Did The Dutch Have Allies During World War 2

Did Indonesia fight during World War 2?

Yes, when Japan managed to seize Indonesia from the Netherlands militarily in 1942, the colony officially conquered by the Japanese government and thus the Axis. Consequently, Japan established a troops which consisted of Indonesian or known as PETA and its aim is to provide full support and loyalty to Japan throughout the WWII and the movement of nationalist group. So, yes Indonesia is involved throughout the war but only play a minor role. Indonesia became an independent nation three days after the war came to end.

What was the course of the world war 2?

Poland...Belgium, Netherlands, France, Norway, England, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Russia,Greece, Finland, Pearl Harbor, Philippines, Wake Island, Midway, Coral Sea,Korea, Soviet Union, China, Indochina, Turkey, North Africa, Sicily, Guadalcanal, Soloman Islands, Tarawa,
Italy, Germany, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Japan

Kinda like that

World war II crossword? 1.General __, chief of the Allied forces in Far East. 2. Followers of Hitler?

How many letters and what do they start with?

Try "Douglas MacArthur" and "Nazis"???????