Did You Know That Somewhere Deep Down In My Heart . I Still Love You

Have someone ever married for security and not love?

Meaning I dated my husband for 6 years before we got married! I always knew in the back of my mind that I didn't really whole heartedly love him... The one person who I found myself really in love with never striked me as if I was good enough for him! Prior to me getting married he has shown much regret on his part for throwing our relationship away and yet when he's near my heart still skips a beat just like it did the first day we met! I agreed to marry my husband because I have always known in my heart that he loves me whole heartedly and yet I saw me building our future I never saw him and I building our future! My husband is a beautiful person and I use to say prior to marriage he'd make a beautiful husband for someone one day! It just wasn't me! Yet I married him out of being afraid that there wasn't anyone else out here to give my heart to that I could trust! How do you fall totally in love with someone that you think you like?

Can you ever completely stop loving someone and have no feelings for them if you did truly love them?

If you truely love someone it will never end may it be in the worst situtions of your life, or the best moments.True love does not have conditions ,restrictions or any limits, its a never ending feeling. It continues also when that relationship does not persist as a relationship and love both are two different things.When you truely love somebody you would neglect there negative aspects. The pain you get out of there presence will be just some temporary negative feelings. When you say true love its when you think that love is unconditional, which also includes not expecting anything in return, Time cannot hinder the feeling of true love, nor situations or places or people or distance. Love is something which is yours and throughly yours its a feeling which completely is personal and stays unaffected by people’s opinions or behaviour or there feelings towards you.If its true love It will never end or Fade, it something which is ever greens and fresh.

Why do i feel sad everytime i talk to him?

it's like you have very strong feelings for him! Maybe he did something to you that you never forgave him for. Maybe somewhere deep down inside you may actually have developed some type of love for this person. You should tell him how you are feeling and if it's about something he's done then you should find it in your heart to forgive him!

I broke his heart, it's been 2 years, he still isn't talking to me?

He is hurted inside deeply. You made him an option. An option that is available for you when you want. He might think like that. He didn't open the message because he perhaps scare of the feelings of love that was for you.
Truth wins always. If you think it was your mistake and you accept it then open up completely but don't sound desperate and needy person here. Whatever his decision accept it. If he comes back to you then he is yours and if not then forget him.
To whom we love from heart and soul and chase or rush for....if the other person keep that person run always then there is a peak time that every feelings and every intense feelings vanished or you would say die somewhere deep inside heart as a pain forever. Such pain realize how much worthy you are for a person who die daily and every moment for you which you never see or value it.

I still love my ex-girlfriend, but I'm in a relationship. What do I do?

Not trying to be judgemental at all, but it's really wrong to be with someone when your heart is somewhere else..You're not obliged to be in a relationship ! You should get through the past first, and you should do it on your own..It's okey to be alone, and it's okey to not getting through feelings, what it's not okey is being in a relationship where deep love does not exist, i know you know all this deep in your thoughts since you're asking for advice.. No one can be in someone's place but if i was in yours the first thing i would do is to break up the relationship i'm in now, and heal my self first.. and this would be the best thing to do for the person i'm currently with, because I'm sure no one wants to be with someone whose heart is outside, no one..Wish you luck, with love and prayers ❤