Cartoon Pencil With Face

Do you remember this cartoon short?

There was this cartoon/short that (if I remember correctly) played during commercial breaks. I can't remember if it was Nickelodeon or possibly Disney but I think it was Nickelodeon. There was a little sketch of this tiny small man (cartoon) who had different scenarios, one was of him planting seeds. He had something that resembled an egg carton and he dropped seeds into it. Another one I remember is him using a pencil and drawing another person and painting.
Something else I'll add is he was small while everything else was normal sized, so the egg carton he dropped seeds into was larger than him and the paintbrush/pencil he used to draw were also larger than he was.
If anyone can remember what this cartoon sketch was, through my somewhat of a description, I'd greatly appreciate it!

How do i make a cartoon characters face look stoned or "high"?

red upper cheeks, smaller eyes.

What is the name of this cartoon network show? ( cartoon)?

the amazing world of gumball

How to get my portraits to look less cartoon-ish?

Your example drawing looks very "stiff" if that makes sense. The nose looks also a little too long for the face (i mean by a few hairs or so). I would recommend softening up your lines.

Have you studied the anatomy behind the face? Have you looked at professional drawings of the skull, the muscles involved in the face, etc....? Knowing the basic anatomy and physiology behind any life form (humans, cats, dogs, horses, etc....) is essential for trying to draw something realistically.

Try drawing a 1cm by 1 cm (or 1 in by 1 in) grid over a picture of a celebrity you would like to draw. Then, on blank white paper, make a grid with LIGHT lines with the same dimensions (1 cm by 1 cm or 1 in by 1 in). Try to replicate the picture, box by box on the new grid you drew. this will make the picture seem less intimidating, and this way, you can focus on the picture box by little box. This way, you are NOT tracing the form, but you are still learning the basic structure and shapes on whatever body you are trying to draw.

I would recommend trying to draw the skeleton of forms first, then muscles, then actually draw them as they look in pictures. This way, you "build up" your drawings from simple to more complex. It may sound like nonesense in the beginning but it actually really helps you in the long run!

Final thing to say,
Art is forever a process! This is no "quick cheat sheet" for artists to try to run to become their own masters. Look at youtube "how to draw" videos, learn from them, use their influence to create your own wonderful works of art! Art skills are just that, skills that take practice practice practice to develop and become your own :)

Why do cartoon characters have 4 fingers instead of 5?

Because long ago, artists or cartoonists have discovered one problem when they are doing hands on cartoon anthropomorphic characters like Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat and others:

That drawing five finger hands on cartoon characters ends up looking like a "bunch of bananas".

So they removed one digit on each the hands, and as a result, the artists find it aesthetically pleasing and that it works with the short stubby proportions of cartoon characters. This has became a trend and that everyone borrowed the idea that until now, we see some cartoon characters with only four fingers - or even less fingers like Patrick Star.

I need to draw a political cartoon on nationalism!?

Here are some links to good Nationalism cartoons:

These should get your intellectual juices flowing enough to wake up your artistic muse.