Can Dogs Get Bloat From Running After They Just Drink Water Not Eatting

How long does it take for dog bloat to be apparent after eating?

The symptoms show soon after eating. But its not ONLY after eating, it could be because the dog's allowed to drink a lot of water around meal time or from vigorous exercise within 1 hour of meal time.

The newest thinking is not to use elevated feeders. I always used them for my afghans, newfie, Irish wolfhound and greyhounds. My greys were the last dogs to need them and for them it was due to neck problems. My vets pointed out that I'd never had any problems with bloat because I followed all the other recommendations (several meals and never one large one, restricted water at meal times, no exercise close to meal times). I'm thinking all of those are more important than the bowls, but to be safe, don't elevate them unless your dog has physical problems.

How can i stop my dog from running around after drinking water? (its because she'll hurl)

It also puts her at risk for bloat. Bolting a large amount of food or water, followed by strenuous activity, can lead to the stomach twisting and blocking itself off. As the food in the stomach ferments and produces gases, it causes to the stomach to inflate, can kill off part of the stomach, put so much pressure in the body the dog can't breathe, heart stops beating, etc. Bloat can kill a dog in a matter of hours. That your dog is vomiting, emptying her stomach, after this is a good thing!
That said, limit the water she can have at a time, and do not take her outside to run after she eats or drinks. If she has a doggy door, lock it when she comes in to eat or drink and keep her inside for a good 1/2 hour to an hour, then let her back out to play. If you want her to stay outside, keep a bowl outside and go out periodically to put in a 1/2 c of water at a time so she can't drink too much too fast. It IS a matter of safety with your pet, to learn to get this under control, though it may not warrent a vet visit. A vet might have more advice for you, if these measures do not help, however. If they don't, I would highly recommend going to a vet . And read up on the symptoms of bloat, since your dog is at risk, so you know how to regonize it and what to do in case of an emergency.

My dog has an upset stomach, and I'm wondering if she has a bloat?

It doesn't really sound like bloat, as she is playing. I am not a vet, but I think it's likely constipation. She needs to poop before it becomes serious. This may also be the beginning of an intestinal blockage, which can be deadly.
So, I will post some first aid advice on how to help her go poo. If the tips don't work by tomorrow, she will need to see a vet.
Treatments And Home Remedies For Dog Constipation
Here are the symptoms of bloat:
Dog bloat symptoms

* attempts to vomit every 5-30 minutes with foam, mucous or nothing out (sometime called hallmark symptom)
* dry vomiting
* unsuccessful attempts to defecate
* change in behaviour
* significant anxiety
* restlessness
* cold mouth membranes
* heavy salivating or drooling
* pale or off colored gums (dark red in the initial stage and white or blue in the later stage)
* abdominal swelling after meals
* abdominal pain
* coughing
* gagging
* whining
* pacing
* apparent weakness
* heavy panting
* shallow breathing
* weak pulse
* rapid heartbeat
* licking the air
* collapse
* seeking for a hiding place
* looking at abdominal often
* show signs of discomfort
* refuse to lie down or sit
* curl up in a ball
* excessive water drinking
* attempt to eat small such as stones
More here>

If she pooped, and it was normal, she likely just ate something that didn't agree with her. It wouldn't be bloat if she is pooping. If she isn't better by tomorrow, she would need to see a vet.

Question about "Bloat" in dogs. HELP!!?

That was my question from just a bit ago. If you read there, you will see that my dog ate about half a box of vanilla wafers. All the answers were very comforting, and made me think she will be okay, but then the last question scared me. She said she will be okay as long as she doesn't get bloat. I had never heard of the condition and I quickly researched it. I called a local vet as well, and she said she had never heard of it, and my dog should be fine.
But, my dog has not gone to the bathroom (crapped) at all since then (unless she ate it, which I doubt). So is this bad? Could this be a sign? Her stomache still feels a bit hard, but a little bit less than before. I am very worried now. Should I take her to the vet right now (since I heard bloat can kill a dog very quickly)? And also, how does a dog get bloat? Can she get it from simply eating too much?

And lastly, is there any way I can get her to crap? That way I will feel better because she has gotten it all out of her system.

Thank you. Best answer to someone who tries to answer my many questions, and adds any other details about bloat and everything!

My dog has been acting really funny tonight. Can dogs get sick from drinking rainwater?

I can't say for sure. However, Great Danes are one of the breeds prone to BLOAT. Common symptoms of bloat are:

major anxiety
abdominal swelling after meals
heavy salivating
dry vomiting
heavy panting
shallow breathing
excessive heartbeat
weak pulse with off colored (blue, dark red, white) gums

"Initially affected dogs show some of the symptoms above and are not interested in food or water. After 30-60 minutes the dog begins to appear swollen in its midsection due to accumulation of gas in the stomach than begin to pant heavily and breathing becomes rapid and shallow. Keep in mind that the gagging and vomitting is always unproductive."

BLOAT can be fatal. If your dog is exhibiting any of the symptoms above, time is of the essence. Get veterinary care immediately. Do not wait for tomorrow.