Can You Be A Feminist And A Humanist

Humanitarians, Equilest or Feminist?

I was having this debate with a couple friends of mine when one of them said this, "Humanitarians and Equilest, those are the real equality movements." But now I'm confused, don't Feminist fight for equality for both men and women? I'm a Feminist. If men are being paid more than their female counterpart, that's something that shouldn't be. But, I've recently read an article that male models aren't paid as much as their fellow female models, and that's unfair too. I believe that both sexes are oversexualized, otherwise why would I sometimes wish for a 6 ft, six-pack guy? I also believe that this can be a problem, but it's happening to both sexes, not just one. I know that men aren't treated fairly under the law when it involves children, one could say the law often favors the mother despite the fact that the father could be the perfect father.

Yes, Feminism has great achievements, and we don't have it as bad as other countries, but shouldn't we still try to fight for equality here, as well as other places? Men aren't the source of problems. I don't hate men. Men have their own problems in society (you know, no emotions, no crying, you have to be tough, men can't get raped (which isn't true. Men can and do get raped) castration, circumcision (which is a tricky subject due to its roots in religion)...

So what makes these three terms different? They all fight for equality, no? Is it just how Feminism is viewed that's different and makes it, to some extent, a negative term?

Feminism or Humanism? What's the difference?

I am a humanist. Feminism does not mean humanism at all. Feminism is just a sexist movement that is meant to confuse the audience on what they want. What they really want is more power to women in general.
Me, as a humanist tends to see people as humans instead of distinctly classing each person I see into racial and gender catagories. What I want is for all to be equal. You see the difference now? Feminism is just another word for sexism because look at what the root words mean, then look at what the root wards of humanism means. There is two different meanings and to say that men's basic traits is aggression and power hunger is totally mythically false for we all are humans and sinners and we all have the same traits just because we are human. So feminist or male extremists, don't give me the bullshit that a particular gender should out weight the hands of the opposing gender. We are all humans and isnt its time to realize that discriminating is what makes us less human?