Can You Wash Someone With Shingles Clothes With Other Peoples

Does being around someone with shingles increase your own risk of shingles?

Shingles is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus that is acquired when you had chickenpox. The virus never leaves your body after having chickenpox - it resides in peripheral nerves. You are not in danger of contracting shingles from a person who has shingles. However, if you are not immune to chickenpox, you could contract chickenpox from a host with shingles. However, it would require direct contact with the shingles lesions. As long as the person with shingles has the lesions covered with clothing and there is no direct contact with the lesions, there should be no danger of contracting chickenpox. The ones most likely to not be immune to chickenpox are children under the age of 15 months, who have not yet received their chickenpox vaccine.

Can you kiss someone who has shingles?

People with shingles are contagious to those who have not had chickenpox. Therefore, people who have not had chickenpox can catch chickenpox if they have close contact with a person who has shingles. However, you can not catch shingles itself from someone else. Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus which has been dormant (staying quiet) in your body ever since you had chickenpox. So, you get shingles from your own chickenpox virus, not from someone else.

Can you be a carrier of shingles, if you live with someone who has it?

shingles is caused by the virus that causes chicken pox in young children. it lies dormant in the roots of your spinal cord after you have had chicken pox and can reinfect you later in life (during illness, stressful times, or just out of the blue) as an adult as shingles.

if your child has not had chicken pox or has not been vaccinated against chicken pox, you are contagious until the shingles scab over (in a similar fashion to the pox). as long as the shingles pustules are filled with fluid, she should not touch you, your sheets, clothing etc unless she has had chicken pox or the vaccination because she will contract the virus, only they will manifest in her as chicken pox, not as shingles. you may want to make sure her playmates have had chicken pox too before you let her play so that they dont contract it.

If someone has shingles should they be quarantined?

As a CNA i often cared for residents who had shingles. The protocol where I worked was that as long as the sores were oozing, the resident had to remain in their room but when they scabbed over, they were ok in the community. When we did cares for these residents, we had to wear gloves & gowns & masks when we were within 2 feet of them or when we would be touching them or their clothing. Their laundry was separated & their trash was disposed of in a biohazrd container. They ate with disposable dishes & cutlery. It was no fun for anyone, but usually took only a couple days once they were started on treatment. When my mom had shingles, I didn't observe such rigid precautions.

Parasites in goodwill clothing. please read if you shop there.?

Although this has never happened to me I understand that the possibility does exist and it is gross and scary. Always wash your used clothes before wearing them. In the future just don't try jeans on and you should be fine (if you know your shirt,sweater size you don't need to try them on) so you're safe. Wash them all as soon as you get them home though. (Yukky) Hope this never happens again to you and thanks for trying to spare others. Ignore those who were rude-you're only trying to help and that was thoughtful. Yes, everyone what this woman is saying is true!!!! However, you can also pick these disgusting things up and carry them home from many public places (buses, hotels, etc). Bed bugs are making a huge come back these days and they are in 5 star hotels as well.

Shingles, do we have to disinfect clothing and furniture if one has shingles, if yes, what should we use?

The fluid from the blisters of Shingles can transmit Chicken Pox to someone who has never had Chicken Pox before...BUT you can't pass Shingles itself from one person to another. You can't catch Shingles from someone who has it.

Wash clothing and bedding that is contaminated with the fluid from the blisters in hot water with regular detergent and dry in a hot dryer.

Have the infected person keep the blisters covered (covered with clothing is adequate) until they are scabbed over and avoid contact with pregnant women, children who haven't had Chicken Pox, and people who are immunosuppressed until the lesions are all scabbed and dry.

What do you do when shingles pop?

i have had shingles for about 2 weeks now. as some may know shingles is where you come out in painful blisters on your body. well, i have a large one on the side of my abdomin. and it popped leaving fluid on my shirt. i dont know if thats just pussing or if its normal for shingles to do that. is it still contagious? do i just leave it or do i drain it? what do i do?! please help!!

How long can the illness... shingles stay active on surface areas.?

my wife is in west palm beach florida visiting her mother. she just found out that the previous resident of the condo she is in recently suffered from shingles. How long can shingles stay active on surfaces..