Did Space Exist Before The Big Bang

Where was Space Before the Big Bang?

This might be a strange question but according to the Big Bang Theory, the event not the series... Space, Time and Matter Exploded in a singularity and created everything we see today.

Hang on, if Space didn't exist before the Big Bang then where was this spinning dot of our universe in? Maybe the Contruct of the Matrix? Or is this just a bunch of Balony.

How did space get there before the big bang?

Both space and time were probably 'created' at the Big Bang. Think of it like this. If time itself began at the Big Bang, then there is no 'before the Big Bang'.

An analogy may be in order. Model spacetime by a
sphere with time being represented by going down
a longitude line and space for a fixed time being
represented by a latitude line. The Big Bang would
be represented by the north pole. In this model,
space expands until we get to the equator and then
starts to contract again until we get to the south
pole, which represents a 'Big Crunch'.

In this model, ask what is north of the north pole.
This is *exactly* like asking what is before the Big
Bang. There is no real answer because the question
assumes that time exists before the Big Bang, but
in fact, time is part of the structure of the universe
and began at the Big Bang.

In the real world, the spacial part is three dimensional,
not one dimensional like in our model (the circles of
latitude). Also, it is likely that the universe
will expand forever, so instead of a sphere, a
trumpet shape may be more appropriate. But the actual
models used by scientists are generalizations and
elaborations of models like this toy model.

If space didn't exist before the Big Bang, then where did it happen?

As this question is not seeking ny opinion. I will answer with the perspective of the people who actually believe in the creation of Universe through the Big Bang.It is vastly believed that the universe was actually created from an extremely concentrated point thatxwas very hot and small. They believe that when it exploded the universe came to be. Since then it has continued to expand. Created galaxies and planets.Now a question arises as of yours that if big bang caused the formation then where and when did it happen? Actually it is said that before big bang there was nothingness. A vaccum that was nothing but darkness and that was not having any particle or atom. It was a vacccum ( quite possible infinite ) where a tiny speck was present that exploded.There was no time before it. So this theory cannot say that how long was it present. Forever? Then what is forever? Maybe the matter kept expanding inside it and until it could hold no more, it exploded.So basically it is believed that the big bang was in a vaccum of emptiness. Which had no time.

What existed before the big bang?

The universe is not all there is beyond what we know. It started in the big bang theory from the singularity of a point the size of a pin head. It is unknown what surrounded this pin head or what is beyond it now at its current size. There may be many other universes as ours, which continues to grow. Time however is only a measurement of space. It's easy to forget because we think of time so differently in out everyday life but in reality it is just a measurement of how long it takes to Travel through space from point A to point B. You can't really ever understand these things because they are unknown but, you can take the best theory and make your own assumptions. If space is like a bubble and constantly expanding at a certain rate. If you rewind the video it would shrink back down to a single point. They use its expansion rate and present size to calculate the universe to be 13.5 billion years old. That's how long it would take to shrink it back down when you rewind the tape