Did The Titans In Ancient Times Eat People Like They Do Today

What kind of food did people eat back in the ancient times?

Well, where?

In many places around the world, people were still hunter-gatherers and hunted what ungulates they could catch and eat, etc... and ate what plant material they could gather. It was also increasingly more common for tribes to domesticate animals and plants, creating small gardens and farms for sustinence.

But, what people ate changed from place to place, like it does today.

There were huge civilizations in existence like in 1500 BC. Maybe you could specifically look those up to find out more about what sort of food they would have eaten at that time.

What did people in ancient greece eat?

Well in my Latin book for school I have a typical Roman dinner but i'm not sure if it is the same but I think it was in ancient times. It says the meal began with a first course of light dishes to whet appetite. Eggs, fish, and raw vegetables were often served. Then came the mean course in which a variety of meat dishes with different sauces and vegetables would be offered. Beef, pork, mutton, and poultry were all popular, and in preparing them the cook would do his best to show off his skill and imagination. Finally, the dessert was brought in, consisting of fruits, nuts, cheese, and sweet dishes. During the meal, wine produced locally from the vineyards on Mount Vesuvius was served, usually mixed with water. Women were expected to drink sparingly.

How did people learn about God in ancient times?

Same as in the present times - by aural reception. By hearing the massage from God's representatives you learn about God. It's basically like learning anything - you learn from those who know about the subject or skill you want to learn. If you want to learn mathematics you approach a mathematician, if you want to learn music you approach a musician, if you want learn how to lay bricks you approach a brick layer etc. Similarly if you want to learn about God you approach a spiritual master in a bona fide succession of spiritual masters. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was such a spiritual master and due to his heroic efforts and the Hare Krishna movement he founded, now the whole world is learning about God.Krishna says:Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth. (Bg. 4.34)Having obtained real knowledge from a self-realized soul, you will never fall again into such illusion, for by this knowledge you will see that all living beings are but part of the Supreme, or, in other words, that they are Mine. (Bg. 4.35)Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries. (Bg. 4.36)As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities. (Bg. 4.37)In this world, there is nothing so sublime and pure as transcendental knowledge. Such knowledge is the mature fruit of all mysticism. And one who has become accomplished in the practice of devotional service enjoys this knowledge within himself in due course of time. (Bg. 4.38)A faithful man who is dedicated to transcendental knowledge and who subdues his senses is eligible to achieve such knowledge, and having achieved it he quickly attains the supreme spiritual peace. (Bg. 4.39)But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness; they fall down. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next. (Bg. 4.40)

How did people from ancient times think?

Ancient mean how many years ago? I can answer Antique mean the pass 50 years old. 2018-50=1968. If you was born before 1968 you are also consider Antique titan by business law's.Ancient mean before 1968, or do you want to go further down how many years will be the best answer.I finished Hight school 1991, every talk and say and preach this world will end by the year of 2000, final judgment, the Lord's 2nd coming, the prophets will be fulfilled, no more Sun and Moon, you must be born again now, no more mercy .I did passed through 30 years after, i think that's ancient think .too.TanNew England

Did they have acne in ancient times?

Acne's cause is unknown, but it seems to be related to normal hormonal changes associated with puberty. Some studies suggest that milk may be factor, but people who have no contact with milk also get acne, so it's not a simple cause-effect case (actually, in medicine nothing is as simple as "x causes y, therefore eliminate x and cure y")

There's no reason to conclude that our modern lives or diets are to blame for acne. Since the ancients presumably went through puberty just as we do, and the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes also presumably existed as well, then it is safe to assume Cleopatra had a zit from time to time.

People in ancient times DID NOT have healthier diets than people today. Unless they were wealthy they ate monotonous foods that did not provide the diversity of nutrients that we know are required for good health. They typically suffered from diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, such as scurvy, rickets and pellagra. Their lifespans were shorter and their infant mortality much higher.

How did ancient men deal with toothaches?

They were pretty hardcore, whenever they experienced a sensation of pain in their teeth, they lifted a stone and right smashed on the infected teeth and bang! The pain was gone with the teeth.But jokes apart, it is obvious that they do had to face the pain as they were meat-eaters and never bothered to brush their teeth. As far as I can think, maybe they could’ve used salt to rinse their mouth as it soothes the pain or could have used natural ways of brushing such as Miswak twigs or any other herbal plant that could prevent such problems.Before the invention of toothbrush, people used water, and cloth to clean their teeth, beginning of which can be traced to the early men. The ancient Egyptian made a kind of brush by splitting the end of a twig into two or more, this made an oral care product for them.Comparative to today’s era, they had very less dental problems as they didn’t have the carbonated cold drinks loaded with sugar or the starchy food that causes the major dental problems. Nor they had chocolates that could cause cavities or coffee that could stain the enamel.Some types of tree branches have been found in Uganda, that are linked to the oral care products of the cavemen which people still use today to clean their teeth.But whatever their secret was, the Anthropologic evidence tells that they had pretty healthy teeth and were only affected by dental problems such as gum diseases, cavities, or teeth grinding. This may lead us towards the conclusion that they could’ve followed standard oral care habits to keep their teeth clean.Today, we have brilliant products such as sonic toothbrush and whitening strips to maintain proper oral care and keep our teeth healthy.If the cavemen cared enough for their teeth and so should you when you have the best sonic toothbrush to use.

