Can You Earn The Physical Fitness Badge In Basic Training

What is the NSN for the ARMY physical fitness badge?

The NSN is 8455-01-247-0000.

How hard is it to earn the Physical Fitness Badge during Basic Training? (ARMY)?

In order to get this you would have to achieve 90 points in each event. For yourself at 18 you would have to do 64 Push Ups, 72 Sit Ups and finish the two mile run in 13:42 or less. During Basic this is not that hard to achieve. The problem is keeping it for to continue to wear it you have to maintain a 270 or above PT score with a score of 90 or better in each event. Your body fat index will go down in Basic too so meeting the height and weight requirement should not be a problem for you either but again it is up to you to maintain that throughout your time in the military. To graduate Basic you need 50 in each event and after that it is 60 just to pass.

APFT Standards:

Physical Fitness Badge:

Soldiers that score 270 or above, with a minimum of 90 points per event on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and meet body fat standards will be awarded the Physical Fitness Badge for physical fitness excellence. Soldiers are required to meet the above criteria on each recorded test to continue to wear the badge.

How hard it is and if you will achieve it is up to you but I've always felt that if you want it bad enough one will do what it takes to achieve it.

How hard is it to earn the Physical Fitness Badge during Basic Training? (ARMY)?

In order to get this you would have to achieve 90 points in each event. For yourself at 18 you would have to do 64 Push Ups, 72 Sit Ups and finish the two mile run in 13:42 or less. During Basic this is not that hard to achieve. The problem is keeping it for to continue to wear it you have to maintain a 270 or above PT score with a score of 90 or better in each event. Your body fat index will go down in Basic too so meeting the height and weight requirement should not be a problem for you either but again it is up to you to maintain that throughout your time in the military. To graduate Basic you need 50 in each event and after that it is 60 just to pass.

APFT Standards:

Physical Fitness Badge:

Soldiers that score 270 or above, with a minimum of 90 points per event on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and meet body fat standards will be awarded the Physical Fitness Badge for physical fitness excellence. Soldiers are required to meet the above criteria on each recorded test to continue to wear the badge.

How hard it is and if you will achieve it is up to you but I've always felt that if you want it bad enough one will do what it takes to achieve it.

Air Force Basic Training Physical Fitness question from a Nervous Dad?

My 21 year old daughter decided to join the Air Force and was sworn in November, 2012. I am so proud of her for that decision - she is an amazing person. She got a personal trainer and began preparing for basic training. We thought that it would be 3-6 months after she got her job (has not received to date) before she in entered basic - so in our mind there was plenty of time to get in great physical condition.

Last week she received a call from her recruiter that there was an Open General Contract that she could fill as a female candidate that was scheduled to go next week had to be disqualified. Our daughter accepted the opportunity to go to early but as a Dad I'm a bit concerned that her preconditioning program has been cut very short.

She can do around 30 sit ups in a minute.
She can do around 20 push ups in a minute.
She can run the 1 1/2 miles in about 16minutes 15 seconds

Was it wise to take the opportunity to start basic earlier?
Are the physical fitness assessment numbers above "acceptable enough" to start basic training with confidence?

This nervous Dad appreciates your anticipated responses. Thanks!

How much do you earn during Basic Training in the Army?

It depends on your rank when you go in and where you live. As a reservist you will get BAH (basic housing allowance) based on your zip code. If you live in California you will get a great deal more than if you live in Texas, for example.

The following is the pay you are eligible for in basic training as a reservist:

Base pay (based on your rank)
BAH (based on your rank, dependent status, and zip code)
Family Seperation (only eligible if you have a spouse or children)

The following is a link to show base pay. If you go into basic training with a rank less than E-2, your recruiter hasn't done his job.

The following is a link to find you BAH. Input your rank, zip code and dependent status and it will give you the figures for 2006:

If you have children or a spouse you will recieve an additional $250 a month.

You are required to also pay all federal and state taxes. If you have children or a spouse, there will be a fee for dental insurance. You will also be charged for SGLI (life insurance). All of this will come directly out of your check.

How much do i earn during basic training?

you will make $1,671 per month

you must bye your hygiene supplies while in basic - you will get a debit card with $400 to pay for them

2. how much tax's you pay, depends on what state your from

you will pay federal income tax. payroll tax and a state tax if your state has a state income tax

so figure around a 15% tax rate

What kind of Physical Training do you do during Army JROTC?

You can leave for basic training later on, if you want to. Just tell them you won't be able to until fall or winter. You need to do as many pushups and situps as you can between now and then. You should also run 3 to six times per week. I would start by doing one mile three times per week, or whatever you can do, and increase the total mileage by one mile per week by adding additional runs or increasing the distance of each of your runs. You want to add about 10 to 25 percent to your total weekly mileage each week. There is no need to run further than 5 miles at a time. Instead, try to work up to five miles, five to six days per week. I would not be complacent about the PT test. You will be surprised how stringent they are at basic training about doing pushups correctly (with perfect form). You may also be surprided to learn that most of the time you only have 24 hours of rest before a PT test. You should have no trouble passing by the time you get out of basic training, but it will help you career if you show up to your unit exceeding the minimum standard by as much as possible, and stay in good shape throughout your career.

What type of ribbons can you earn during Army Basic Training?

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What type of ribbons can you earn during Army Basic Training?
My recruiter told me that it's possible to earn an Army Commendation medal for 300 points during the APFT (with a min. of 100 in each event) or earn it VIA shooting all your targets during a M16 test. I was just curious what other type of medals you can earn.

When during Basic training do you take your first APFT? (army)?

You will have to take an "abbreviated" version of the APFT at reception, prior to the beginning of basic combat training (BCT). If you do poorly on that, you may be delayed in starting BCT and have to spend some time at Fat Camp. You will have to take a real APFT by week three of BCT, and will have to pass the APFT, with a minimum of 60 points in each event, in order to graduate.

You didn't mention your gender in your question, but usually the standards for the abbreviated APFT are less than half of what you need to pass the real one. The abbreviated APFT consists of a one mile run, one minute of push-ups, and one minute of sit-ups.

I would highly recommend that you not arrive at basic training out of shape and not able to pass the APFT. Get a training regiment off of the internet (there's one at the website listed as my source) and follow it for a few weeks before reporting in. BCT is stressful enough without having to worry about Fat Camp or not being able to graduate.

When you're running in basic training (exception of during testing for fitness standards) what pace is it at?

She'll be nice. person-friendly training isn't as bodily stressful as human beings think of. it relatively is a lot extra probably she would have the ability to have a difficulty with the psychological tension or fall ill from the sleep deprivation. She'll do actual training 6 days a week and could be conditioned sufficient to fulfill commencement criteria. the main considered necessary ingredient is that she is in a position to be mentally stretched very ingredient and not provide up on herself. do no longer hear to the persons at right here speaking approximately "chair tension" (made up via the Air tension via the way) person-friendly training is person-friendly training in spite of what branch you're in.