Defects Of Marjuana Usage

What are the effects of underage drinking and Marijuana use?

Dude if u wanna smoke or drink your taking a risk. So stop doing all this pointless research. Just do it if you want to, either way your taking the risk. I smoke and drink, im only 14 and im fine.
Side Effects of Marijuana: More chill, process things a lil slower, loose motivation, can get fatter (And btw, if u smoke weed one time none of that will happen to you.. that's if you like smoke regularly)
Alcohol: Could get a hangover the nxt day .. nothing really happens as a side affect. (I have nvr had a hangover before and ive gotten drunk many times)
When your high you feel awesome like you can't explain it. You laugh at things that aren't really that funny, you think about things you normally wouldn't think about, and things entertain you very easily when your high.. and btw you wont through up and have to take a bath -__- idk where that came from
and when your drunk you do some crazy **** lol. Don't get drunk you don't even remember what you did the next day, just drink jus not enough to get you totally waisted. That way you just act like the funnest person in the world, i socialize a **** ton when im drunk and im not afraid to do things that i would be if i was sober..
You will have fun if u discide to try it.. It wont hurt you if you do it once.
Both are a lot of fun to do, but your taking a risk of getting caught. But smoking and drinking is Hella funn xD It gives u something to do to(;

How long do the Effects of Marijuana last?

When smoked, the effects of marijuana vary depending on what you stated above. Different strains of marijuana give off different types of highs and the quality of that strain determines the potency and amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC- the chemical that gets you high). So chances are you will experience highs that last longer than others and vice versa.

The peak of your high will usually last for about an hour, the followed by a feeling of being impaired for an additional hour or two.

When marijuana is ingested (teas, cakes, etc.) the effects last longer than if it were smoked. However, you will not feel the effects until 30-45 minutes after eaten/dran

What is the effects of marijuana use on athletes?

Marijuana is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. As a runner, skydiver, cyclist, rock climber, etc. marijuana helps me recover quicker from strenuous activity. I ingest the equivalent of one gram of high potency marijuana almost every evening in the form of an edible treat and I wake up in the morning feeling like a million bucks, pain free, ready to tackle the days agenda. Some background info at age 22 (now 38) I was crushed by my own SUV, 2001 Ford Explorer with Firestone tires if anyone remembers that situation. A year or there after I was in a terrorist riddled country and was caught in the blast zone of a cowards improvised explosive which further exacerbated by previous injuries with more neck and back injuries. It's ironic the my country (U.S.) has no problem pushing opiates upon the citizenry, yet marijuana is not viewed as medicine.Effects performance wise, I can say it allows me to run further, skydive better, cycle quicker, or rock climb with superior ability, because I have less ache and pain to distract me. However, without marijuana I probably wouldn't be able to recover as quickly, or live a relatively pain free life, or experience as much as I do. Marijuana allows me to live a quality life, and for that, I will never allow a politician, a police officer, a judge, or any other government official to deprive me of that. It too important to allow authority to quash. Resist.

What are permanent effects of prolonged marijuana usage on young adults or teenage brains?

Most definitely, as with any other substances used to alter brain chemistry, be it recreational or medicinal. Long term Marijuana usage may eventually lead to (sooner if higher amounts are used in shorter intervals) :1. Depression (lower amounts of dopamine and serotonin are produced by the brain in the absence of Marijuana , hence leaving the user with suppressed reactions to stimulus a non user may find pleasurable)2. Forgetfulness, absent mindedness and increased episodes of short term memory loss 3. Reduced appetite and weight loss 4. Suppressed creativity, significantly reduced IQ levels, and a general feeling of dullness, blank thoughts, mind wandering and spacing out. 5. Amplified risk of developing more serious disorders including psychotic disorders and schizophrenia. Studies prove that this chance is even more probable if it is present as an inherent genetic defect and if already present in biological relatives. Studies are very skewed on their verdicts of the effects of Marijuana, and therefore must be taken with a pinch of salt. Any foreign substance (that which is not naturally manufactured or present in the human body) introduced into the body will affect chemistry, physiological makeup and if constantly introduced for a long period of time, will cause permanent changes within.

The health effects of moderate marijuana use and why is it illegal?

I've never seen the (negative) effects to be too different from being drunk.

Note, I don't drink or smoke anything, but that gives me sober mind to take in what happens when friends do it.

I mean, when people around me smoke hash, their mental state changes- more relaxed, even giggly- and they sometimes throw up- just like when you get drunk.

I'm not saying 'YEAH, MAKE IT LEGAL', because I believe there's no cap on legality- like there is none on alcohol, which is why drinking is such a problem- and you couldn't say 'you can only smoke a moderate amount', and people would smoke too much and do stupid things- like they do with alcohol.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-drinking, smoking, or even against some drugs, but me choosing not to do those things gives me a non-biased view. The short term effects are like drinking too much, and the long term ones are like smoking too much.


I think it's illegal, as well, because no-one knows the long term health effects, especially mentally.

Drinking too much can lead to a dependence which can lead to psychological problems- hallucanations when coming off, depression etc., but smoking tobacco doesn't cause any mental health problems (except anxiety if you're not allowed to smoke for a time, and depression when trying to get off) whilst they think hash, long term use- even moderate, long term use- can cause delusions and even schizophrenia, but they're not so sure, so it makes it hard to say if hash is actually in the same class as 'legal' drugs because of the long term, mental (and physical, such as lung cancer) health implications.

What are the side effects of frequent marijuana use,?


EVerything they taught you in school is wrong. And yes, let me preface this with the fact that I am a smoker, but I'm also a scholar, and have, myself, done an EXTENSIVE amount of research on the subject.

