Can I Wax My Hair After Rebonding

Can hair rebonding damage your hair?

Hair becomes fragile and needs utmost care after the treatment. You cannot tie your hair for the first month of the treatment nor can you tuck it behind your ears. If you do so the results can be disastrous.The heat can damage your skin and scalp. In some cases they get burnt also. The damage can be experienced if the chemicals remain for long on the hair or the temperature of the metal plates is very high than required.Maintaining the rebounded hair means regular touch ups at least within 6 months after the treatment.The loss of hair is because toxic chemicals are used in rebonding of hair. This puts you to additional risk of hair loss. Your hair will get weaker every time you go for a touch up.If you do not take proper care and follow the instructions of your hair stylist, it can turn into a disaster also.If the re bonding of the hair is not done with a reputed salon, it might result fizzy and you might end up in a very miserable condition.

Can i use styling wax on my hair after rebonding it?

It depends on what the re-bonding product was. This is a question you should ask your stylist. Ask what products you cannot and can use.

How to repair my damaged hair caused by rebonding?

My hair was perfectly beautiful and natural back then until i was 12. Then when i was in school, i tied it up and put some baby oil in order for it to become glossy and not messy.
Until i do it everyday and even when my hair is still wet, i already tie it. It was at the end of the school year that i realized that my beautiful straight hair, became wavy especially on the tied part.
So, i have my hair rebonded, I like the result of my hair having rebonded because it was so straight. But then, the effect of the rebond lasts for only a year. The roots of my hair began to become wavy and curly but the bottom is still straight. So I rebonded it again. But the result is still the same after a year. I don't want to rebond my hair again because my hair is really damaged already.

My hair now is so dry, the roots are wavy and curly, it's frizzy, and i have a lot of hair fall. I'm really scared of my hair fall because whenever i brush my hair, there are really lots of hair fall.

Can i still bring back my natural healthy straight hair?
Can you suggest some hair products or natural remedies to repair my damaged hair?
Or maybe you could give me some contacts for hair experts online
pls help me

Spoilt bleached it ok to do hair rebonding after 4 months??

so this february i got my hair rebonded+bleached (u can refer to past questions in my profile)...i still feel cheated because that lady didnt inform me and i had NO idea what bleaching is until after that...nway 4 months have passed, by now, contrary to what other hairstylists predicted, my hair are still spoilt, no improvement! despite all the stuff i tried on!my front hair are literally all fried &i notice that new hair are not growing at those before i resort to chopping off the ENTIRE spoilt hair(it had already been drastically cut a long length), i wonder if rebonding the spoilt hair helps straighten the ridiculously frizzy part, to reconstruct the shape whatsoever...or would it just make it worse? (like it could be any more worse). my idea is i can ask my hairstylist to do a test on a small chunk of the hair to see if it works, what do u think? please help