Ate 1 Kg / 2 2 Pounds Of Avocados Is It Dangerous

How to lose 5 pounds in 1 week?

you can do it, just keep at it, eat right and lots of exercise...every little bit helps..

.One thing that works for me is: before I eat, I drink a large glass of water, then if I'm still hungry, I won't eat as much as I would have.

It's better to eat 5-6 small meals than 2 or 3 regular meals each day.

also, fyi:

1 pound = 3500 calories.

If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

ie, if you eat 2000 calories per day and burn 2500, you will lose 1 pound every week.

the average person burns 1000-1500 calories per day, just being alive.

power walking can burn 200-500 calories per hour.
exercise bike can burn 200-600 calories per hour.
swimming can burn 100-800 calories per hour.
jogging/running can burn 300-1200 calories per hour.

Also, try not to eat within 3-4 hours of going to sleep.

*********VERY IMPORTANT************

when trying to lose weight, very important to drink lots and lots of water ! ! !
You should drink at least 10 glasses per day, like 1 glass every hour !

This helps your body get rid of the fat when you are burning calories.

I weighed 113 pounds this morning. For breakfast, I ate one banana and half a scone with a tablespoon of cream cheese. I stepped back on the scale, and it says I'm 116! Why?

First of all I'd like to thank whomever requested that I answer this question.  Thank you, I really appreciate it.Secondly, the scale is a just a tool that reports back the perceived weight of whatever you put on it.  It doesn't report what's going on inside your body or what the weight consists of (fat vs lean body mass). You ate breakfast and you gained 3 lbs.  But you didn't really just gain 3 lbs.  What you did was you weighed yourself (113 lbs) plus 3 pounds of food. You probably drank a couple glasses of water, too.  By definition 8 oz of water weights 0.5 lbs.  Maybe you changed clothes?  The scale is a tool.  Use it to notice trends and fluctuations.  It doesn't know what day in your menstrual cycle you are, if you'd had a particularly rough day or if you didn't sleep (all of which can lead to your body holding onto water and making it seem like your weight increased).  There are so many factors that go into your weight, some of which don't even depend on you at all.Try this: move the scale to the left  two feet and weigh yourself again.  I bet you weigh a different number.   Move it into a different room.  I'll bet the number changed again. Isn't that something?

Is an avocado a fruit or vegetable?

First & foremost, avocado is delicious & almost as essential as oxygen & water!

Fruits: West Indian type avocados produce enormous, smooth round, glossy green fruits that are low in oil and weigh up to 2 pounds. Guatemalan types produce medium ovoid or pear-shaped, pebbled green fruits that turn blackish-green when ripe. The fruit of Mexican varieties are small (6 - 10 ounces) with paper-thin skins that turn glossy green or black when ripe. The flesh of avocados is deep green near the skin, becoming yellowish nearer the single large, inedible ovoid seed. The flesh is hard when harvested but softens to a buttery texture. Wind-caused abrasion can scar the skin, forming cracks which extend into the flesh. "Cukes" are seedless, pickle-shaped fruits. Off-season fruit should not be harvested with the main crop, but left on the tree to mature. Seeds may sprout within an avocado when it is over-mature, causing internal molds and breakdown. High in monosaturates, the oil content of avocados is second only to olives among fruits, and sometimes greater. Clinical feeding studies in humans have shown that avocado oil can reduce blood cholesterol.

I ate 300g of carbs, but is it bad?

Would that cause problems with insulin or sluggishness or fat gain or anything harmful? Because I eat pretty healthy. Today I ate 300g of carbs but I ate:

Breakfast: 2 guavas

Lunch: serving of brown rice, broccoli, a small cube of tofu, 1/4 hard boiled egg, 3 cherry tomatoes, some black beans and chickpeas, little bit of carrot and cucumber.

Snack: A bowl of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, pineapple + a banana

Dinner: Some mixed beans, 1/2 avocado, lots of broccoli and spinach

Snack: Large Asian pear + 1/2 gala apple

As you can see, they're carb-dense foods but they are also whole foods. SO is this bad??? I'm not looking to lose weight and today I've been sedentary the whole day. I'm 5'4 and 104 lbs and 17 if it matters.

Underweight teen who wants to gain weight and muscles.?

Try adding healthy, but calorie dense, foods to your diet. Natural peanut butter, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, whole eggs, 2% or whole milk/yogurt/cottage cheese, avocados, olive oil, dark chocolate, 100% fruit juices, and whole grains (breads/bagels/pastas etc) are all good foods you can add. Try to eat smaller meals more often (like every 2-3hours).

Personally, I would avoid the powders. They are expensive, and some of them are actually high in sugars. The whey protein though, probably wouldn't even help you gain weight because it tends not to have as many calories, but it really depends on which brand. I would stick to whole, natural foods instead.

But remember, you are only 13 years old, and are still growing! I am assuming you haven't hit puberty yet. When you do, you will start to fill out and look more "womanly". Try not to compare yourself to friends, because everyone is different. Some girls go through puberty earlier than others. I know it's hard, but try to be patient!
Best wishes~