Can Being Sick Cause Oral Piercings To Flare

What causes cold sores on your lips?

Stress is a big trigger for outbreaks, definitely.

There are some dietary things that can tip the scales toward outbreaks, too... foods high in the amino acid ARGININE, especially.

Increasing your intake of LYSINE-rich foods to tip the arginine/lysine balance will help to control outbreaks. Here's a link with some really good info:

Would a nose piercing be good on me if I have allergies sometimes and every now and then get a runny nose?

I've never had a desire to get a nose piercing, but i know a lot a people who have them and have allergies too. Even the littliest ones that are like tiny corkscrews cause issues because when your nose gets irritated, the mucous membranes swell and everything is that much more bothersome. Even blowing or wiping your nose and little fibers from the tissue getting caught in the jewelry, or worse, pulling it out entirely.

What causes swollen lips after kissing?


What causes pain months after wisdom teeth removal? What should I do about it?

Pain occurring months after surgery is unusual. To answer the second question first, “What should you do about it?” return to your dentist or surgeon and ask for an evaluation.As to the cause of the pain, it depends on the type of pain, dull or sharp. A sharp pain when chewing, with quick on set and quick to leave, indicates a cracked tooth. Pressure on the tooth in front of the surgical site could result in some sort of damage to the tooth structure. But, this may or may not be related to your surgery.This same pressure could have moved the tooth in front of the surgical site. This movement might affect the nerve connection between the tooth and its nerve or blood supply. The result would be a non vital tooth that could abscess. This can cause a low grade pain that could increase in intensity to a easily identifiable source of the pain.Low grade pain could also be due to root sensitivity. Sometimes the bone on the back side of the root of the tooth in front of the surgical site does not heal to full height. This tends to happen more often as the patient grows older and looses some regenerative healing power. This pain can be hard to locate. It can be diffuse, sensitive to cold, somewhat sensitive to hot, and sensitive to sweets. It can come and go and the pain level can vary. It could also happen with exposed root structure not associated with the surgery.It is possible that a retained root tip could cause a problem. Most of the time these naturally resorb or will remain without causing any problems. On rare occasions they can become infected because they were exposed to the bacteria from the saliva during surgery.Finally, it is possible that the pain is unrelated to the surgery and is coincidental to the healing. It could be a referred pain from the opposite arch on the same side, an upper tooth causing lower pain. Examination and radiographs are indicated to locate the source of the pain.

Is it normal to feel a little sick after getting a tattoo?

I just got my second tattoo yesterday. It's pretty big. Took a lot of work. However, I woke up this morning (and before going to sleep), I felt kind of nauseous. The same thing happened after I got my first tattoo. Are some people just like that? I'm not worried that it's an infection, everything was super sterile. He made me read the expiration dates off of the needle packaging, he showed me how he sterilizes everything, and washed it down one more time before giving me my tattoo.. Oh, and he obviously wore gloves. That, and contrary to popular belife, no one has ever gotten HIV or Hepatits C from a tattoo (don't believe me? Check out the CDCs website. They said it them selves).

So my question is, do some people just react this was to tattoos naturally?

Can hepatitis b remain dormant in your system and flare up long after the intial infection?

how long does it usually take for symptoms to manifest? can it be dormant and just show up one day or does it happen right after infection? Also, are their other ways of infection or is it just an STD?


Hepatitis A : an acute infectious disease of the liver caused by the hepatovirus hepatitis A virus.

Transmitted by the fecal-oral route.

Curable ? curable. Self limitted disease. The patient's immune system makes antibodies against the hepatitis A virus that confer immunity against future infection.

Symptoms of hepatitis A may be mistaken for flu. Some sufferers, especially children, may exhibit no symptoms at all. Symptoms typically appear 2 to 6 weeks after start of infection.
Symptoms may return over the following 6-9 months and may include :
Abdominal pain
Appetite loss (usually manifested by a sudden aversion to favorite foods)
Jaundice, a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes
Sharp pains in the right-upper quadrant of the abdomen

There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. Sufferers are advised to rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol, eat a well-balanced diet, and stay hydrated.

Is herpes type I contagious through kissing even if you don't see any cold sores?

HSV-1 (the Herpes Simplex virus) is extremely contagious. In fact, it's estimated that more than 80% (I think, I can't find the stats page, I'll link it if I come across it again) of the worlds population already has the virus, and some of those might never have an outbreak of cold sores.It is more likely that you will contract it if you kiss someone with cold sores, but you can get it even if they don't. If your mom ever had cold sores before you were born, you have it. If your dad ever had cold sores before, you probably have it. If anyone you've ever kissed or slept with has ever had it, you might have it.It's really not a big deal, I'm 21 and I've only ever had one cold sore. My partner has never had a cold sore and our daughter hasn't had one yet. The virus, if you have it, will probably be dormant for most of your life. Outbreaks usually last 7 to 10 days, and don't cause too much trouble. You can get creams over the counter or from your doctor.Check this link out if you want more info!Cold sore (herpes simplex virus) Hope this helps! And don't worry if you have it, it's really not too big a deal, and pretty easy to manage.