Best Stocks On The Market Right Now. Low Price Per Share But On The Rise

What is the best cheap stock to buy right now?

Cheap does not have anything to do with share price.

The best cheap stock is BNI.

Why do stock prices go up and down?

The reasons why a stock might increase or decrease in price as as varied as the number of people and institutions currently buy and selling the stock.

there can be technical reasons such as the stock is currently over bought or over sold. That is it is due for a correction in the stock price based on technical inditications.

there can be overall economic reasons such as the Fed has recently raised or lowered interest rates or unemployment statistics have increased or decreased or GNP has increased or decreased or the housing market has collapsed or the president has decided to invade another country or oil prices have increased or decreased.

there can be company specific reasons for the price to increase or decrease such as an increase or decrease in earnings, same store sales, an increase or decrease in dividends, revelations that the CEO has been back dating his stock options or cooking the books or bribed the board of directors into giving him a healthy increase in salary or just awarded a monsterous tax break by congress.

What causes stock prices to rise and fall?

you guys had good answers but i mean specifically. what would cause a stock to go from $3.40 per share to $3.80 (as opposed to 3.70 or something). is there a formula or something that helps them come up with that specific number

Short term trading in stock market?

So you've been short term trading a highly speculative market and losing your pants. Now you want a risk free method to trade this market? Are you seeing an issue?

Definitions time folks:

Savings - reserve funds invested in a safe vehicle to protect ones assets and receive a small return in exchange for giving up current purchasing power.

Investing - putting capital at calculated risk in order to achieve higher returns.

Trading - Speculating on short term movements of securities prices, involves high levels of personal risks but provides benefits of providing extra liquidity & effecientacy to securities market.

Now professional traders, a) have the financial ability to withstand prolonged periods of losses, b) understand there is no "perfect" method, and c) even if they had found something even bordering on effective, wouldn't distribute it freely as it would dilute the efficacy of their method (And with the current state of the mortgage markets we're learning just how falliable even those "propietary" methods can be).

Sounds like you need to back up. Start building your savings, then your investments. After that, if you must, you can start a trading account. But, honestly I've made far more in two years of investing, than I did in 10 years of trading. (Simple math lesson one, if a stock drops 50%, from that point it has to go up 100% for you to break even -- meaning minimize your loses is more vital than maximizing your gains).