Can A Tooth That Has Been Knocked Loose Not Out Be Saved

Permanent Teeth knocked loose?

My friend has a brother that annoys her, or so she tells me. She's been ignoring him for a while and recently she was fed up with him and while he was bugging her, she swung at him and knocked at least three of his permanent teeth loose. Don't ask me what they were fighting about, lol. All I know is that there was blood and busted lips after.

How would the dentist fix this? So far all the Y!Answers on this topic aren't making any sense, or are they helping ( I mean really, 'go see a dentist' gee, I would have never thought...?) I would like to know how they would fix it. They aren't SUPER loose, I've been told, but like when you have a baby tooth and it's in the middle stages of coming loose (if that makes any sense).

Thanks for answering

Have you ever had a tooth knocked out?

This one time i was in the pool and i was on one of those littile kick boards on my knees to see how long i could do it for then all the suddan it launchs back on my face and knocks out a tooth. My dad lost one after getting nailed when playing ice hockey.

Cats bottom tooth almost knocked out and bleeding, what should i do?

It would be best to have the vet take a look, the root may have been broken off and still in there, could end up with a tooth root abscess. It is possible that the jaw could have been damaged. Never use proxide in the mouth, that is what they use to induce vomiting in cases of poisoning. Call the vet and set up an appointment. Then have a talk with your friend about the proper handling of pets.

Can I pull out a loose tooth from my dog?

Are you a vet? I did not think so, so No you cannot pull out your Chihuahuas loose tooth. If your Chihuahua has a loose tooth, then you take her to the vet and have the vet remove the tooth without causing your dog any pain.

If she has tartar on her loose teeth (there is probably more than one), then she's got tartar on all her other teeth, that will eventually lead to all her teeth and her gums ending up Infected and she needs to go to the vet for a dental anyway.

When a human goes to a dentist's office to have a tooth removed, they are given Novacaine (Anesthetic) to numb the pain. How would you feel if someone you trusted walked up to you and just yanked out one of your teeth? I don't think you would have been too happy about it.

You are going to hurt her even more, if you even try to pull the tooth out yourself and may even be bitten. If the tooth breaks and the root of the tooth remains, it can cause her major problems.

Be responsible, do the right thing and take her to the vet for a Dental. I take all my Chihuahuas to the vet for Wellness Checks every 6 months and they also have Dentals done every 6 months to a year or as their vet says is needed and they all have perfect pearly white teeth.

Can a loose tooth be fixed again by the dentists?

Depends. A friend’s son got his teeth knocked out while playing with friends in school. The dentist we consulted asked us to put the tooth in a container of milk and to come to dental clinic as soon as possible. Once there he assessed the by and re-fixed the tooth. It’s almost 2 years now and the tooth is doing fine. Sometimes if it is badly damaged it might not be possible to re attach. So consult your dentist.

I have braces and I think I accidentally knocked a tooth loose?

Long story short, I took a hit to the mouth and I think one of my bottom front teeth was knocked loose from the blow. It's really more "mobile" now than what it used to be. It tends to move back and forth when I'm eating and it can pop in and out of the socket. I've had them on for 6 months now and I've experienced loose teeth from my braces, but this feels different. My braces were not damaged when I was hit except the bracket on the tooth seems to be loose too. If the hit really knocked it loose, will the braces put it back into place or will my dentist have to do something about it?

Can I pull out a really loose adult tooth?

Yes you can do it’s fully mobile tooth, but I will suggest you better u visit dentist for extraction because u can’t do properly it can cause infection.Commonly loose tooth causes because of Diabetic Or for Poor Oral Health.. Visit Dentist to protect other tooth.Gum Problem or Gingivitis & Periodontis:Gum is the supporting & which surrounding tooth. Gum disease, also known as Gingivitis & Periodontist, is an infection of the gums that surrounding the teeth structure. It is also one of the main causes of Bleeding gum & tooth loss among adults. There are two major stages of Gum disease: Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Gum disease can increased space in between tooth, causes increase gap in between tooth. If this problem is untreated the it can cause tooth loss.Bleeding gum, Know causes & treatments[/caption]Causes of Gum disease:Gum disease can be caused by a number of factors, but poor oral hygiene is the most common cause. Mainly Dental Plaque & Calculus causes Gum problems. Your mouth is full of bacteria that combine with saliva to form a sticky film known as plaque, which builds up on your teeth. This plaque later becomes hard on the tooth,its call Calculus. When you take food or drink high in carbohydrates (sugary or starchy foods), bacteria in plaque turn carbohydrates into the energy they need, producing acid, this acid causes irritation of gums, making them inflamed & gum disease.Periodontal infections are usually mixed, most often involving anaerobes such as Treponema denticola and Porphyromonas gingivalis. The microaerophile Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans causes a rare form known as localized Juvenile Periodontitis.TO KNOW IN DETAILS ABOUT THIS PREVENTION, RISK FATOR & TREATMENTS CLICK HERE

What happens if you have a loose tooth with braces?

Its not uncommon to find one or many of your teeth having braces move a bit (Grade 1 or in layman terms 1-1.5 mm). Orthodontic forces moves your teeth from point A to point B with the solid bone. Orthodontic forces make the teeth move and while moving, the bone at the front of the tooth resorbs ( dissolves/diminishes/relocate) and new bone is formed where the tooth was. This resorption and osteogenesis (new bone formation) that occur together makes the bone little soft around the root of the tooth and that is why you feel mobility in your teeth. Its a normal happening. Now another scene is where one finds his/her teeth extremely mobile (Grade 3 or say swinging like a pendulum) that points towards the scene where excessive force is being delivered (unintentionally) to the roots and that leads to osteoclastic activity (Bone dissolves and there is no new bone formation) and if this scene continues roots of the teeth starts resorption (roots start becoming shorter losing their structure) and if this continues unidentified, someone may eventually lose his/her tooth/teeth. Whenever you have any doubt regarding your treatment progress discuss it with your orthodontist. They would be happy to explain you the things.