Best V. C. Andrews Series

Best V.C Andrews novel?

The only series I have read of hers is Flowers in the Attic and I loved it. I do want to read more but there are so many out there, I'm not sure which series I should begin with? I loved the mood of the Flowers series, how it was dark and forbidden and cruel. I'd prefer somthing along those lines to start with.
Thanks in advance.

What is the best v.c andrews book?

Heaven series is OK.

What are the best books of Andrew Mathews?

There are Several books, but I’ll mention just a few:Julius Caesar - by William Shakespeare, Andrew MatthewsBeing Happy!Follow Your HeartMaking FriendsHappiness in Hard TimesHow Life WorksBooks by Andrew Matthews

What is the best book by Andrew Newberg?

for simplicity, clarity and quickreading:"How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist."is the best but if your interestd with the details then be sure to find  " Principles of Neurotheology"find those book and his other work on Library Genesis for free

When did you read VC Andrews Flowers in the Attic series?

I’m trying to work back the dates. I was born in 1979 so I was alway the age of the year. The movie was released in 1987 when I was 7. I don’t know what happened elsewhere, but the movie was a big deal for teenage girls at the time in Ireland. My older sisters would have been in that age group and they got the movie out on video. So probably a year later when I was 8. I saw the movie and then they got the books, and giant bookworm that I was I used to rob all their books except the bloody useless ‘Sweet Dreams’ shite. So I am guessing 8/9. Which I agree is crazy.The only thing being that I am fairly sure all the incest flew right over my head, because years later I read the Heaven books and that is when it clicked for me that these books had some pretty shocking sexual themes. But when my sister was a teenager, everyone was reading them!

Which V.C. Andrews books were made into movies?

Like the other person said just -

Flowers in the Attic


Personally I think Rain is the best one. I never knew it was made into a movie until I was browsing on Tivo for movies to record in the middle of the night. I saw Rain and knew it was a VC Andrews book. I recorded it and didn't expect much, but it was great.

I saw the movie before reading the book.

I think the movie did a great job.

The actress who plays Rain did wonderful & the songs she sang were great.

I wish more of the books were made into movies. I think the Dawn series would be good .

Why do some people find V.C. Andrews' Dollanganger series fascinating?

I discovered Flowers in The Attic in Junior High in the seventh grade. Ironically, it was from a girl whom we had a mutual dislike towards one another but we loved "horror" books.I started reading FITA the second it was placed in my hands. It is the very first "adult" book that I had read from cover to cover. Why?It started as a normal family, and you got drawn into Cathy's narrations. Each character became ALIVE in your mind. You hung on to every word. You rooted for Corrine to FINALLY do the right thing-time after time. You wanted the grandmother's heart to soften.  You witnessed the years in that attic with those children. Every joy, horror, and painful moment.NONE of the other books captured the essence of the first. Yet I have the vast majority of the several series and of course the Dollanganger series. (I will say that Heaven was the closest to FITA because it held my attention just as strong as FITA)That being said, The Dollanganger series was fascinating because at the time it was rumored to have been based on a true story. The fact that a mother could do that to her children-that a rich woman could do that to her children is fascinating within itself.Their survival post attic and the relationships in a changed world is what interested the audience as well.

Authors like VC Andrews?

The real VC Andrews was said to have been influenced by the Bronte Sisters, and you can certainly see elements of Jane Eyre in her work, "Flowers in the Attic". She is also said to have been influenced by Daphne Du Maurier (I strongly recommend Du Maurier's novel, "Rebecca") and Shirley Jackson, who wrote a famous short story titled, "The Lottery".

The ghostwriter for all VC Andrews novels published after 1987 (excluding Gods of Green Mountain) is Andrew Neiderman, who has written many horror novels of his own, all of varying quality. Some of his more famous novels are, "Pin", "The Devil's Advocate" and "Sister, Sister".

The Complete VC Andrews website has a fantastic link to authors who write like VC Andrews. Check it out here:

What are the themes in the book 'My Sweet Audrina' by V C Andrews?

Maybe illusion versus reality?
Her family completely altered her reality by messing up her sense of time. They also told her that her older sister was dead and had experienced something that really happened to her. It seemed that until she figured this out, she was always confused and didn't really know what day it was or what was going on. I hope this helps and you're able to find more specific's been a long time since I read that book.

Opinions on Virginia Andrews' Dollanganger series?

Im not that obsessed that I think about it in my everyday thoughts. But I absolutly loved that series and have thought about it on occaision. It is a story I fell in love with and will always remember it. I also loved Heaven .