It is true that marijuana can affect your memory a little bit, but the only piece you EVER lose are things you never think about anyway. As far as the brain thing goes, so long as you exercise your mind by reading abook or working a puzzle several times a week, you'll be fine. If you sit on the couch munchin' funyuns and staring at your blacklight posters then, yes, your brain will rot.
It's also non-addictive.

Okay, so smoking ANYTHING will do a bit of damage to your lungs, but unles you are quite literally "smoking like a chimney" and going through a five-pack of lighters a day, you don't need to worry about emphysema. And marijuana doesn't have any of teh carcinogens that tobacco does, so you never have to worry lung cancer.
As for the heart, marijuana may occassionally cause tachycardia, but never enough to do any harm. It slightly decrease blood pressure, but this actually a GOOD thing.

Bear in mind: every chemical you find in Pot can be found naturally produced by your body; No one, in the history of the world, has ever been reported to have died from any form of the use of Cannabis. Well, unless you count those who may have been strangled by hemp rope at some point in time.....

Anyway, basically there's no harm in smoking.

Does smoking marijuana cause birth defects?

For the best answers, search on this site

Not at all, there was a very good study done a few years ago by a lady named Melanie Dreher(she is a doctor). "In the 1980s Melanie Dreher and colleagues at UMass Amherst began a longitudinal study to assess the well-being of infants and children whose mothers used cannabis during pregnancy. The researchers lived in rural Jamaican communities among the women they were studying. Thirty cannabis-using pregnant women were matched for age and socio-economic status with 30 non-users. Dreher et al compared the course of their pregnancies and their neo-natal outcomes, using various standard scales. No differences were detected three days after birth. At 30 days the exposed babies did better than the non-exposed on all the scales and significantly better on two of the scales (having to do with autonomic stability and reflexes). Follow-up studies were conducted when the kids were four and five (just before entering school and after). The moms were defined as light users (1-10 spliffs per week), moderate (11-20), and heavy (21-70). Consumption of ganja tea was also taken into account, no differences were found among the exposed and non-exposed groups. The children who had been exposed to marijuanna during the time they were in the uterus, were actually found to be calmer children, and had easier times adjusting to life situation. Melanie C. Dreher, PhD; Kevin Nugent, PhD; and Rebekah Hudgins, MA

What is the effect of marijuana on body weight?

That varies from a person to another, depends how mindful you are about munchies consumption when you’re high, the type of munchies. If you were aware of this habit and try to avoid it, you will lose weight.It’s up to you though. Marijuana did change my life in every way. A year ago, I decided to change my lifestyle, mainly not to be hypocritical. To reflect the way of living we're trying to promote here on Monroe Blvd - a healthy, joyful, sophisticated and proud cannabis lifestyle.While smoking marijuana daily, I started going to the gym a few times a week. Also, I began to be mindful about my eating habits, without depriving myself of what I enjoy, especially when I'm high. Throughout this last year, I've lost 30 pounds. Everyday exercise and taking in clean foods is the guided path to any weight loss goal, I myself have replaced a belt and three pairs of pants.Marijuana Effects: Can Cannabis Help You Lose Weight and Stay Healthy?

What are the negative long-term effects of marijuana use?

Its really not so bad. IMHO, it creates laziness and inability to be motivated in life....if used daily. I seriously think it is a good natural drug that can help in so many areas of life. However, those who use it all the time are in for a long life of nothingness.

I know a guy who was valedictorian of his class in HS and he is now a big loser because he smokes weed all day every day. He has no motivation to better himself, has no college degree, has a dead end job and what's most disturbing, he has a little girl. His wife smoked it just as much as him on a daily basis and when she was pregnant still smoked it almost every day....a few hits here and there. She too was an intellegent person and went to a "gifted" school while growing up. She has a degree and has not done a damn thing with it. And they wondered why their little girl, when she was a baby, developed very slowly (ie. didnt roll over till she was like 6 mos, didnt sit up on her own til almost 12 mos, and didnt walk until she was about 18 mos old. All of this really bothers me!

However, smoking marijuana can be a good thing if its not abused and too many people abuse it by using it in their daily lives....such as the people mentioned above. I know for a fact that it aids in the following:

stomach problems/nausea
pain from disease/illness
effects of chemotherapy/cancer

Its just too bad that there are so many people who allow it to become a crutch instead of a healing aid. I know you cannot be physically addicted but you can definitely be mentally addicted to marijuana. I sincerely believe it should be legal for any medical reasons. The Feds need to back off. And I also know that if it were legal it would cost more and the government would take way too much in taxes like they do alcohol and tobacco.

What are the effects of quitting marijuana after prolonged daily use?

I sincerely apologize for taking the cowards way out and posting anonymously but my life and circumstances do not allow me to be as open about this topic as I was and wish I could be. That being said, I've found very little benefit. My indulgence in other legal forms of stress relief and self medication have left me in a questionable state. I smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day and will drink between a quarter to a half of a liter almost every night. Of course my decision to change my habit was based on a relationship and my hatred of her and all the things she loved. Big surprise I end up destroying myself in return. I find my self quicker to anger, more depressed, less enthusiastic in all things and overall less happy with my self. On the rare occasion I do indulge in this luxury I become aware of the damage I have done to my lungs. Fortunately I do find that it takes very little (if it's of good quality) to get me back on track and less likely to have a mental breakdown because of work related issues. Also as a final note I never thought drastically reducing my intake would actually result in a modest but noticeable increase in my weight. Yes I am aware it's probably just whiskey weight but still not what I expected.