Can Good Dental Hygiene Somewhat Prevent The Effects Of Chewing

How can I keep drinking coffee and prevent my teeth from getting stained?

The enamel of your teeth is porous, and coffee (and other staining substances) get trapped in the enamel. This causes the discoloration and staining you see.  To lessen the effect of the staining, you can try keeping the coffee away from your teeth by using a straw. If walking around with a straw in your coffee isn’t an option for you, then brushing your teeth or rinsing with water after finishing your coffee will minimize the exposure to your enamel. Another situation that may cause coffee staining to be worse is drinking your coffee over long periods of time. If your coffee habit takes up your whole morning and involves slow sips, the coffee sits on your teeth for that whole time creating stains. Try drinking your morning coffee a little faster and limiting the exposure to your teeth.  Michael Hoffman is correct that sugar is a problem with coffee, but it is not the only problem. Coffee is also acidic which weakens your tooth enamel and can lead to sensitivity.If you are interested in removing these stains, use a whitening toothpaste and mouth rinse. For more ideas of how to keep your teeth white, visit our blog: Your Teeth Whitening Options

Infrequent chewing tobacco?

Your buddy will be at a lower risk by not chewing daily. He will still be at a greater risk of developing oral cancer, which spreads very quickly, by chewing sometimes rather than not at all. If he notices any red/white bumps in his mouth at the site where he puts his dipper or on the side of the tongue toward the back, he should see a dentist immediately to be screened for cancer. Hope I helped!

*make sure your buddy keeps on a regular 6 month interval for dental visits as they do an oral cancer screening at each visit.

*You already know the risks and that chewing any amount increases that risk, I would highly encourage not chewing. I do inform my own patients of the's their life and their choice, my job is to give non-judgmental information and recommendations.

EDIT: Slipknot.... you are correct, but the guy likely already knows. If you inform people in a nonjudgmental way about the truth, you then give them their own responsibility to quit or not. It's not our job to force people to do or not do things even if it's for their own good. You probably don't always listen to your parents' are responsible for your actions and consequeces...that's part of learning and being an adult. I do admire your passion; don't lose that, just know how to use it.

Ways to get my teeth whiter when I have thin Enamel?

I have very thin enamel and I dont think i can use white trays or whitestrips because I heard it can wear your teeth down even more. Are there any ways to whiten them without using these methods? [That isnt crazy expensive?]

I have lots of fillings in my teeth,is it advisable to eat chewing gums or not?

It's possible it may be affected, especially if yours are amalgam fillings.

Quoted from :
- Avoid eating foods that may stress fillings. Ice, hard candy and sticky foods should be eaten with caution or avoided entirely.
- Keep in mind that, like other sticky foods, chewing gum may place stress on fillings.

Also, check out the link below to someone else's most excellent (and relevant, yes) answer on here.

Chewing Tobacco vs. Losing Weight?

Short-term Effects

Nicotine causes the heart to beat faster and makes it more difficult for the lungs, stomach and kidneys to perform efficiently.

Other short-term effects include:

Bad Breath
Smelly hair and clothes
Yellow and brown stains on teeth
Damage to respiratory System
Addiction to nicotine
Risk of other drug use
Chronic cough
Increased incidence of bronchitis
Increased incidence of asthma

another site says this:

Smokeless tobacco use has short-term physical effects and consequences including:

Rapid absorption of the stimulant nicotine through the mouth into the bloodstream.
Increased heart rate and blood pressure
Constricted blood vessels
Addiction to nicotine
Reduced physical performance and/or productivity.

so i'm guessing you won't play better by chewing

Smokeless tobacco use has other physical consequences:

Chemicals in the tobacco produce three carcinogens (cancer-causing agents); when combined with saliva, additional carcinogens are produced.
Application of these carcinogens can produce white, thick patches called leukoplakia on the lining of the mouth; these lesions are considered to be precancerous.
Extensive studies conclude there is a positive correlation between smokeless tobacco use and cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. In an Arkansas study, 91% of patients with oral cancers had used smokeless tobacco.
Damage to gum tissue
Increased sensitivity to cold and heat
Loosened teeth which can eventually fall out
Reduced sense of taste and ability to smell.

i hope you don't continue chewing, its not worth it. In one study they found that many people who use tobacco are doing so to loose weight, but in the study they found that none of them changed their eating habits and therefore lost no weight.