What did ancient persians eat?

No accurate record of classical Persian cooking is available but we hear that vast banquets occurred at Persepolis. It is clear that the ancient Persians cherished food. For instance, Darius of Achaemenian paid special attention to agriculture. Walnut, pistachio, pomegranate, cucumber, broad bean and pea (known in China as the "Iranian bean"), basil, coriander, and sesame were introduced by Parthian and Sassanian traders. The techniques of cooking have been passed down generation to generation.

Why do people say that ancient peoples were healthier because....?

I would agree with the statement that ancient people ate healthier in their day compared to ours. there ar a few reasons for this:

1. There is not one day where the average person consumes some kind of junk food. Today the junk food that we have is candy, chips, fast food, etc. Back then their junk food was the meat that they caught from wild animals. If we only ate the meat that we bought from the store and consumed no candy, chips, fast food, etc. then we would be a lot healthier.

2. I understand your argument is relating to only food, but it is impossible to overlook technology. The advancement in medicine that we have today is not even imaginable to what the ancient people had. All they could use were herbs and other naturally grown things. Today we have advanced technology that is almost infinitely times better than what they had. The survival rate of what we use is almost 100x better. The advancement in medicine technology that we have today is a major contributor to what allows us to live as long as we do today. For what had no cure back then, might have a cure for today.

3. Rationing is also another important factor. Today we can mass produce food very quickly. people in ancient times had to find their food or grow it seasonally. They did not have factories and large fields to produce their food. They only grew a small amount of vegetables and once in a while hunted what they could get. They had to ration their food for everyone. many times people ate only a handful of food because if anyone ate anymore then there would not be enough for everyone else. If people are not able to eat to their maximum, not matter how healthy it is, then people will not be able to maximize their energy output (less life)

What did ancient women do about their periods?

Well I'm sure when they quickly realized the problem since every other woman around them (and before them) had the same situation. They probably didn't realize why it was happening biologically (wouldn't be surprised if they were fed some religious dogma about how woman bleed every month as a punishment from god).

As for how to deal with it- maybe they just stuffed some cotton- or really any cloth. After all, hygiene was a non-issue for people back then (middle ages- and really up until the renaissance- only nobility took baths- and even then just once a week).

What was the food eaten in ancient/Vedic India?

Thanks for requesting me to answer this questionPV Muralidharan and Clinton MirandaThe food eaten at that time isn’t too different from today’s Indian diet..By Vedic India,if you mean around 5000 BCE ,then this answer is for you..Taking in account the climatic conditions of that time..As the ICE AGE left them just a 5000 years ago..and the northern side was already having cold Himalayas..IN NORTHThey ate foods like Chapatti,roti which would keep their body warm and maintain the body temperature..IN SOUTHThey ate Rice,Dal,Grains,Grams,Pulses,and so on…***In general***They drank a kind of alcoholic drink called Sura Paniyam[Sura meaning Demigod, Paniyam meaning Drink]There were 3 kinds of food’s those days1.Saatvic Bhojan2.Raajsic Bhojan3.Tasmic BhojanSaatvic BhojanWithout spices, onion or any vegetables that has roots in it.Saada Bhojan (Simple and Fresh Food)It is based on the mentality of 'SAADA BHOJAN, UCHH VICHAAR'. (Good Food, Good Thoughts)Non-Vegetarian food is prohibited..Only Veg Cuisine.Mostly,Brahmins and Jains used to eat this kinda foodRaajsic BhojanThis food is for the people who loves eating food. They live to eat and not eat to live.It includes all the spices and root vegetables.These kind of people are more attached to their bodies and they simply wants to satisfy the needs of their body parts, e.g. their tongue in this case.Just the way they eat, the same way they act. They think of the things which will satisfy their unnecessary desires (mann ko lubhane wali cheeze).When desires grow, expectations grow and when expectations grow, a person can never be happy.Tasmic BhojanThis is the worst category of food.It includes all kind of food, veg as well as non-veg.This type of food is considered as sin, because it generates all sorts of negative thoughts and emotions in one self.It generates negative emotions, such as - sexual desires, anger, hatred etc etcNote:In present day’s situation we follow Tasmic Veg and Non-veg..