Depressed Because Of

I'm depressed because I'm so ugly?


No, but in all seriousness - you're definitely not going crazy and there's definitely nothing wrong with you. Your hormones at that age cause all kinds of problems and depression - I know you've probably heard all this before but it's true. When I was your age (gawd I sound old... I'm only in my twenties) I had the same problem. Tonnes of spots everywhere, I'd sweat to the high heavens and I was bullied seriously hard because of it all now. Only major problem is that because I let it get to me - I'm 23 years old and still self harming and still going to therapy. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing major to worry about. Try ignore all of that because it's really not going to last for very long.

I even had one of the guy bullies chat me up at the pub last year and was shocked as **** when he found out he used to bully me at school! So trust me, you're going to be more than fine. But you saying you wanna kill all the bullies and how angry you are - that's probably hormones too making you get severe mood swings or something! If it's really that bad, you need to talk to someone - especially about how you're feeling.

I'm depressed because of my acne!?

I have had acne for 3 years now. I am typically lazy, so when I first got it, I just washed my face more and used an oil free moisturizer for acne. It was simple and nothing complicated, so it was good. But then it got worse. I soon found out that it was cheese that was causing it. So now, i can't eat pizza or lasagna or anything else cheesy. So basically, I've eliminated cheese from my diet and also, my skin is very oily, so I use a lot of oil free products and things. I tend to prefer Neutrogena, so i use many of their products. I'm 13 now and still have acne and its starting to really get me. I'm Pakistani-Canadian, so many family friends will actually comment on my skin and try to give me tips and things, especially in front of large groups of people. Its terrible and I just have to act like I understand what their saying. My mom actually said to someone that its just my age and stuff, but then they said that other girls who are my age dont seem to have any then why do i and that I'm obviously not giving it enough importance. Oh, and one adult once told me that my face is my identity and if i dont care for my identity, I'm a nobody. I know... B**ches, right?

Anyway, acne is ruining my life. I can't make my crush like me because of it too. :(

If anyone has any solutions for acne, that would be great.

I'm depressed because of my acne.?

I'm 14. Girl. And I want to die. I get it it's only spots and scars. No not to me. It's like everyone stares at me and my ugly scars and bumps all over my stupid face. They never go away I've tried everything. I start school again tmr and I really can't face the world. I sit upstairs crying cos I hate it. I have to wear makeup to cover it up and it doesn't even cover. I can't go out bare faced anymore I don't even like makeup. And don't say no one will say noting because society these days don't care about your personality, it's all about your looks. And everyone knows that. Can I just kill my self now.

I am depressed because of school :/?

I'm in 11th grade or so I think I am because my first year of high school was very bad because in the beginning of the year my mom developed cancer (thank god she's feeling way better now) "knocks on wood" and yeah I would still go to school but not as much and here's where I messed up... I unfortunately transferred schools during the middle of the school year for no reason I regret that till this day but anyways in my 10th year (last school year) I never went to school only went 11% of the time because I simply didn't want to go and ACS got involved and yeah they didn't take me away because my mom wasn't abusing me but yeah now my last chance was to go to this dump of a charter school which is hell at the moment Im honsetly done with school because I don't know if Ima graduate on time I really want to because I don't want to be the first person in my family to get held back... But at the same I hate school to me there's no need because they teach you lies and stuff... The reason why I hate school is because you waste all theses years in school just to get a stupid paper to get a job that you will hate more than school/ that a 13 year old is capable of doing but anyways I'm depressed and I want to become a pro boxer I want to be bigger and better than Floyd mayweather and make more money than him but since I'm depressed I don't go to gym anymore I don't know what to do :( so can some one please provide me some help I'm scared to talk to my parents. Someone please help me??:(

Im depressed because of my labia :(?

Hi there

You are MAJORLY misinformed about the reality. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you whatsoever. Your labia are perfectly normal and there are sooo many woman who's labia minora protrude as well. Womens' feminine parts come in all shapes, sizes, colours, etc and each is distinctly and uniquely different. You shouldn't concern yourself about yours, as everything is just how it should be.
However, a lot of females struggle with that particular part of their bodies and find it 'ugly' or 'unnattractive' for various reasons. The fact is, they're worrying for NOTHING! ..
The truth is : MOST guys could care less how it looks and MANY of them think all womens' 'parts', regardless of how they look, are BEAUTIFUL. And that is the truth. If your boyfriend finds something 'wrong' with yours then he is not worth your time. And you need to deal with that, thereafter. But, I can almost guarantee you, that he will be totally fine with your vagina.

There are only one of two things you can do though :

1) Learn to love and except that part of your body and ACKNOWLEDGE that you are beautiful and just the way you were intended to be, OR, very drastically (and I would say the 'unfavourable option) :

2) Go for reconstructive surgery. There are many women who do this. There are surgeries available where you can pretty much get your vagina to look however you want it to. They can reduce your labia significantly. I just see it as pointless though. I mean why change something that doesn't need changing. I would only say it's okay if the skin down there becomes uncomfortable and affects certain aspects of your life. I've heard of women who get it done after natural births because they feel their vagina's don't look the same anymore and they have become unhappy with those parts. And also, some women say that having to large or protruding labia makes things like horse-riding become unenjoyable. Also, they may be in pain when wearing jeans that are a bit too snug in the 'crotch area'.

Ultimately, it's up to you. I hope you choose option 1), but more importantly I hope that you do whatever it is that will make you happy.

All the best of luck! xxx

I'm depressed because of my grades?

Hello. I m in nonth grade and im really stressed and depressed because of my grades.
Health - A
Science - A
English - C+
Photography - A
Algebra - D+
IT Academy - C

I had really good grades at the beginning of the year but then they dropped. I wnat a math typo tutor but my parents cant afford it. I also cant stay after school because I have tot ake the bus home. Im honestly so depressed because I had all As for the first month of shcopl b it then they dropped.

I am depressed because of cavities...?

Oh! I'm sooooooo sorry you are going through this! Please don't crawl under a rock. You have done such a good thing by going to the dentist. And one step at a time (or 1 tooth at a time!) you will be ok. It's NOT the end of the world, just a very big and very important lesson.

Now first, do you trust the dentist? This is a reputable dentist? Do you need a second opinion?
Second, you haven't done the worst things by anything you have said. It is really a matter of strong enamel and you probably were not born with it. I have known people who practically live on candy who have perfect teeth due to very strong enamel. My teeth have always been prone to cavities and problems. I have 3 children, 1 who has only ever had 1 cavity, another has had a couple, the other has had quite a few. Their father had good enamel, me not, so they are a combo! Not their fault and not your fault. You are learning that you have to take better care of your teeth and so you will do that.

You are going to get your cavities repaired and make some adjustments. Listen to the advice and decide what you ARE ready to do...With every step you take you will feel better about taking better care of your health.

Can you start brushing 2-3 times a day to get in the habit?
Can you floss at least 1-2 times a week?
Can you rinse following drinks and cut back on soda intake?
If you have a cup of coffee every other day, that is not too much.
Have fruit for b'fast to replace juice (lots of sugar in most juices).

Once the treatment has been done you will feel better. Then commit to going every 6 months for checkups and cleanings. That along with your new healthier habits will allow you to have a dessert out with friends now and then and feel "normal" again. You can't change the past but you can look forward to taking care of your teeth and do the best you are able each day.

All the best to you!