Can You Help Me Find This Story With This Plot

Help me with a short story plot?

Maybe start with a Seventh Sanctum generator:
It comes up with random ideas for you.

But really, if you can't find yourself motivated/inspired to finish a short story, then maybe you should give writing a break for a bit. It should be something you enjoy doing, not a tedious chore that you don't want to finish.

EDIT: Sounds like you have the same problem as me - I suck at endings! Okay, maybe try setting your aims low in the beginning. For example, try to write a short story which is simplly a page and a half long. Only have one/two characters and give it a cliff-hanger ending. This way, you can temporarily avoid your trouble with endings and just get the words flowing.

Or, another idea - just write. It sounds like you are worry too much about how realistic/dramatic the ending to your story will be. Don't! It is just a hobby after all - no one else has to read what you write. Find an inspiring picture on the internet, plot a brief story idea around it for 5 minutes, and then give yourself 1 hour to write it. By the end of it, you HAVE to have a complete short story. It doesn't matter if it sounds completely retarded - just get it down on paper. Editing comes later. First drafts always suck, anyway. If they don't, then you are either editing as you go (WHICH IS BAD BAD BAD!) or an insanely good writer.

Short story for my essay?! help me plz?

ok i have to submit a critical essay about a short story, now where the hell can i get a short story? all i have is novels & books! + i have to state the reference, publisher, & author of the story. Help me plz ='(

Fanfiction: can you help me find a story?

Ok, so, I go on fanfiction A LOT. (for inuyasha) and sometimes MediaMinor.(inuyasha)
There is a couple of stories that I wish I would have kept up with because they were so good.
They were all in the kagome/Sesshomaru category.
One story was about: kagome going back in time and she meets a younger sesshomaru. I know there is a lot of stories about this plot, but I remember in the story that he accidentaly cut off her hair and now it's short.
Another one: kagome and sesshomaru fall in love and then they Mate so she becomes the lady of the west. She gets all these markings and then inuyasha shows up with kikyo and is all "yo sesshomaru you get a new *****?" then he realizes it's kagome.

Another: sess and kag get mated and then everyone is living in his castle, and then rin Gets kidnapped by dragons and then kagome attacks this dragon with a **** load of force.

I know they don't have a lot of detail but that's all I can remember from the stories. If you can help me, I will love that! :3

Pls help me find these stories and authors!?

I've done a brief search for the study guides for these books, without success. I give you these links so you can try, good luck.

On Guard - Evelyn Waugh

Ever Such a Nice Boy - William Plomer

Man About the House - Fred Urquhart

Study Guides and Summaries:

These links will give you a chapter by chapter summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more.

I'm looking for a movie. Could you help me find it?

There is not just one move like this, it is an entire genre of movies, told over and over.Most Popular "Gender Swap/Sex Change" Titles

How do I find an old story I've read on Wattpad?

It's best if you can recall the name of the book or the writer, put that in the watt pad search icon and you just might find it

Can you help me with a plot for an Urban fiction?

Well, there should be a conflict. And there should be lots of good conflicts in a hip hop urban setting. It could be something as simple as a dance contest, and someone wants to win the contest and the girl/boy.

Or it could be something complicated, involving drug lords, a good principal, gang leaders going bad or reforming, and an evil DJ.

Find a couple of characters you can really, really imagine, and give them some problems. This is the conflict. Let them figure out how to solve the problem, and there, you've got a story.

Good luck!

Writing a story? Witches?

Ah, good. No HP rip offs. :)

To start developing your plot, ask yourself questions about the characters. Write down the first thing that comes to mind.
Don't like it? You can go back later and change it.
When you finish answering as many of the questions as you can think of, go back and tweak things and change them to your liking.

You can start off with things like-
What are their names?
Who is a part of her family?
Who is a part of his?
How old are they?
Where do they live?
What do they wear?
What are their interests?

And then just take off from their! If you start off with the simple questions, and then go into the more intricate ones, you'll have a plot speeding along in no time!

I hope I helped!
~The Happy Medium

Is there any site that shows the plot chart of a story? [10 pts.] please help?

hey just visit!!!!
they have every book.
hope i helped =]