Can I Lose 30kg In 3 Months I Weigh 207kg

Lose 8 kg in 3 months?

I gym 2-3 times a week ( intensive weight-lifting), cycle for 30-40min everyday and swim 3 times a week, i am currently 68 kg, is it possible for me to lose 8 kg of fats and then gain them back in the form of muscle mass? My diet includes: special k cereals for breakfast, granola bars in between meals, and the usual food for lunch and dinner. I also take whey protein powder pre and post workout.
i wish to lose at least 6 kg of fats in 3 months and then gain back them as muscle mass. Thanks in advance for your tips and comments

How can i lose 30 kg in 2-3 months?

Make it sound fun, like go "swimming" or sign her up for Dance, do not tell her that she is getting fat, she will feel self-cautious and turn Bulimic, or possibly Anorexic. Cook healthy things for Breakfast and dinner. And maybe go for a jog with her, tell her you want to talk, or that you want to loose weight, so tell her please go on a jog with me.

Lose 7 Kg in 3 months?

Listen, 7 kgs in 3 months is nothing. You should have stated your age and gender, but still, it can be reckoned that the amount of weight loss you have in mind is viable. Up till the mark of a 1.5 kgs/week, you are okay. In your case, your losing approximately 0.6 kgs (600 grams) per week. That is not bad. You're still eating, but you should assure that you consume your vitamins as well so as to not compromise with the nutritional needs of the human body.

Overall, my advice is go for it, but I f I were on this diet, i would skip all the junk food, and extra foods which contribute to so many extra calories, and eat healthier foods which contribute towards the welfare of my body and still make me feel full, because in the end of the day, 1200 calories is not that much :)

Good Luck! :D

How can I lose 30 kg in 3 months?

First you need to fix your diet. Switch to eating healthy. Remove all junk foods at home so you will not get tempted to eat them (very powerful strategy).Next is incorporate both cardio and strength training but make sure to start slow. When you haven’t worked out in a long time it’s not good to shock your body and give it too much stress.Losing 30kg in 3 months is feasible as long as you keep doing the above and I guarantee that you’ll see the weight to go down.Good luck and cheers to a healthier and sexier you!If you want a simple and easy to follow methods to losing weight in as little as weeks simply click here - Get Free Report qr |

How do I lose 20 - 30kg in about 3-6 months?

Setting yourself a goal: First thing I will tell you is that don't try losing weight so fast, 20-30 kg in 3-6 months is WAYYY too much to ask from yourself. Try to begin small, for example 3 kg's a month. Once you accomplish that, you can try setting yourself a bigger goal, say 10 kg's in 3 months. Because trust me, you will fail more than once, but you have to keep on going.

Diet: Never ever starve yourself because that does no good at all, Im not gonna say all that bull crap about how it's unhealthy and everything, but just know one thing, starving yourself doesn't work. Sure, it will work for the first 3 days, but after that you will just give up. So what I suggest is eating 1200 calories each day, that is the minimum amount of calories a child/teen should take in a day. Also what I found very very helpful was to exclude all white bread from my diet, that will help you speed up the weight loss process a whole lot.

Working out:I also recommend doing exercises EVERYDAY for at least 20-30 minutes. That sounds hard, and as I understood you have a health problem, so if I was you I wouldn't go with cardio, instead do more settle exercises like walking and abdominal exercises. Think of the abs as a kettle, and when you begin to work them out they begin to heat up melting down all the excess fat. You will see results in a week, I can promise you that, if you stick to the 30 minute exercise plan. Wow, I wrote a lot, but if you have anymore questions feel free to ask me for help. :)

How can I lose 50 kg in 3 months?

That really is not a realistic goal to set. It's just not healthy. I lost 110lbs (49.9) in seven months. I took Garcinia Cambodia with 95%hca, colon cleanse every other month, and a shot of apple cider vinegar and honey, followed by a bite of cantaloupe to get rid of the awful taste, in the morning. I used an app called “loose it” to track my calories and excercising. I stuck to a minimum daily intake of 1500 calories, so my body wouldn't think it was starving, and horde, and store fat, max of 1700 calories, so I wouldn't gain weight. I got a step, and stepped on and off of it for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, five days a week, while watching TV. I really suggest talking with your doctor if you're in need of loosing a lot of weight.

How can I lose 30 kg in 5 months?

