Could Someone Give Me An Answer

Can someone give me the answer for (1/3)(9)³?


Can someone give me the answer on how to write a method that generates a random number from 1 to an integer value passed as a parameter and returns the value?

This will depend on your programming language. Most languages have a function (either build in or in a standard library) which produces a random number between 0 an 1. Let’s call the function rand(). So your code would look likeFUNC random_int (int n)
RETURN ceiling(rand()*n)
The ceiling() function produces the smallest integer which is bigger than (or equal to) the argument. If your language doesn’t have that function, it probably has a a floor() (or trunc() or whatever it is called) which produces the biggest integer which is smaller than the argument, so you could write floor(rand()*n)+1.

Could someone give me the answer to these analogies? Thank you?

The second is lake
I have no clue on the first.

Can someone give me a well made, unbiased answer on who is the best candidate for president, and why?

NoThere’s no such thing as an “unbiased answer”. Everyone has biases. There’s no way to avoid it.That said…Personally, I’d say that Hillary is by far the better option. She has experience in working in and with the federal government and congress. Her platform is sensible and not reactionary. I have more trust that she will surround herself with experienced people that know what they’re talking about.While Trump has had success with name recognition, and creating a celebrity out of himself, his platform consists of talking points and what policies we know he’d push for are ridiculous at best, absurd at worst. He’s shown a propensity to surround himself with sycophants, which is terrifying at a national level. His best lines are: “Hillary is a liar”, which is either completely hypocritical, the pot calling the kettle black, or a case of “it takes one to know one”[1] (although it’s objectively true that she’s not nearly the liar he has been)[2]I’ve always questioned the wisdom behind not wanting a career politician to be your politician. Politics is a job. It’s like asking your taxi driver to be your surgeon because you don’t trust career doctors. Politics is extremely complex and often you need a career politician to navigate those waters.I’m biased, but I believe that Trump is not fit to hold office. Whether or not you vote for Hillary is one thing (I think you should), but a vote for Trump is horrifying.Footnotes[1] Donald Trump's file[2] Hillary Clinton's file

I hope someone here can give me an answers.  My question is, how exactly to implement a 'kernel' concept for php library or framework like Symfony does for their HttpKernel?

Use Symfony's HTTPKernel! It's designed to be modular, and you can pull in the kernel with a very limited number of dependencies on other parts of the Symfony codebase. This is what Drupal 8 did, rather than write their own (which is an enormous waste of time); Silex is another project that uses the kernel but few other parts of Symfony.

Can Someone give me the answers to the Babe Ruth National Umpire Exam?

Wow! If you can't pass the exam on your own then you should not be umpiring.

Can someone give me advice?

Okay, so I just started talking to this guy I like. Well, kind of. I message him on Myspace and we've only had one conversation. But I just started talking to him yesterday. I took me a long time to work up the courage to say "hey whats up?". I know it sounds pathetic, but I'm really shy. So I want to go a step further, maybe. I dont know. I don't want to keep messaging him and be annyoing. But I want to get to know him more. I don't have any classes with him at school, but he rides my bus and lives near me. I really want to get to know him more, but I don't know how. I want to talk to him, but not be awkward. What's a good way to start a conversation with someone you really like? So, I'm not sure what to do. I really want to get to know him, maybe he might like me to. But I'll never know unless I talk to him. The only problem is, I way to shy to just walk up to him and start talking. And that would be weird. Uhhh....Any advice would be great! Thanks in advance.