Carbon Has How Many Valance Electrons And Kinds Of Bonds Does It Them To Form

How many valence electrons does carbon have and how many protons?

Carbon has the same number of electrons & protons. All you need is the Atomic number to figure out what the electrons or the protons are for an element. Valences however, need to satisfy the octet rule, no more than 8 in it's outer shell.

In Summary...

For any element:

Number of Protons = Atomic Number

Number of Electrons = Number of Protons = Atomic Number

Number of Neutrons = Mass Number - Atomic Number

How many valence electrons does carbon have?

Dear Hansi, The best way to understand insulators, conductors and semi-conductors is by using the idea of energy band levels. Look it up in an advanced book on Solid State Physics. Simply: CONDUCTOR: If the top band (the conduction band) is not full, then energy can be added to the carriers (electrons) which makes them move and hence conduct electricity. INSULATOR: If the top band is full and there is a big energy gap to the next band then the electrons will not have enough energy to be pr emoted into the higher empty band. The material is an insulator because the electrons can not move. SEMICONDUCTOR: If the top band (the conduction band) is full and there is a small energy gap to the next band, then thermal energy can be added to the carriers (electrons) which makes them jump into hat higher band where they are free to move and hence conduct. This is an intrinsic semi-conductor. By adding impurities to the intrinsic semiconductor we can allow electrons to jump into intermediate energy state creating free electrons or holes which can conduct the electricity. This theory is good at explaining the temperature dependence of conduction. Look this up in a book!

Why can't a carbon with 5 valence electrons form four bonds and have a single remaining electron? Why must it form 3 bonds and a lone pair?

Carbon does not have five valence electrons. A valence electron is always unpaired, until it forms a bond, and every unpaired electron must be in a separate orbital. Carbon can only form four valence orbitals, and when these pair, it forms four bonds and has access to eight electrons. Now, if you are referring to a methyl anion CH3-, then it has three bonds that have paired electrons in three orbitals, and two electrons in the fourth orbital, and again the carbon has access to eight electrons. The electrons were previously part of an M - C bond, from which M provided one electron. The M has moved away as M+, leaving its electron behind. There are no further orbitals beyond four possible for carbon.A more interesting molecule is CH5+, which is effectively protonated methane. What happens here is you have three ordinary C - H bonds, and two hydrogen atoms with two electrons (from the fourth C - H bond) occupying the fourth space. The structure is not fixed, and the extra proton can move around, and it could be thought of as a fluxional molecule.

How many electrons does Carbon need to bond?

Carbon has an atomic number 6,
therefore it contains 4 valence electrons ,
since always the outermost orbit or
valence orbit should contains 8 atoms to
become stable i.e, completely filled octet
structure, so it needs 4 more unpaired electrons
to become a stable compound
carbon forms covalent bonds

best example is methane CH4..

hydrogen has one electron in valence orbit , so 4 electrons from each hydrogen atom..
also in this hydrogen becomes stable by attaining duplet structure.. i.e helium noble gas configuration..

Hope this might have helped you!!

How many electrons does carbon have in its valence shell?

correct answer is 4.
let me explain-
electronic configration (C) -1s(2) 2s(2) 2p(2).
i.e the valance shell is 2 so valance electrons=

How many valence electrons does each carbon atom have?

look along the top of your periodic the top of the vertical (up and down columns). i cant remember which number it is, but lets say if it was 14, it would have 4 valence elections, 5 would have 5, 16 would have 6..and so on. also, remember that the atomic number is how many electrons, and the rings in the electron cloud hold 2 electrons in the first, and 8 in almost every one after that, so you can just do the math. good luck!

What type of bonds does carbon form?

It forms lots of types of covalent bonds. These can be single, double, or triple bonds. In aromatic compounds like benzene, it forms bonds that are effectively between single and double (often represented as single and double bonds alternating around a 6-member ring of carbons, but actually all 6 bonds are the same length, resulting in a structure more stable than alternating single and double bonds).Also carbon can form ionic bonds, for example in calcium carbide.

How many valence electrons are in carbon?

Since carbon has an atomic number of 6, the total number of electrons (both the core and valence electrons) is 6. If we drew the dot structure of carbon, 2 electrons will stay in the first shell (max number of electrons that can fill first shell are 2), which leaves 4 electrons left over. The second shell of an atom can hold 8 electrons, which is greater than the 4 electrons that are left over. Thus, carbon has 4 valence electrons.A quicker way to determine the number of valence electrons in carbon is to determine the group number (exclude metals) of carbon, which is 4. 4 is also the number of valence electrons for carbon and every other element in that column.

In compounds, how many bonds does each carbon atom share with ajacent atoms?

Carbon can make 4 covalent bonds.
Carbon (C) appears in the 2nd row of the periodic table and has atomic number of 6. If you remember about electron shells it is easy to see that carbon has 4 electrons in its valence shell. Since carbon needs 8 electrons to fill its valence shell, it forms 4 bonds with other atoms (each bond consisting of one of carbon's electrons and one of the bonding atom's). Every valence electron participates in bonding, thus a carbon atom's bonds will be distributed evenly over the atom's surface. These bonds form a tetrahedron

How many electrons are in carbon?

Some basic information about CarbonName: Carbon Symbol: C Atomic Number: 6 Atomic Mass: 12.0107 amu Melting Point: 3500.0 °C (3773.15 K, 6332.0 °F) Boiling Point: 4827.0 °C (5100.15 K, 8720.6 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 6 Number of Neutrons: 6 Classification: Non-metal Crystal Structure: Hexagonal Density @ 293 K: 2.62 g/cm^3Color: May be blackAtomic StructureNumber of Energy Levels: 2First Energy Levels :2Second Energy levels :4