Cons Do You Realize You

When are cons gonna realize this awkward truth about the Republikkklans?

Conservatives are often Republican.
Nazis are almost unanimously Republican.
Reich wingers have endorsed their Republican president and the cons still don't realize that racists exist among THEM, not the Left.

What are the pros and cons of committing suicide when you realize after ten years that there is no cure for your anxiety/depression?

Cons:You’ll never get to tell those people who actively attempted to make your life miserable that you got better without them. In fact, their displease with your new found survival now annoys them and it increases your will to live.. by 0.02%. You got over it by dealing with it.You’ll never be able to sit with someone, without speaking, and feel your heartbeat escalate, BUT nothing to do with anxiety and all to do with the gratefulness of finding someone who suffers just like you. A problem shared, is a problem halved and maybe even dissolved a little due to constant communication.You’ll miss out on little congratulatory moments you can gift yourself, every single time youve made an improvement in YOUR direction. The beauty of slowly appreciating yourself while triumphing your demons is one sure-way to climb out of that cave we find ourselves in.You get to say you’re a survivor. Not just a meandering person going through the motions, but one fighting against with battle scars that attract other warriors. Birds of the same feather flock, and by wearing your struggles instead of letting them wear you out, you’ll find yourself suddenly around those who are similar- even if you’ve already known them prior.What about Season 10 of Rick & Morty? If season 2 was already so awesome, it’ll definitely be worth it.Pros of committing suicide:If there were, we would know. The fact that you find yourself weighing out something so severe, is indication that this isn’t something to consider lightly. As a person who attempted suicide thrice, I’ve come to realize there are still things and moments worth living for. Everything in between is about keeping yourself busy. The busier you are with things you love doing, the chances of you losing yourself (your true true amazing self) is reduced significantly.Keep going x

What are the pros and cons of speaking less?

PROS:Several things happen when you choose to talk less.You will have to choose your words more carefully. The simpler the better, for your audience to understand.You will be more observant before responding, and you will compartmentalize information more. The question to ponder is, “Does this listener need to hear all this? If the answer is no, then you prune your answer down.You will be forced to listen more attentively. As you talk less, you realize you also need to listen to others, and try to understand what they are really saying. Assumptions from your end will become fewer.You may find yourself “showing” rather than “telling” more frequently.CONS:Initial you will feel frustrated as you express yourself in fewer words.You will need bucketfuls of patience.Your friends and family may wonder what is going on. Questions like “Are you ill?”, “Are you upset?” will be frequent. You need to assure them that everything is fine.Talking less does not mean communicating less.In the right context, cluster and congruence[1] the belief is that 55% of communication is body language, 38% is the tone of voice, and 7% is the actual words spoken.So, if you choose to talk less, you may actually be communicating more.Footnotes[1] Is Nonverbal Communication a Numbers Game?

Cons, do you not realize that customer service jobs are degrading and exploiting?

Else why does everybody stay there for a day or two and then quit? Guess what, high turnover equals mediocre customer service. So next time, don't complain when your burger is not well done.

What are the pros and cons of being a single parent to an adopted child?

There are no pros only cons and I would advise against it. The child needs a full time parent at first and will end up in day care for years. The child needs a mother figure to resolve the trauma or maternal loss. How do you spend quality time with a child after a full days work? An adoptee deserves two parents not one because the two parent family is better then any single parent. Since there are more people who want to adopt then children single parents need to go to the back of the line.