Calling All Canadians/northern Usa Folk - Where Can I Get A Good Parka

Is Canada's weather a big deal for Canadians? If Canadian, how many times have you thought about moving somewhere warmer?

Many Canadian kids were brought up with hockey and ice skating and skiing and for them winter is an exciting time for fun. Personally, I hate cold weather. Would I move from Canada because of the weather? Never! The peace and beauty, clean air, civilized culture and universal health care make the weather of no consequence at all. I live outside one of the coldest cites on the planet in a forest. I think in 35 years missed one or two days of work due to blizzards. We prepare and we understand our environment. City folk have it easy! Most Canadians by far are urban nowadays and therefore can and do complain about the weather between their warm buses or trains and over a latte but really, Chicago or the humid awful London weather is terrible as well and I prefer the dry cold where I live . For a European or a South American , yes, our winter is tough but we dress for it, drive appropriate vehicles and have excellent warm draft,free insulated housing. The winter light is a wonder with its long shadows and Northern Lights….there is no cleaner crisper air than you will encounter here. Would I give this up for a pollen rich dank, humid, mouldy sub or tropical air?….not a chance. I am speaking of Western Canada in what we call erroneously the prairies east of the Rockies. The west coast is warm and rain forest country. Heading east a long long way the weather varies from European like to maritime with amazing snowfalls in Newfoundland. Read up on it as it is a huge country and a paragraph cannot begin to describe our weather but I can say, people take holidays to Hawaii and Florida but come back home to our weather and our winter cheer.

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

How dangerous is Philadelphia?

Well since I've read your previous question, I know you're staying West Conshohocken. West Conshohocken is a very suburban quiet town. And the hotel you're staying at is one that many out of town sports teams stay at.

The city, for the most part, is safe. There are a few pockets of town that account for the city's image as unsafe. All the primary tourist areas are safe. Avoid North Philly and West Philly. If you go to the zoo, don't wander off the Schuylkill Expressway past the zoo.

Why do the USA and Russia hate each other despite of looking the same and following the same religion?

US and Russia follow different branch of chirstianity. In USA the popular branch is Catholicism, while in Russia popular branch is Russian Orthodoxy.Since I’m not a christian, I’m not familiar with the exact differences, but I believe they have something to do with Papal Supremacy and status of Holy Spirit. Or something.With Russia being multicultural, Orthodoxy is not the only religion out there, we have muslims, jews, buddhists, and I think followers of Krishna’s as well (who apparently face trouble building their temple in moscow). I believe there may even be shamans in some areas (Siberia/Yakutia).So, religion alone is definitely not going to be enough to bring two countries closer. Speaking of which, not all people are christian.As far as I can tell, a lot of differences stem from cold war era (communism vs capitalism).Recent attempts to demonize Russsia during another US presidential campaign certainly did not improve relationships between countries.In the end, I think one of the issues is that US had that unfortunate habit of thinking that they’re world police, and Russia still have stuff to fix after USSR’s untimely demise. Maybe things will improve, but it’ll take time. Time will tell if the new US president changes anything.

Why is "cunt" considered very offensive in the US but not in Australia?

Ok, ill trend away from the general consensus on opinion because i use the word. I am from the infamous shire, which is seen as quite racist and uneducated. However i am a bit more educated while still retaining my "bogan" roots. I will point the blame back to our convict/settler roots. Australia was not created by the intellectual. Convicts spoke in a way that reflected their status and the settlers did not usually come from the upper echelons of society, as the lower socio-economic groups look to make their fortunes in the new world. This deprived Australia of formal aspect to society.  Furthermore an orator must speak in the language of his audience which further reinforced a profanity laced way of speaking. Good evidence of this is former Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating. I feel tall poppy syndrome comes into it slightly. A trait common among all Australians is a dislike of snobs or anyone richer then you. Certainly when i was at high school and we went to a excursion with other schools, if their were any prestigious looking schools there me and my friends would be as bogan as possible and use c**t like a full stop. Now on to personal experience. It entered my vocabulary in the way you mention at the age of 13. I knew of it before but it came into my sentence structure like a full stop. While i still use it, it is only around close friends and alcohol that it rears it's apparently ugly head. To me it all depends on the the prefix. By itself or with a negative word in front of it, it is generally offensive "your a c**t","fat c**t", "s**t c**t", while if the prefix is positive "talented c**t", "mad c**t","smart c**t" and "hard c**t". Context is even more important. If your close friend Jake just downed or chugged copious amount of beer/got with a 10/10/fought off a shark he would be a called "mad c**t" or "sick c**t" accompanied in a light-hearted tone and laughing. However if he had just drank petrol, engaged in intercourse with a farm animal or something else that is considered a cultural taboo he would still be a "sick c**t", but the delivery would be done with a straight face to place emphasis the seriousness and lack of humor. YouTuber ShooterWilliamson provides the most comprehensive video explaining "c**t"

What are the traditional costumes of France?

Like USA France is divided by state, we call it Region, each region as its own culture, if they dont have many.For instance i live in Britanny, Bretons have some Costumes .While its almost evry time black suits, the headchief vary almost each 50km…As for the scottish kilt, the head piece here will almost set were you come from and who you obbey. Well Used to…. Now its just folk.More closer to our time, the “coiffe” aimed to be a hint of your social class.Thats only for britanny.Alsacian have the same idea with thoose kind of outfit (near germany ) :Corsica :BasqueAnd so on…And so you get that there is nothing like a one and only french costume :“The France in traditionnal costumes”