Can Someone Help Me With My Honors Physics Homework

Honors Physics homework help, please?

2. Use F=ma
Find the force that pulls the apple to the earth, set it equal to the force the apple exerts on the earth
so .4(9.8) = (5.974x10^24)(a)
b). Plug this in to a motion equation and set it equal to the apple's motion equation.

4b. When older brother exerts a force on little brother, little brother exerts a force back.
Let me give you an example.
If someone places you in a room, in space, there would be no forces acting on you, so you wouldn't be able to move. In order to be able to move, then, you'd have to have to exert a force on something, so that it would exert a force back on you!
So you'd have to bite off your arm or something and throw it away so that you would be pushed in the opposite direction, and you will now be able to get out of the space-station.
So it's basically the same thing as 2

5. You didn't get b correct because you have to multiply 40 times the cos30 and then times 9.8 because it's on an incline (the normal force is perpendicular to the incline, NOT opposite the weight.)

Grade 10 honors physics homework?

omg, Im sorry you are having trouble with physics. I wish so much I could help you but sadly I am afraid that it was that part of physics that I did not get. But ill try to help you the best i can. Okay first make a free body diagram. Fn is the f going up which is the same but opposite onthe diagram of Fg ( force gravity so you find that out using mg(mass times gravity...) but wait you dont have the mass. . im sorry. I'm no help at all. but just remember! there are kids younger then you having this same trouble! so dont feel dumb, and our problems were a lot harder =_= so yea. im so sorry that you having problems. I guess im more like giving you a pep just ingore me. Im just fed up with physics at the moment


A centrifuge is a device in which a small container of material is rotated at a high speed on a circular path. Such a device is used in medical laboratories, for instance, to cause the more dense red blood cells to settle through the less dense blood serum and collect at the bottom of the container. Suppose the centripetal acceleration of the sample is 5.00 x 103 times as large as the acceleration due to gravity. How many revolutions per minute is the sample making, if it is located at a radius of 6.81 cm from the axis of rotation?


Units: rev/min (rpm)

Homework help please for physics honors!!!?

m = 0.40 kg

v(i) = 14 m/s ... [taking the initial velocity's direction as the positive direction]

F = -1200 N ... [negative b/c they say that it is in the opposite direction to the ball's initial velocity]

t = 27 ms

Impulse = FΔt

= -1200 * 27 ms * [1 s / 1000 ms] ... [units have to be consistent so need time in s]

= -32.4 Ns

also impulse = change in momentum = m[v(f) - v(i)]

so -32.4 = 0.40 [v(f) - 14]

v(f) = (-32.4 / 0.40) + 14

v(f) = -67 m/s ... [It's negative ... so the direction of the final velocity is the same as the net force (opposite to the initial velocity)

so the final speed of the ball is 67 m/s and its direction is in the same direction as the applied force

Physics Homework Help PLEASE!?

Please first go to the link below

v=340 meters per second

We have on open pipe when the bottom of the straw is not covered

f= n(340/(2x.15))
f=1133 n Hz (n- specifies the harmonic)

then f= nv/(4L)
f=567 n Hz
v=wf w - wavelength
w= v/f= 340/ 567 n

Or this is a basic as it gets

Open (
f= v/(2L)=340/(2 x .15)

Closed (
w= 4L= 4(.15)=.6m

Let me know what gives you problems. The fundamental concept is

Speed of propagation equal to the product of frequency and wavelength
v= f w
In close resonating pipe we can have integer multiples of 2L

while for the closed pipes
multiples of 4L

Honors Physics help. Please show me how to do this and what an answer could be?

1) If the force of gravity is 250,000 N down and the normal force from the road is 25,000 N up, then the trailer is sinking into the earth. Since the road is flat (and, I presume, level), those two forces must be the same.

I obviously can't draw you a free body diagram here, but fortunately fbd's are easy. Just make a point, which will represent the body on which you're working. Then draw an arrow from that point for each force you have, pointing in roughly the right direction and with a length roughly proportional to the magnitude of the force. For instance, with your truck, you'll have a point. You'll have an arrow pointing down corresponding to the weight of the truck (the force of gravity) and one pointing up corresponding to the normal force. These should be equal in length. You'll have an arrow pointing in whichever direction you decide is "backwards" corresponding to the force from the cable, which should be roughly one-quarter the length of the normal force/weight arrows, and another arrow pointing "forwards" of a length a bit longer than the backwards pointing one.

2) Same problem, same solution. Here, we will (again) assume that the desk is flat and level, so there are only two forces acting. Draw the point to represent the book, then one arrow pointing down to correspond to the weight and one pointing up corresponding to the normal force from the desk.

Just as an additional comment: you appear to be moving towards Newton's Third Law. N3 is actually the easiest of the three to understand, but it's also the one that causes student's the most trouble. Read the law and the examples given to you carefully, and think about them. You may find it confusing at first, but I promise it will all come clear fairly soon.

Hope this helps.

Physics homework trouble, anyone want to help explain?

I've been sick the past week, and so I've missed two of my physics classes. I'm having a hard time understanding this weeks material.

Any help on this problem is much appreciated.

Leroy, who has a mass of 100kg, is skateboarding at 9.0 m/s when he smacks into a brick wall and comes to a dead stop in .2s

a. Show that his deceleration is 45 m/s^2.
b. Show that the force of impact is 4500N.

I've been reading the book for about an hour now just for this problem. It's incredibly frustrating.

A couple of physics homework problems?


Whenever you are dealing with relative velocities. We are dealing with a vector sum or vector difference. You simply take all the vectors being considered and either add or subtract each accordingly. In this situation, a plane is heading north with a velocity of 120 km/h. Therefore the vector associated with this plane has a direction pointing north. The magnitude of this vector is 120 km/h. A tailwind is a wind blowing to help increase speed, which means it is also blowing north. So the tailwind has a direction north and magnitude 30 km/h. Since both vectors are heading in the same direction, simply add them.

v(relative) = v(plane) + v(tailwind) = 120 + 30 = 150 km/h


This problem is dealing with basic trigonometry. We are given a velocity vector that points at 35 degrees above the horizontal or ground with magnitude 15 m/s. We want to find the velocity in the x-direction, so split the velocity vector into its x and y components.

a. v(x-component) = v cos(Ɵ)

v(x) = 15 cos(35°) = 12.29 m/s

b. recall that velocity is the change of distance over change in time:

v = d / t


d = (v)(t)

d(x-direction) = v(x-direction)(time)

d = (12.29)(2) = 24.57 m

Note: All of these concepts are not difficult to understand. It is essential in physics you understand the concept at work before you do any problems. These problems represent some of the more basic math concepts. It would be a good idea to get a good review of some math skills as well. Good luck.