Ball Python. New Snake And Enclosure Help

How can I introduce my corn snake to a new ball python?

The health and safety of your snakes comes first. You can temporarily place their cages side by side so that they may see one another but, they should be housed separately. Corn snakes require a different cage climate verses ball pythons. Corn snakes are naturally a forest type snake. Ball pythons are tropical/sub tropical snakes. Your corn snake has already had a bad encounter with another snake in the past. That should give a clue to what may happen if your two snakes meet up.

Care for new Ball Python?

so i finally will have the money to buy all the stuff i need to get my ball python such as the enclosure and the water dish, food, etc.
and i have been trying to find websites to help give me a relatively good idea of how to care for my new ball python. but none seem to have any info that i trust. so i was just wondering what are the basic care methods?
how much [and what of] do i need to feed him/her from the point of when i get it [it will only be about a foot long then and skinny] until the point of when its full grown? and how do i tell if i need to be feeding it more? how often do i feed it?
is the temperature i need to keep it at really 80-85 F with a basking area of 90? or is that bull****? what is the best thing to have lining the bottom of its cage, and how much of it do i need? are there any big care differences between if i have a male or a female? i plan on having a female. i think thats about it, ill add details if i forgot anything.
thanks for all your help, and any other things about how you care for your snake or other facts that would help are greatly appreciated! thatnks! <3

Is it ok to keep a garter snake and a ball python in the same tank?

No. There requirements and diets are completely different. Ball pythons come from the tropical forests of western Africa. Garter snakes are aquatic snakes from North America. They prefer a much cooler temperature than ball pythons normally would. As far as the ball python eating the garter snake like the previous post said, that will not happen. Ball pythons only eat warm blooded mammals, and they will not eat other snakes. But it is best to keep them separate so that one doesn't pass illness or parasites to the other.

How to get my ball python to trust me?

First of all, it does not matter if you feed him in or out of his enclosure. I feed all my snakes in their enclosures. When he hisses and you back off, you encourage him to hiss even more. He learns that his behavior will get him the results that he wants. You need to show him "whose boss". Just slowly reach in and get a few fingers under his belly so he feels supported, then calmly pull him up out of his cage. Don't back off when he hisses. Normally snakes will hiss, but they don't bite. They just put on a big show. Snakes can also sense your fear, and it makes them scared. If he is small and he does bite, it would be as bad as a Gardner snake bite. Ball pythons do not have fangs. Just be calm and patient and he should come around and eventually stop this behavior. I still have a 5 foot female boa that hisses all the time, but she has never struck. Some people will even go as far as putting a shirt of theirs in the enclosure with the snake to get them used to their smell. I have never done that though. I would suggest buying a book about ball pythons and do some more research. Hope this helps.

What do you do if your ball python bites you?

Oh, it’ll happen at some point, and it’ll be your fault when it does, lol. And you’ll know it, right before it happens — that it was your fault, and you set this up.But that wasn’t the question. The question is, what do you do? Well, you hold still.You absolutely do NOT pull away, or try to pry the animal off if it’s wrapped your hand. Just hold still.If you try to pull away, or remove the snake, then you’re going to wind up with lacerations. If it’s an adult, they might be serious enough to require stitches! What’s more, the snake’s teeth could break off, creating a route for infection (in both of you) (and hurting a whole lot). The snake could even die as a result. So don’t do that.A snake that bit you defensively will have simply nipped you and released immediately. Wash it with soap and water, and call it a lesson learned.A snake that bit you accidentally because you forgot to wash your hands after handling a rodent will probably wrap up your hand (or whatever it bit), and constrict. This hurts a little. The bite isn’t really painful, but when the snake squeezes down on its own head and drives the teeth in deeper, it can hurt a bit. No big deal, though.Just wait. Seriously. Hold perfectly still. Ball pythons have powerful instincts, and they’re simply not capable of letting go until their ‘prey’ has stopped moving, because that’s how they avoid being injured.After a minute or so, if it still hasn’t let go, you can try tapping it gently on the nose, or unwrapping it starting at the tail. The snake will release you as soon as it realizes it made a mistake. It will then look very sheepish, and probably refuse to eat that day. Oh, well.Wash the wound with soap and water. It’s just a row of pinpricks. They will bleed, but they’ll heal fast. Of course watch for any signs of infection, but if you reacted the right way, the risk is pretty low.And don’t do what you did to earn the bite, next time. lol.

Ball python intent on escaping?

No, he's fine.

Mine does that too, and its usually because she wants out. Generally, she does it later at night (when the sun is down and the blinds are closed). Like right now, she's poking at the top of her enclosure.

I've found that it makes her content to handle her for about an hour and then let her go back into her enclosure. I'm sure she pokes around when we're sleeping (ball pythons are nocturnal), but she's fine otherwise.

Make super sure that the enclosure is push proof. My first enclosure for her lifted up JUST a little on one side, and I figured she'd never be able to push it up AND escape. Well, I found myself corrected when I came home from work and she was inside the cabinets.

Congratulations on your new snake!