Black Moon Lilith Conjunct Ceres Natal

Question about true lilith and its aspects?

Black Moon Lilith, sometimes referred to as the Dark Moon, represents the native's deepest instinctual motivations. Lilith's placement in a chart suggests the matters in which the native is secretive or very private. Lilith's placement in a chart reveals the deeper nature of a woman's emotional, maternal makeup. It is often indicative of their sexual nature and how she seduces her lovers. In a man's chart it represents the type of woman he may be strongly attracted to or easily seduced by.

Lilith(Scorpio) in the 4th house suggests a native that is very secretive about their sex and family lives. They are likely keenly interested in psychology, and the occult, with a passionate support of women's sexual rights. They may be distrustful of others, often keeping their deepest feelings to themselves. They may descend from a family in which there is sorrow on the female line, or women were encouraged to be more resourceful and follow their own inklings. The native may be guarded in relationships, having no issue with casual sex, but never willing to give more, for fear of being abandoned or hurt. They may have issues with dominance and control in relationships.

-conjunct Pluto (Scorpio) in the 4th house emphasizes the above. Conjunct Juno(Scorpio) in the 4th house suggests that the native may seek a long term partner that is very protective, resourceful and resilient. They seek loyalty and stability in their mates. Usually what they seek sexually in a partner and what they seek in a life long mate are the same.

-trine Jupiter + Chiron(Cancer) in the 12th? house suggests that the native tends to put a lot of energy into their familial relationships. There may be a lot of emotional and psychological hangups related to the past familial relations.

-sextile Saturn(Capricorn) in the 6th? house suggests that the native may deny their desires and may be workaholics. They may be very sexually reserved. There may have been sexual abuse.

-square Ceres(Leo) in the 1st? house suggests that sexuality may feel uncomfortable to the native, perhaps due to its being used to exploit them at a young age. Square the Ascendant may suggest a tendency to attract women that are domineering, manipulative and controlling.

-oppose Vesta(Taurus) in the 10th house suggests that the native may suppress their sexual urges and use ambition as a substitute.

Never had a GF, no love life forever aloner.. Natal chart explaination???

BTW if you don't know anything about astrology or so forth then don't even waste your time saying stupid things, I'm looking for serious in depth astrological answers...

Lilith in 9th house in libra meaning?

I also have Poseidon, Nemesis, Hopi, Urania, Apollon, Deucalion.
But I really would like to know what does lilith in libra in my 9th house means.
Does it mean Libra's would be of bad luck in my life?... I'm really concerned because I would really like to travel.

?Aspects to Lilith mean?


When looking at lilith, you have to take into consideration that this is a very powerful archetype. It is not love and light, but about destruction to rid ourselves of old paradigms. To become renewed.

To give you an accurate interpretation as Professional astrologer, like myself, would need the sign, house of both partners.

In synastry, lilith would mean what energy you or your partner would bring to the relationship that could encourage lilith issues that need to be eradicated brought to the surface.

Here check this out: hope it helps.

Why does she test human emotions?

Relationships that carry lilith energy are initiatory, soul to soul, a deeper opening of the center, where our personal and impersonal experience emerges. Remember the Black moon is self-centered illusions for the purpose of purging negative desires, leading to deeper truth within our hearts, as the longing and yearning of our souls.

astrologically or mythological

Lilith personalities, people affected by Lilith, have access to their intuition. By transits causing brainwaves, moving a muddled situation or repeatedly applied behavior patterns into a completely different light, the wisdom comes Lilith personalities are equipped with excellent manipulation and seduction abilities, and if they are smart, they won't use this talent to the damage of others, but to improve the living conditions of everyone involved. Often these people have diplomatic abilities, psychological understanding and the ability to empathize with other people. Lilith personalities have a sense for the correct word at the right time and know instinctively, what is appropriate in certain communications with certain individuals or a groups and what is not. Mostly they are charismatic people, sending out harmony and balance.

Lilith In The Sun Signs and the House Residing.. go too this link