Are You Excited About The New Star Wars Movie For Next Year 2015

Would you like to see Billy Dee Williams in the next Star Wars movies?

Only if he's treated better than the others so far.Han was played lazily by Harrison Ford. Luke was made out to be a coward running from responsibility (though with new information in Episode VIII maybe we'll learn differently), and Leia had nothing to do, as if the script was written to exclude her if Carrie Fisher didn't sign on.The level of audience manipulation is kind of gross. Luke was obviously left out of VII so people still had something to come back for with VIII. R2 was left out of the plot so BB-8 could be the popular droid (BB-8 is freaking COOL, though).I think overall they did OK with the old cast. I'm disappointed I didn't get to see Luke Skywalker on screen again (except for one shot), but that will come. His grey cloak is the strongest bit of symbolism in the movie, and it stretches right back to The Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi (Luke finding the balance between light and dark), so that piqued my interest.

Are you excited to watch Star Wars: Underworld?

never watch it and will not evercheers

What is the correct order to watch the Star Wars movies?

There are two very clear answers for this. I will include both of them in my answer and then finalise with what I personally think is the best order.Order 1 (release order):Episode IV (A New Hope)Episode V (Empire Strikes Back)Episode VI (Return Of The Jedi)Episode I (The Phantom Menace)Episode II (Attack Of The Clones)Episode III (Revenge Of The Sith)Episode VII (The Force Awakens)Rogue One: A Star Wars StoryEpisode VIII (The Last Jedi)Solo: A Star Wars Story (releasing mid-May 2018)Episode IX (TBC; releasing 2019)Order 2 (in universe answer/chronological order in the Star Wars universe)Episode I (The Phantom Menace)Episode II (Attack Of The Clones)Episode III (Revenge Of The Sith)Solo: A Star Wars Story (releasing mid-may 2018)Rogue One: A Star Wars StoryEpisode IV (A New Hope)Episode V (Empire Strikes Back)Episode VI (Return Of The Jedi)Episode VII (The Force Awakens)Episode VIII (The Last Jedi)Episode IX (TBC; releasing 2019)Personally, I believe order two is the best order to watch the movies in, to best understand the plot and Star Wars universe. It is the most comprehensive view, and the easiest to understand.Order one, however, also has it’s pros and cons. I have to admit that watching the films in the first order is a much more exciting and rewarding experience, since you will receive the shocks and surprises, and experience the twists, although you may be left confused at times.To summarise, if you want to understand everything, you should watch them in order two (Star Wars universe chronological order).

List of all Star Wars movies in order?

Episode I: The Phantom Menace is the movie with "some boy this is 11 I think, goes into a race? The "boy" is Anakin Skywalker, he is 9, the race is a pod race and the name of the race in the movie is the Boonta Eve Classic.

The movies were released in this order:

1977: Episode IV: A New Hope
1980: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
1983: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

This is called the OT or Original Trilogy.

1999: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
2002: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
2005: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

This is called the prequel trilogy.

2008: Star Wars The Clone Wars (Animated Movie)

This movie is set in between ep II & ep III and tells the story of the many battles of the Clone Wars that couldn't be told in the live action movies due to time constraints.

To understand the story it is best to watch them in the order that they were released in not in the order of 1 - 6 but whatever floats your boat.

May The Force Be With You ...


The movie Eagle Eye, explain?

Well I watched the movie "Eagle Eye" like two times now and I still don't get the whole story line? Can someone explain what the movie is about and explain the story line please :)