Can Anyone Explain To Me Why I Feel This Way

Can anyone explain why rich people get tax breaks?

I realize that this is the Election section.
But, since raising taxes for the rich seems to be a platform in this election I thought I'd ask.

Is it because "the powers that be" feel that everyone should pay the same amount of taxes (regardless of income) instead of paying a percentage of what you make? Or is it because 'rich' people feel that they are 'penalized' by having to pay more?


Can someone please explain why i feel this way?

Okay so for the past month or so, I have felt completely out of it. It's hard to explain but basically i feel like I'm in a dream all day everyday. Sometimes i will sit there and have to tell myself that this is all real. I basically feel like life isn't real. This feeling is horrible and I need a way to get rid of it. I have some anxiety and im a huge hypochondriac so can it maybe have something to do with that? Help :(

Can anyone explain to me what this means? When love is pain it can devour you, if you are never alone.?

I feel that a lot of people mistake pain as being love. The thought process is something like this "I must really LOVE him/her if it hurts this bad"... Some people are incapable of being alone. They don't feel complete. They feel that they need a partner in their life to be whole. What usually happens with this is that one unhealthy half meets another unhealthy half...and instead of one healthy whole you still have 2 unhealthy halves. That's what my experience is. I used to have a broken picker. I was incapable of picking anybody healthy for me. I always held onto people way after they were no longer good for me. I felt that pain of the problems was love. It takes time to work through these issues and I wouldn't recommend thinking that you can work through it by yourself. Fear is an amazing thing. (F)alse (E)vidence
(A)ppearing (R)eal. We want things to be a certain way that we deny the reality of our situation. We create entire scenarios in our mind that are not real just so we can cope. Well.. for me this kind of old useless survival tool no longer works for me. I had to work through allowing myself to be single for a WHILE and accept that my picker was broke and write out what kind of relationship I really deserve and if any came up that didn't stick to those requirements..that person had to go. Hope this helps.

If I can't explain why I love the person, is it love?

I think if you can’t explain why you love a person, it’s more likely to be love.Since the dawn of time humanity has been trying to explain love, and while scientists can now talk of hormones and synapses it is still something we cannot properly describe to someone who has not experienced it.We come into the world unable to comprehend anything rationally, but yet still we are feeling, experiencing and in an abstract way thinking. We can to an extent explain consciousness in scientific terms, but we cannot explain awareness. That is to say, we cannot explain what is experiencing our consciousness, we only know that we are experiencing it.I call this part of ourselves the core self or true self. It lies deeper than the ego, deeper than any understanding of what we are, it is simply an abstract sense of me-ness.I believe true love to be a connection between one’s own core self and that of another. Given the part of us doing the loving is incapable of rational thought, it follows that love would be impossible to rationalize.When someone does have seem to have a clear list of why they love another, look again. You’ll usually notice that they are actually listing why the other is useful to them. One does not love usefulness, one uses usefulness.

Can anyone explain to me how George Orwell can be a socialist and write a book like 1984?

Had to study the man on this question. First, the second paragraph in the Wiki entry said Orwell was "famous for two novels critical of totalitarianism in general (Animal Farm) and Stalinism in particular (Nineteen Eighty-Four), which he wrote and published towards the end of his life."

Lots of little bits written... he was in the Imperial Police Force (at his father's bidding) for a while in Burma, but on leave he quit, hating imperialism, and wanting to become a writer.

Research... some by "tramping," (going a bit 'underground' as poverty stricken-- unless he actually was poverty stricken, which did happen-- )

In 1936 he fought on the Republican side of the Spanish Civil War against Franco, got wounded there...

Another Wiki quote: "To Orwell, liberty and democracy went together"...."he termed his beliefs 'Democratic Socialism,' socialism with free debate and free elections."

In WW2, was in the Home Guard...
In 1948, he gave a friend who worked for "a Foreign Office unit, the Information Research Department, a list of 37 writers and artists he considered unsuitable IRD authors because of their communist leanings."

"Motive unclear" for that action, except that his friend was "also in cause for anti-Stalinism."

There you have it. It's difficult to pigeon-hole people, isn't it?

Will someone explain to what squeamish is?

That is "squeamish" .You explain it well... so you are

I am tired of explaining myself to the person I love. Why do I need to explain myself so much?

If you have to explain yourself every now and then about what you’re doing, how you are doing then you’re not in love.Love is an unconditional thing where you believe and trust in a person whole-heartedly. If he/she enquired about you and you presented true answers and the person believed in it then you’re being loved by that person.If you are trying to convince someone that you did this, you did that and the person is still enquiring then get out of that, it is lust..not love. It’s just that you two are hanging on a cliff of mistrust and can break away anytime in near future. You both are holding together because of insecurity. If anyone of you will find someone who values you more, you are likely to get attracted to them.So, do the needful before it’s too late and believe that you are not in Love but Lust.

Can someone explain to me (Twilight question) ...?

I've been having an extremely difficult time understanding the so-called love between Edward and Bella. To me, it seems entirely superficial (aka lust): she thinks he's hot and he lusts after her blood. This is not to mention the two-week span between them meeting and their falling desperately in love.

But, can any of you Twilighters out there explain to me the basis of Edward's and Bella's love? I mean, when someone falls in love with someone else, it is because that person has this (nonsuperficial) quality that attracts the person.

Don't talk about how they want to live together for eternity and all that "I'll die without you" stuff. I want to know the motivation behind those sentiments: why they want to live together for eternity, why they would die for each other, why they love each other...etc.

Basically, I'm asking two questions:
>What is it about Bella that Edward loves (and please don't answer with "he can't read her mind" or "he loves her blood" or "she's clumsy" or anything else superficial)?
>What is it about Edward that Bella loves (don't answer with anything relating to his appearance--that is entirely superficial)?

I'll take any decent logical explanation that has its physical proof in the series.

~Zara Sahana