Did You Know These Myths Are False

Are these myths true or false?

Note: a lot of this stuff is opinion

1. Human intuition is remarkably accurate and free from error
False - you can program equations that will beat intuition on almost any topic

2. Most people seem to lack confidence in the accuracy of their beliefs.
False - I'm an atheist, and it seems that everyone confidently believes in crazy stuff

3. Case studies are particularly useful because of the similarities we all share.
Depends a lot on the topic, I might go with True for the most part

4.The opinions of 1500 randomly selected people can provide a very accurate picture of the opinions of an entire nation.
True - small surveys are remarkably accurate. You can prove it with equations.

5. As a science, psychology is objective and value-free.
False - It isn't, but in theory it should be. We just don't know enough yet.

6. A small amount of brain tissue from a person cannot be distinguished from that of a monkey.
True - it has the same structure, so my macroscopic tests it would be undistinguishable

7. Electrically stimulating a cat’s brain at a certain point can cause the animal to cower in terror in the presence of a small mouse.
I have no idea

8. We ordinarily use only 10 percent of our brains.
I have heard several different numbers, but this seems plausible

9. Some people can write but are unable to read.
True - I believe these processes use different parts of the brain.

10.If a blind person uses one finger to read Braille, the brain area dedicated to that finger expands.

False Positive Herpes Culture, a myth? Long question but i swear you'll be telling your friends about this one?

Thank you thank you thank you for writing this. I have been banging my head against the wall with this. I had gotten a herpes test about 5 months ago cuz a got a little blister. But it only happened when I wore this one fancy underwear that I just bought. My test came back positive, but I was baffled becuase My blister never turned into a scab and my blister never looked like anything that I've seen on the internet. Even when I showed the gyno my blister she assured me that it was not herpes becuase It did not look like it. But we took the test just to rule it out. I had gotten two more "outbreaks" and it happened EVERY time I wore this underwear. In order for these blisters to happen I would have to wear this underwear for a long period of time (like ten hours) and I would sweat in them. (I'm a ballet dancer) None of the medication that the dr gave me worked. I finally threw out the underwear and stopped the medication. I haven't had an outbreak since. I did some reasearch online and finally found a blister that looked just like mine! I was soo happy! I found out that I am allergic to synthetic fibers just like the ones in my pretty new panties! I plan on retesting soon. Just to be sure!

Herpes blister

My blister (allergic reaction)

e-mail me if you want to compare notes. I think that I got a false positive.

edit- I also do not have burning when I pee, It never itches, I don't know what that tingling feeling is that everyone talks about, It does not scab over, my blisters only last a week, I don't get sick, It only hurts when it's a blister. Like I said it does not scab or fall off, it just turns pink and goes away. My boyfriend of 2 years show no signs of the virus. The creams don't make it feel ANY better, in fact vaciline helps the most

edit (agian. .sorry) - I do have type 1 I know that for sure. I had a cold sore on my lips once when I was 9.
I got a blood test and a culture for type 2. (the debating positive)

Did you know that even if there is a God, 99.9% of all Gods are manmade?

It's safe to assume that from the Sun, to Zeus there have been a thousand "Gods" in the history of man. Now, if there is only one God that means that 99.9% of all Gods throughout history were lies, myths, fantasies, or just flat out wrong.

Which makes me wonder with these odds how can anyone feel so right about their God? I mean would you take 0.01% odds on anything else, let alone the way you live your possibly single chance at existence?