cant wear a necklace, my hair down or a collared or high top, if i do wear one of them i start dryreaching, especially in the cold weather... it feels as though someone has their hands around my neck, its been happening for the last 2 years, and the symptoms just came on suddenly one day. Its really starting to worry me and my fiance... i don't know if these symptoms can be included but i also feel exhausted, beyond the point of feeling like im going to pass out, at certain points in the day, especially after food. I get 8 hours or more a night and i still wake up exhausted, and on weekends no matter how much i sleep i just cant seem to get a satisfying nights sleep. I have poor concentration and if i'm thinking of something i can easily forget it within a minute of thinking it. I've looked on the net of possible causes, but they all seem way too extreme for me, and kinda scary. Can someone help me????

Does anyone else have a feeling that one day they will make it big?

I think that almost every child has this dream and thinks they are destined for greatness but obviously not everyone can. It also depends on what everyones definition of success is. If success is being happy, healthy and having a family then anyone can be succesful. It depends on your expectations of yourself and what your passions in life are.

Does anyone else have trouble feeling empathy?

Theoretically you could be a psychopath but you aren’t because a psychopath wouldn’t be asking a question like this. Chances are you don’t feel empathy towards other people because you don’t feel empathy towards yourself, which is likely to mean that you have relatively low self-esteem. If this is so then working to raise your self-esteem would heighten your ability to feel empathy for others. Don’t worry about how you feel towards other people, however. Concentrate on how you feel about yourself.

Does anyone else have a feeling that this Valentines Day will be special/magical? (im single)?

Something will happen for you tomorrow that will change you. My heart has also been pounding lately, but the girl i like might not like me the same way, so i wish you luck this Valentine's Day. I am also glad that you are excited about tomorrow, but i am not so excited about tomorrow, because i don't get much on this day, or have a special Valentine. I can sometimes see the future, so there is a chance that this year, you will enjoy this Valentine's Day.
-Kindest regards, and wishing you a great Valentine's day,
(e-mail me about it if it works out for you)

Does anyone else have problems with not feeling energized or super tired while taking phentermine?

I have been on phentermine for a week now and the first day i was super energized and focused ready to clean everything and excercisize...but after about 3 hours id feel like i would just fall asleep in my soup...and everyday after that i would only feel tired and have to force myself to get motivated...i take mine in the morning after i eat breakfast as told to because if i take it before i won't eat at all unless i force myslef to...but as soon as i take it twenty mins later i just wanna sleep...and i drink nothing but water and excersize regularly..don't know whays going on...anyone else have a problem like this with phentermine?

37 weeks, and I feel horrible anyone else?

Hi. I am 39 weeks tomorrow and really started to feel the burn the last few days too. My baby is facing outwards (posterior) which is giving me terrible backache, it's almost unbearable. I look like a walking spacehopper and every time he presses down on my bladder I look like an idiot "trying" to run to the loo in time lol! Never mind, we are almost there. Good luck to you x

Does anyone else feel like something is coming, or about to happen?

I am glad I am not alone on this. It is very difficult because most of my life I have been trained ad nauseam regarding scientific principles, but also how small changes in nature can cause global mass changes. For example an increase of 1C (1.8F) degree in our oceans. With the W.socltice we have an alignment with our sun, galactic core, and add in there our moon, and perhaps another planet. Gravitational waves can sum, causing a large increase in g'total. Would this not tip our delicate scale? If so we should observe a Gaussian form of events. In otherwords if 2012 is the center, it would be the top of the bell curve. If we are to see a massive event, we would should see signs of an increase in events leading up to the zenith point on 2012. We can see that the global temperatures are rising, but they are linear. We should be looking at nonlinear events. such as earthquakes per month. 1,2,4,8,16,32..... nonlinear points to a epoch conclusion. Also interesting is UFO-H bomb testing.