Difference Between Male And Female Parakeet

How can you tell the difference between a male or female parakeet?

According to

You need to look at your budgie's "cere". The "cere" is the area above the beak and surrounding the nostrils.

With adult budgies if the cere is bright blue the budgie is a male and if the cere is brown the budgie is a female. When a female is in breeding condition her cere will be dark brown and may become rough and crusty.

The above applies for most adult budgies except some color varieties such as albinos, fallows, lutinos and recessive pieds.

With young budgies the ceres of both sexes are the same colour, a purplish shade, so it is difficult to decipher their sex until they have been through their first molt at three to four months of age. Only then will the adult color show.

To the experienced eye the sex of a young budgie may be differentiated. The cere on a young male budgie tends to be more notable than a young female's in that it is fuller and brighter. It takes on a pinkish shade whereas a female's will have a bluish shade.

Another tip is that a young female tends to be more aggressive and bites harder than a young male.

Is there a size difference in male and female budgies (parakeets)?

No,not at all. Size is down to genentics and breeding. You wont find that males are bigger than females. The cere ( part above the beak) is the indicator of sex of a budgie.
In baby budgies there cere in a female is can be whitish with pale blue also, but still a female. A lot of people get confused by any blue on a cere and say male, but in a young female or female out of breeding condition the cere will have blue on a white cere.
In an older female the cere will be tan to brownish but that would be over 5-6 months old.
In a baby male budgie the cere would be a purply pink. in an older male budgie the cere will mostly be bright blue, but that only applies to some types of budgies. Some types of male budgies never get a blue cere at all.
When buying your budgie bear all this in mind, as more often than not pet shop employees and some breeders will still get the sexes wrong.
Female budgies can be a little more bitey and a little more hormonal than a male, but males can be the same if you give them a mirror or shiny bell to bond with, make friends to and be possessive over. No bells or mirrors is a good plan.

Is there a behavior difference between a male and a female parakeet?

O yes their is. Male parakeets are a lot more friendly and they sing and chirp a lot more. Also the chirping of a parakeet is a lot louder then a female parakeet.

Female parakeets are more reserve, and they they come with a bad attitude sometimes from the store. In addition, they don't chirp as much and their chirping ( when they do ) is quieter then a male parakeet. In addition, female parakeets are bossy and often they have shorter tempers then their counterpart males. Finally, they hate to be handle by humans and tend to bit their human owners more often then males parakeets.

Behavior differences between male and female budgies / parakeets?

Hi there. Both sexes can be noisy, busy and content. There may be problems that can be avoided if you choose a male. Some females lay infertile eggs and have the potential for getting egg bound which is life threatening when an egg gets stuck. Many parakeets are sweet birds and all need training for desirable behaviours.parakeets have the potential to talk, but many don't. can help you find a rescued bird. Tamed birds are easier to handle and train.Vocalization is natural. It's calling for the flock and can occur several times a day. Both sexes can have lots of personality. Since you will be perceived as flock leader, your socialization and training of the bird usually can bring out great attributes. It's really up to you as to what kind of personality and relationship develops. have a tweet year and may your search bring you the bird for you.

How can u tell between a male female parakeets?

You need to look at your budgie's "cere". The "cere" is the area above the beak and surrounding the nostrils.

With adult budgies if the cere is bright blue the budgie is a male and if the cere is brown the budgie is a female. When a female is in breeding condition her cere will be dark brown and may become rough and crusty.

The above applies for most adult budgies except some color varieties such as albinos, fallows, lutinos and recessive pieds.

With young budgies the ceres of both sexes are the same colour, a purplish shade, so it is difficult to decipher their sex until they have been through their first molt at three to four months of age. Only then will the adult color show. CopyPasted from website below.

Is a female Parakeet nicer than a male one?

Males and females can be either nice or not. Just depends on the personality of the birds. I prefer the males over females because females usually develop egg laying problems. A female parakeet doesn't need a male present in order to lay eggs. Many females become chronic egg layers, where they can't stop laying eggs. This can cause many health problems, including calcium loss, egg binding, and a cloanal prolapse. I've had both egg binding and cloanal prolapse in my females. With egg binding, the female is unable to pass the egg on her own. It is stuck, and medical intervention is needed.
A cloanal prolapse means that the bird can no longer poop, which will end up killing the bird. Egg binding can also be fatal. Both are medical emergencies. Another plus with males is that they can be taught to talk. Not all male parakeets talk, though. Whatever your choice, parakeets have fun, colorful personalities and are a joy to watch and own.

Which is easier to train a male or female parakeet?

Males, definitely.
I had 2 untamed unfriendly parakeets a while ago, and the female would just try to nip and would Attack me when i went to change the food and water.
The male used to sit on my hand and kiss me and stuff, after some training!
Females have this ''me-me-me'' kinda attitude!