Can I Sell My Provisional Patent

Provisional patent application?

I have sent off ( via postal mail) a provisional patent application of my invention as of today, and am wondering how long it will take, once USPTO has physically received my application, to hear back from them regarding its status. I understand it can take a very long time to be declared patentable and to receive a full patent. My questions are : 1) How long does it typically take to hear anything back from USPTO? 2) At that point the application is sent, can I start to market my invention? 3) Is my patent " patent pending" and protected once it's recieved by USPTO?

Thank you

How to sell my patents?

I have a few patent ideas and I wanted to know if I could sell my ideas to big companies and will I have to patent it first or can I just give them the idea I have.

Should i patent my product that I want to sell on ebay?

I want to sell a beauty product that I've invented. I thought about selling it on ebay and was wondering if I should get it patented? I don't want my idea stolen!!