Can I Reclaim The Job Seeker

Can I "pause" JSA for 6 week while I leave the country?

I'm going to Australia for 6 weeks in the end of November and I'm curious how to go about pausing or signing off of Job Seekers Allowance for that time. I'm also curious how to go about signing back on when I return, will I need to go through the initial claim process again? I haven't made my claim yet I'm just gathering as much info as I can before I do. Thanks in advance!

Got any good racist jokes?

Since Baronofrenevatioum did not complete the joke, I will complete it for him.

The white guy requested a glass of lemonade, the genie goes DONE!
and so are all of you, you low-life degenerates!

A Native American guy suddenly appears, the genie says to him, the nightmare is over, you can now reclaim what is rightfully yours, your home.

What will be shown on my P45 if I start a new job in at the end of May?

The tax year ends on the 5th of April. Any earnings made from the 6th of April right upto the 5th of April the following year are recorded on a P60 (which you should receive soon if you haven't already received one.

So your P45 will just show your earnings from the 6th of April 2010 up until when you leave your current employer.