Can I Get An Honest Opinion On My Song

What is your opinion about this song?

Got an A2A from Anonymous, which was kind of Anonymous, so I listened to it with the English translation of the lyrics in subtitle. That said, I'm not sure my opinion about this song matters, and maybe answering this question creates bad incentives.The song is...nice enough, I suppose. I wish there was more distinction, lyrically, between verse and chorus. Each is about equally wordy and they operate at the same level of generality, so that the only real distinction between them is that the verse lines tend to follow a falling melody (in terms of pitch) while the chorus lines follow a rising one. The pre-chorus is nice - that's the section where the lines begin "No." It does more to mark out sections of the song than the chorus itself.Perhaps my distance from the subject matter of the song means that the metaphors of the verse carry less specific meaning for me than they would if I were a young Egyptian. As it is, I don't understand the situation at any deeper level than, "Old people have done something wrong."The tune itself is serviceable: I take it for a minor-key anthem blending Middle Eastern motifs with Western song structures. After about three listens, the last a couple of hours ago, I can't summon any part of the melody specifically to mind, which I'll mark as a fault.

What is your honest opinion of my voice/song I'm writing?

I've been thinking about pursuing music, I'm 24 live near LA and might move up there to start a band. I just need a strangers opinion to make sure I'm not in over my head before making such decisions. This 1min 30sec clip is a sample of my style & sound. I'm singing and playing guitar here. Thoughts on my voice? Just want to make sure I'm not the only one who enjoys my music.

What in your opinion are the stupidest song lyrics?

in the jungle the quite jungle the lion sleeps tonight!!
or, YOUR so vain YOU probably think this song is about YOU!!

what lyrics make you think the singer is a halfwit?