Can I Be Held Accountable

Why aren't women held accountable?

I just read an article about Arnold's mistress and it made me think about the scandals we have had over the past years. I have noticed one common thread. The men are almost always shamed publicly and their career's are ruined. Fair point, I have no issue with that. Dont do the crime if you cant do the time. But here's the thing. The women involved in these scandals have nothing to lose. A few months after John Edwards was found to have a love child with Hunter, she showed up in a magazine interview wearing a shirt and panties. At no point did it seem that she compensated for his wife's pain. Was she not involved? Did she not realize at some point the stupidity of the affair? Same thing with Tiger Woods. Every single woman he slept with knew he was cheating, yet they still participated with absolutely no consequence whatsoever because they knew they had nothing to lose.
As I see it, I believe that women should also be held accountable. I dont see how the man should shoulder the blame and shame while the women grow rich from book deals and interviews. Its just not fair. And before you guys go ape on me for suggesting the men should not have been cheating in the first place, I would just say that the same thing applies to the women too. We are all happy to say that women are more faithful and more intelligent than men, yet in this regard its the mans fault and only he has to deal with it. If you ask me, I think we live in a society of epic double-standards on this issue. I am even going as far as to say that we are essentially rewarding female infidelity. What do you guys think?

Can you be held accountable for something you say before the arresting officer reads you the Miranda rights?

Yes, especially if the officer has not asked any questions.Whenever a person freely says something without being asked, it is "spontaneous utterance" or "voluntary speech."  Miranda only applies before an officer begins questioning after a person had been arrested.  Even if an arrestee invokes Miranda and the officer stops questioning, anything the arrestee says voluntarily can still used as evidence.There was a TV show many years ago where the police arrested a mafia hit man. As soon as the officers slapped on the handcuffs, the hit man started confessing to everything.  As they put him in the car, the hit man said, "You can't use any of it because you didn't read me my rights!"  False.  Every word the hit man spoke was evidence and could be used.  This was just another case of TV writers inventing an interpretation of Miranda.

What are the major ways that the bureaucracy is held accountable by Congress?

The House has over site powers meaning they can subpoena and demand testimony under oath about the activities of the bureaucracy. That and they control funding which mean they can reduce the funding of (or totally de-fund) an agency

Can Donald Trump ever be held accountable for his actions or is he truly above the law?

In order to prevent stupidity - the president cannot be arrested. He must be impeached. Once successfully impeached he is just like any other citizen. This was constructed so that a random Democrat or Republican police officer cannot arrest the president.The president is above the law - sort of. They are however vulnerable to whatever the House of Representatives considers 'high crimes and misdemeanors' which are not otherwise defined. The senate then has to find 67 senators to ratify the impeachment and then the president is removed from office. The Vice President becomes President at that point.So far as Trump is concerned he is not under investigation or anywhere near impeachment in the House or Senate. Impeachment has never been successfully accomplished and we have had some rascals in there. Trump is a great president compared to what some former presidents in the 19th century used to pull. The closest was Andrew Johnson and they missed removing him from office by only one or two votes in the Senate.It is very hard to get a supermajority in the Senate to agree on much of anything. If you think they'll agree to remove Trump for some imagined collusion between Russia or magical obstruction charge. This issue is just like the Obama Birth Certificate issue that some right side people harped on in 2008 and 2012 - started by - you guessed it - HRC. But that would have actually been disqualifying. Russian Collusion is now the lefts birth-certificate issue.

To what extent can the United States be held accountable for the Holocaust?

to no extent.

we stopped it. and were a sanctuary country for fleeing Jews.

Can the GOP be held accountable for aiding and abetting Trump's Russian Collusion Treason conviction?

Before we settle the question of whether or not the GOP can be held accountable in Trump’s treason, let us first convict the 45th President of the United States of America for the treason that he committed by colluding with Russia to sway the election which put him into power.As we convict him, let us also convict those around him who facilitated, abetted, and joined with him in his treasonous alliance with Russia, including but not limited to the members of his transition team and his Vice President, Mike Pence.Further investigation of Russian financial support of certain Republican members of Congress will provide more detail on information already available today about their being paid agents of a foreign power. Many of those will naturally be indicted and convicted of crimes against the state.Even with all those Republicans headed for serious jail time, the Republican Party per se cannot be found guilty of treason. Despite a Republican President and his staff, a Republican Vice President, and Republican legislators being guilty of and convicted of treason, the entire party cannot be held accountable because the party includes not just those who are elected but also those who elect — Republican voters. I do not believe that there is legal basis for charging voters for being accomplices in the crimes of those they elect, nor does our national use of secret ballots allow for proof of which voters voted for which criminals.So, no. But let us keep moving forward in the investigation, indictment, trial, conviction, sentencing, and incarceration of individual members of the GOP who are traitors so we can set things right in our country.

Can't Trump be held accountable in some way for constantly lying to the public?

Can't Trump be held accountable in some way for constantly lying to the public?As inherently valuable as the truth is, it often gives false comfort to idealists. In striking contrast, the Talented Mister Trump apparently learned a long time ago that the truth is not something that he needs to value or respect to get what he wants. In this regard, "this so-called (Not My) President Donald Trump" is not unlike many other corrupt politicians, unscrupulous businessmen, and sexual predators. Such people thrive and profit by employing offensive gamesmanship. They will say anything, do anything, betray anyone to achieve a short term goal."We feel defrauded of the evil due certain acts, because the criminal adheres to his vice and his contumacy, and does not come to a crisis or judgment anywhere in visible nature. There is no stunning confutation of his nonsense before men and angels. Has he therefore outwitted the law? Inasmuch as he carries the malignity and the lie with him, he so far deceases from nature. In some manner there will be a demonstration of the wrong to the understanding also; but should we not see it, this deadly deduction makes square the eternal account."Compensation by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

How are police held personally accountable for their actions?

Having worked in law enforcement for 12 years, and Emergency Services overall for over 30 years, I can tell you that the vast majority of officers who do something wrong are held accountable for them. Nationwide there are thousands if not millions of interactions between the public and law enforcement every day. Only the ones the media think they can milk the most out of get any attention when something goes bad. The rest of them are handled the way they are supposed to be, and the officer either suspended or fired for their actions.I know of many cases where an officer was arrested for doing things on the job and/or outside of the job which cost him or her their careers. You won’t see most of those stories on CNN or ABC, NBC, CBS, and sometimes even FOX. In fact, unless you live in the local area where the situation occurred, you most likely won’t even know it happened.A good example of this would be my former boss. During my time with the Sheriff’s Office, I worked under 4 different people who were elected Sheriff. Unless you lived in this area, you wouldn’t know that the last one I worked under had plead guilty in Federal court to embezzlement and money laundering, and was sentenced to prison. Of course, he resigned before the had to file the law suit to get him removed from power.D