Breaking Bad Questions Why Did Walt Have The Lily Of The Valley Did He Poison Brock And Who The

Breaking Bad: How did Walt poison Brock?

Vince GIlligan said at comic con that walt poisoned brock by putting the Lilly of the valley in a juice box and then gave it to brock.

Why did Walter White poison Brock in Breaking Bad?

it gets a little complicated lol. but here we go: Walkter has Saul Goodmans bodyguard take the ricin off of him (when he pats him down), knowing that Jesse will put 2 and 2 together to think that it was Walt (which it was, but hold on). so he knows Jesse will think Walt poisined Brock, so he will come to kill him. but then Walt uses this to his advantage, making it seem like it was Gus who poisined Brock, and that Gus is trying to pin it on Walt so that Jesse will kill him. so that is why Walt took the ricin even though he didn't use it

now, he poisins Brock, so that he can turn Jesse against Gus by telling him it was Gus who poisined him, so that he will be able to use Jesse (who Gus still trusts) to kill Gus so that he and his family will be safe

Breaking Bad ? Brock poisoned?

Yes, it was Walt. They show a picture of the poisonous plant on his back patio by the swimming pool, and the berries of that plant were used to poison Brock.

Remember when Mike went to Brock's mom's house to give her the money from Jesse? That was probably the time the poison was delivered, when candy was given to Brock to eat. And that candy had the poison in it. The intent wasn't to kill Brock, but to turn Jesse away from Gus and back to Walt.

Walt says to Jesse, who do we know that kills children? Gus. And Jesse buys it.

Breaking bad question?

to convince jesse that gus stole the ricin cig and that it was gus who poisened brock...

walt knew that jesse would think brock was poisened by either walt or gus

Why did Walt ultimately decide to poison Brock in Breaking Bad?

Near the end of the episode crawl space, Gus tells Walt that he can't kill Walt because Jesse wouldn't allow it. Gus says that eventually Jesse will come around and let him kill Walt. Walt knowing Gus' manipulative and cold nature, knows that he will eventually convince Jesse. He had to do something drastic to get Jesse on his side. Which is why he poisoned Brock and made it look like one of Gus' men had taken the ricin.

In Breaking Bad, who do you think poisoned Brock?

Walter White did it so Jesse would turn against Gus. Not sure but I believe Walter slipped it in Brock's food or drink that time when he was over at Jesse's girlfriend's house.

Breaking Bad (TV series): Did Gus poison Brock? How? How did he know about the poison?

Nope, Gus didn't. Walter did.He asked Saul to arrange a meeting with Jesse in his office. When Jesse enters, Saul's body guard Huell pretends to check Jesse's pocket and takes away the cigarette which contains the ricin. Jesse then realises that the ricin is missing and at the same time, hears about Brock's poisoning. When he goes and confronts Walt, he is manipulated brilliantly making him think that Gus did the poisoning.Ultimately though, it was Walt who poisoned the kid but NOT through the use of ricin. Instead, it was Lily of the Valley. It was a measured approach by Walter White, the meticulous planner.Oh, and Gus didn't know about the poisoning until Jesse told him at the hospital.