Can I Get Choked If I Am Sleeping And Someone Blocks My Nose

How do people choke on vomit while sleeping?

It will mostly only occur as others have stated through narcotics or alcoholism.There are some rare conditions that can cause the bodies natural functions to become unresponsive. But these would or possibly be caused by dimentia or other neural disruptive diseases.There is a natural process called the gag reflex which is the bodies way of stopping anything that may risk the body entering.It's simply the body acting like it's swallowing then breathing afterwards but if the person is laying on their back the mouth will still have fluids in so as the natural process to breath afterwards happens that's what causes the choking.To put a visual have you ever seen a drunk person fallen asleep?Sometimes they burp swallow then breath and kind of slop their lips. Well that's what happens. The burp is where the vomit will usually arise. And the rest is pretty self explanatory.If you know or see anyone who has fallen asleep drunk try to make them more comfortable and make sure they are laid with plenty of ventilation (to breathe), lay them in the recovery possition on their bed or where they are, prop their back with something,maybe a couple of pillows. Make sure their face is close to the edge of the bed so that nothing can block their face or respiratory airways.Make their face angle down about 70–80 degrees and place a bucket or bowl at a reasonable place to catch anything. If they do vomit whilst intoxicated and unconscious/asleep their position will allow gravity to take over plus it will keep their Airways clear. Basically like if you blew on one end of a pipe it just all goes and it's clear.I do apologise for the graphic explanation but when it comes to a life its better to be clear.Bless you and many regardsRachael x

Can a person choke on their tongue while sleeping?

I woke up today because I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't breathe through my nose and my tongue blocked my entire throat.
And my body wouldn't shift to it's side.
My body wouldn't move when i told it to.
It was momentarily paralyzed.
I don't have asthma problems I was literally choking on my own tongue.

Also does a person forget to breathe while sleeping?
Because I woken up like that several times.

If you're choking, can't you just breathe through your nose????

No, air breathed in from your nose goes down the same way as
from your mouth... HUH, dont really get this question.

Feel like swallowing every few seconds when sleeping?

I have got a cold, blocked nose, headache, sore throat, the pharmacist gave me Actified and Starclav 100 (Amoxicillion/Clavulanic Acid), I take it twice a day, however, I couldn't sleep at night, feel like swallowing every few seconds otherwise I feel that I might choke on something, I wonder if this is caused by cold or by the medicine I am taking?

Choking On Your Own Vomit?

When you are choking you are cutting off the airway to your trachea. So yes, if you vomit and choke then you can die unless you clear whatever is causing the blockage to your airway. That's why a lot of times whenever there is a patient vomiting we sit them up and if this occurs at night while they were sleeping then we elevate the head of the bed at least at a 30 degree angle to prevent choking while they sleep.