Difference Between Euler Circuits And Euler Paths

Euler Path and Circuit equation? Help!?

What is D?
D is one of a number of special functions related to circuits in complete graphs.
The D(x, y) function provides a convenient means of representing and evaluating the number of Hamilton and Euler circuits in a complete graph Kn .

I expect you have already found that for complete graph Kn with even n there are no Euler circuits.

Why is there a comma?
It takes the form D(x, y) so the comma separates those

D(x, y) = y!*{(2x + 1)!/[(x)! *2^x]}^y

I think you copied that formula incorrectly. It is simpler
For n odd, the number of Euler circuits E(n) in complete graph Kn is given by

E(n) = (n - 1)*D[(n - 3)/2, n - 2)]

For example when n = 5
E(5) = 4D[1, 3] = 4*3!*{3!/2]^3 = 6^4/2 = 648

This Algana Associates web page gives a brief summary of such functions

Regards - Ian

What is a euler circuit?

Word wouldnt be the right software to be using for that... You should try EXCEL

Depending on the task you might want to get something like d-plot.

DPlot is a general purpose plotting program designed for scientists, engineers, and students. It features multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales, as well as several special purpose XY graphs and contour plots of 3D data. Manipulation functions include FFT, filtering, smoothing. Data can be input via file, copied from the clipboard, or sent to DPlot from another program via dynamic data exchange

Difference between a euler path/cycle and a Hamilton path/cycle?

An Euler path in a graph is a path which traverses each edge of the graph exactly once. An Euler path which is a cycle is called an Euler cycle. For loopless graphs without isolated vertices, the existence of an Euler path implies the connectedness of the graph, since traversing every edge of such a graph requires visiting each vertex at least once.
If a connected graph has an Euler path, one can be constructed by applying Fleury's algorithm. A connected graph has an Euler path if it has exactly zero or two vertices of odd degree. If every vertex has even degree, the graph has an Euler cycle ---------- Eulerian pathFrom
Every vertex of this graph has an even degree, therefore this is an Eulerian graph. Following the edges in alphabetical order gives an Eulerian circuit/cycle.In graph theory, an Eulerian trail is a trail in a graph which visits every edge exactly once. Similarly, an Eulerian circuit or Eulerian cycle is an Eulerian trail which starts and ends on the same vertex. They were first discussed by Leonhard Euler while solving the famous Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem in 1736. Mathematically the problem can be stated like this:More.............
-------------------------- In the mathematical field of graph theory, a Hamiltonian path (or traceable path) is a path in an undirected graph that visits each vertex exactly once. A Hamiltonian cycle (or Hamiltonian circuit) is a cycle in an undirected graph which visits each vertex exactly once and also returns to the starting vertex. Determining whether such paths and cycles exist in graphs is the Hamiltonian path problem which is NP-complete.

Hamiltonian paths and cycles are named after William Rowan Hamilton who invented the Icosian game, now also known as Hamilton's puzzle, which involves finding a Hamiltonian cycle in the edge graph of the dodecahedron. Hamilton solved this problem using the Icosian Calculus, an algebraic structure based on roots of unity with many similarities to the quaternions (also invented by Hamilton). This solution does not generalize to arbitrary graphs.

Hamilton & Euler Circuits???

Think of the degrees of each vertex.

There are:
2 vertices of degree 5
5 vertices of degree 2

However, there is a well known theorem stating that to have an Eulerian circuit, a graph must have ALL EVEN degrees. Two of these are odd, which means there is no Eulerian circuit.

Why does it have to be that way? Well, in order to move through a vertex, you have to come in on an unused edge, and leave on an unused edge. You can't repeat edges! So every time you come to a vertex, you establish TWO edges on it. That means it has even degree.

That same theorem tells us that for Eulerian paths, only the beginning and ending points can have odd degree. That means to have an Eulerian path, all but two of the vertices must have even degrees. That means that this is possible. Based on this, we have to start and end on the part with two vertices (on top in this picture).

So in summary:
Eulerian circuit? No.
Eulerian path? Yes.

A Hamiltonian path does not exist on most complete bipartite graphs. Why? Because you have to go back and forth between sides. For example, let's call the vertices on one side A,B,C,D,E. The other side can be X,Y.

You have to eliminate them one-by-one, but you must alternate from side-to-side. So start with A, then X, then B, then Y, then C... and you're stuck. You can't get to D or E because you need to go through X or Y to do so.

The graph K(m,n) has a Hamiltonian path if and only if |m-n|<3.

Is it possible to have both Euler path and Euler Circuit? explain please?

the above youtube link explains the differences

There are different criteria for a Euler path and a Euler circuit

Euler path....even number of ways from each vertex except for 2 which are odd
Euler circuit...all number of ways from each vertex are even

Click on the blue line above for a good explaining demonstration

Help with Euler Circuit problem!?

Euler paths and circuits are actually pretty easy. In a connected graph, an Euler circuit exists if and only if every vertex has even valency. An Euler path exists if and only if at most two vertices have odd valency*.

a) is easy, but it depends whether you allow empty paths. If you do, then just the single vertex (no edges) is an empty Euler path and an empty Euler cycle.

b) We can't have both vertices with even valency, so they must be odd, say 1 each. That is, just take the graph with two vertices connected by an edge.

c) This time, we need the two vertices to have even valency. Just take the graph with two vertices and two edges connecting them.

* Thanks to handshake theorem, it's impossible for exactly one vertex to have odd valency, so it's either 2 or 0 vertices with odd degree.

EDIT: Yes, a single vertex with a loop would also work. Still, it depends on your definition of a path whether a path exists in that graph. Don't forget, the edge is a cycle, since it starts and ends at the same vertex, and hence is not a path.

Can you draw a graph that has a Euler path but NO hamilton circut?

There is no connection between the two.

For a graph with an Euler path but no Hamilton circuit, draw a path on three vertices. (Take K_3, which looks like a triangle, and delete an edge.)

For a graph with a Hamilton circuit but no Euler path, take K_3.