Approximate Percentage

What was the approximate percentage of KNO3 in the sample? I have no idea how to do this question...?

let's take an arbitrary mass of the sample --- 100 g for convenience
there are 20 g of K in our sample
20 g / 39.1 g/mol = 0.5115 mol
there is one K in KMnO4 so this is also the moles of KMnO4
0.5115 mol * 101 g/mol = 51.66 g of KMnO4
51.66 KMnO4 / 100 g sample = 51.66 % or approximately 52%

Approximate percentage of scores?

For college-bound high school seniors from a certain Midwestern city, math scores on
the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) averaged 480, with a standard deviation of 100.
Assume that the distribution of math scores is bell shaped and symmetrical.

a. What is the approximate percentage of scores that were between 380 and 580?

b. What is the approximate percentage of scores that were above 680?

c. Charlie scored 580 on the math portion of the SAT. What is the approximate
percentage of students who scored lower than Charlie?

d.Betty scored 680 on the math portion of the SAT. What is the approximate percentage
of students who scored higher than Charlie but lower than Betty?