A safe guideline to weight loss is 1–2 pounds / 0.5–1kg per week So doing 29kgs in 5 months is possible. There are two possible ways of achieving this.One is by exercising vigorously everyday which would get you close or to the result that you need or wants. This would firstly take up a lot of time and would mean that if you work you will have to dedicate yourself and have extremely good time management. This may be difficult if you work in an challenging job or work far away from home as you would have to make a lot of time for the gym, (unless you have a home gym then great :).Another method is to have a meal plan and take natural supplements which aid with weight lose, this means that, if you don’t have time, you can take these supplements, you do have to be careful with the right meal plan. Different meal plans work for different people which means that everyone. DO NOT go on and do a meal plan that you know will cause you to be MALNURISHED. This is very important. Staying healthy is the goal and you do not want to defile your body with things such as.Coming onto Natural suplements I would reconmend things such as green coffee extract etc.. As these are 100% natural and extremely CHEAP and manageable. Try this proven by DR Oz and see if it works for youAll of these points will allow you to actually lose weight realistically and manage time well. These are the best ways to lose weight.

How do I lose 30 kg in 4 months?

Meet Kanan, a 47-year-old wone, how have successfully lost 40 kg of weight. I am sure that we can get valuable insights for making a loss of 40 kg weight loss possible.Kanan was a healthy teenager but after getting married at the age of 23, he started gaining weight.Due to weight gain, she faces multiple health issues of high blood pressure, asthma and joint pains.At the begging of 2012, she as 100 kg in weight with a height of 5.2 inches.She plans well, her diet plan and writes it down, what she have to eat and what to avoid and stick to it.She develops a habit of walking for 1000 steps per day and filled it seven days a week with no excuse.After, mastering the walk, she ad running in between the walk, to burn more calories and lose her weight fast.She listens to music to keep herself motivated for the efforts of weight loss.Diet plan: Kanan drives her weight loss majorly by strict diet and here are the highlights of her diet plan for weight loss.She avoids Pizza and high fat, junk food.Avoid food with more sugar and salts.Limit caffeine consumption to a CUp of tea.Cut back drinking soda drinks and packed juices.She drinks a lot of water on the regular daily basis.Related:This is the wonderful water for weight loss.31 amazing weight loss tips.Seven things no one ever tell you about major weight loss. for image and content

How to lose 25-30 kg's in 2 month's?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah what you are asking is to lose the quivalent of an average cup size of fat everyday!! Listen to me, just tell your self to get on that tredmill and do 20 minutes at a steady pace, don't push yourself! The hardest challenge is getting up and putting on those shoes. After 10 days move onto 30 mins and then after 10 days, speed up just a little bit but then thats it. Dont push yourself anymore.

As for eating, eat what you like but don't be a pig. Have cereal and a normal meal for lunch and dinner and you wont get hungry in the eavening. THATS A PROMISE!

Before you run, have a ****, it will keep you light and wear a sweat band. Also from my experiance, please please please please please don't skip a single days excersise as that is what makes me stop my whole plan. It has been 18 days now of everyday excersise and I have lost 1KG (I know) but hey it suits me. I'm in no rush.

Milk with every meal will cut down your body's ability to injest the fat!! PROVEN by examining people's poo!

Never give up. YOU WILL HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE PAIN, nobody else will do it for you. weather you do it now, in 10 years or in tiny parts, you will do it but if you try to overload yourself, you will give up so dont push yourself too much

How can i lose 4 kg in 3 months?

Not eating won't make you lose weight. One thing I suggest is balancing smaller meals, but eating more often. This will have the effect of speeding up your metabolism as it tricks your body into thinking you have enough food around that it can expend more energy. Eating less often has the opposite effect of slowing down your metabolism because the body thinks that there's less food around and will store it.

drink alot of water. Once your body is hydrated enough on a regular , the water stored will lessen and you'll probably lose 2-3 lbs. This also has the effect of having health bonuses for most other functions of the body too :)

Apart from these two, simply expend more energy than you consume. get to a net loss of 500 calories a day, and you'll lose about a pound a week.

Edit : You want to lose weight on the legs? WHERE you exercise has NO effect on where you lose weight. do situps all you want, you'll gain muscles in the abdomen but that's not where you'll lose weight first. You'll lose that weight when you've lost weight in other places your body stores.