Can Extra Weight Hide Good Bone Structure

Does weight affect height?

No, not really. Height affects weight though!I suppose that if you were really really heavy and unhealthy at a young age your body may not develop properly and if you were much older also heavy and unhealthy it could have an effect on your bone structure, particularly certain women who have problems with osteoporosis. And I guess there’s that guy with a massive belly that bends backwards slightly and doesn’t stand up straight. But if you’re worried that you’re short because your fat… Well… Sorry, getting skinny isn’t going to affect your height much.

Does extra weight hide extreme good looks?

Well. Standards concerning beauty body-wise have shifted somewhat back and forth throughout history. One thing is sure though - the curvier the woman is/the more muscular the man is, the more attractive they are. Evolutionary psychologists have argued that men prefer curvier women because they are more fertile - they have less health problems and are more likely to be able to deliver a healthy baby. Women prefer more muscular men because it proves they are able to survive dangers in the wild and can provide them with safety and shelter.
So how does all this relate to your question?
Well, let's think about it. People whom are obviously overweight/obese struggle with many health problems and don't excel physically as well as slimmer people (not to say there aren't exceptions as there are sports that require the athlete to have a specific body mass, but I'm speaking here in general).
As humans, our brains our programmed to see people that have more weight than they need as people not fit to survive. (Survival or fittest should ring a bell.)
I hope that answered your question in broader terms. You can look it up - there have been psychological studies done upon this.
To answer some of your other questions... I would first like to point out that I have also thought about this before - would "fat" people look better if they were thinner? Probably. However, even knowing this fact, I don't think many people would treat them any differently as reality and imagination are two separate things that don't mesh well together.
As to our questions pertaining whether certain people look better at higher weights than others... Yes, it all depends on your height, for one. You can be the same weight as a short person and yet if you're taller, you are going to thinner than the short person.
However, if you are referring to a situation where two people are of the same height but have different weights.. it depends on your bone structure/build, honestly. Humans are amazing as everyone is created uniquely from one another - everyone has a different build. You will probably never meet two humans of the same build anywhere on Earth - unless science finds a way to prove this wrong.
Hope I helped.

Are some people's bones actually thicker than others, or is that just an excuse obese people use?

Some people do have bigger bones than other's but that really doesn't mean they are obese, and not all obese people are big boned.

The biggest flaw with the body mass index is that it doesn't take muscle mass into count. My best friend wears a size 20 and I wear a size 14-16, but I weigh 20 lbs more than her because I have alot more muscle mass from weight lifting. I have a higher BMI number than she does because all it takes into account is height and weight.

Do I have a big body frame or what?

I'm 5'8 and 185lbs..... but I'm not fat. I look good in a bikini, it's so weird! When I tell my friends my weight they're like dubtfffff! I have a little bit of tummy chub but I hide it very well. Do I just have super heavy bones or what? My bones are "large" frame and I have a good sized *** and c cup boobs but it's not like i'm jumbo mama or whatever.. Just wondering what you guys think!

Do really skinny people usually appear to have high cheekbones?

Most likely , because you have no extra meat in your face to have a normal looking face.