Are Clown Loaches Suppose To Be

Is two or three clown loaches enough?

Clown loaches are very shy when they're alone. I wouldn't recommend keeping them singly; they begin to thrive when in groups of 5 or more. That can take a lot of space though, especially since they can grow to be up 12 inches long!

When you do add more clowns, you may not see them for a while either. They will probably be stressed and need time to settle into their new home. If I was moved from my natural habitat, into a store and then moved out of the store and into a home I would hide too! I wouldn't want to be moved any more : )

ADF's and Clown Loaches?

Clown Loaches are adorable peaceful fish and you can never have too many! The only negative I had with clowns is they will eat tetras. In my tanks, the clowns are the main attraction but I keep balas, CAE, corydoras, and rainbowfish in the same community. Rainbowfish are beautiful although, they can look a little dull when they are juveniles but if you feed them right they develop brilliant colors.

How many clown loaches can I have in a tank with other fish?

I’ve always used the 1″ per gallon rule of thumb. You don’t state tank size or # of fish already in your tank or the proposed number you are planning on so I am going to just jump in and say 0ne (1). Without more information it’s difficult to provide a better answer for you.Clown loaches can grow up to 6″ or so and require a large (50–75 gallon min.) tank to be comfortable. For their comfort and lowered stress levels they are recommended to be kept in groups when young. Size of the group or school is again dependent on tank size.You will also want heavy over filtration and rapid water turnover using power heads to supply a good current and oxygen to keep these fish in peak condition. A heavily planted aquarium will provide plenty of hiding/resting spots for these fish as well.Hope this helps….Cheers!

Why do clown loaches play dead?

Why do clown loaches play dead in the aquarium?

Are clown loach fish aggressive? ?

The clown loaches are not agressive and tend to be shy in the tank so give a cave or hiding spot in the tank and clown loaches need to keep as a group, you can keep minimum 2 or 3 in a small tank. They grow quite fast until they reach 7-8cm and after that they growth rate become slower.

They are very attractive fish and dont be supprised if they slept upside down in your tank and they also love to sleep on top of each other at nite.

They are not agressive but they are omnivore so they will eat any food that fit to their mouth and they love to eat so you need to ensure they got amount of food they need otherwise they will start to nipping other fish as they begin to hunt for food.

When they are less than 6cm, they will go just fine with small tropical fish (3-4cm size) but as they size is over8cm, they will start hunting for food and any tetra will consider as their food.
This can be monitored when they swimming in the tank, they always swim in the bottom of the tank and can be use as scavanger so if they start swimming to follow other fish that mean they need more food

They are scaless fish so they love clean water in their tank and ensure you do routine water change.
Keep the temp at 25-26C as low temp can cause white spot problem

Enjoy your clown loaches and look how they sleep upside down:)

My clown loach has gone insane!?!!!?

You provided excellent detail!

Not sure why your fish is now getting freaked out, but I suspect it needs more shelter. The behavior you describe is from a fish that is anxious.

So, add some PVC tubes, flowerpots, etc. While the wood and planted tank should be enough, your fish needs some TLC.

Also, clown loaches are social. While gupies are present, they should be housed in groups of 3 or more for the best social interaction. Without knowing the age of your fish,it could be entering breeding age and the absence of another of its kind is causing stress.

Start with the addition of the hiding spots. If after 48 hours no improvement is seen, and there is no sign of obvious disease then add another 2 clown loaches to the tank.

I do not think it is a disease process. It is more behavioral and this is indicitive of anxiety or rutting type actions.

Make sure the tank is well covered or it may make a jump for it.

Good Luck.

How long can Clown Loaches be pregnant?? How many babies can they have?

Unless your clown loach are 7 inches plus they wont have bred and why have you got clown loaches and oscars together the oscars will eat the clown loach!

It is almost unheard of to have clown loaches breed in captivity. There has been successful breeding in some cases where the clown loaches natural environment, which is running stream water, has been recreated and breeding has occurred. This is with great luck.

Even determining the gender of a clown loach is difficult. The males tail fins may be turned in slightly. The females are thought to be more stalky and thicker shaped, and the males to be thinner and smaller. This is true in nature among many animals.

Are Clown Loaches compatible with Tetras and Guppies?

I have a 30 gallon tank with tetras and guppies, But currently my tank is over run with small snails. I've heard that clown loaches eat snails so im thinking of getting some to take care of the snails. Anyone know if their compadible? Most sites say clown loaches are peaceful fish, but they live with barbs and from what i know barbs arent exactly peaceful fish.